Class LockRecord

  • public class LockRecord
    extends ClusterRecord
    Cluster record representing a lock or unlock operation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LockRecord

        public LockRecord​(NodeId nodeId,
                          boolean isDeep,
                          String lockOwner,
                          Record record,
                          String workspace)
        Create a new instance of this class. Used when a lock operation should be serialized.
        nodeId - node id
        isDeep - flag indicating whether the lock is deep
        lockOwner - the name of the lock owner.
        record - journal record
        workspace - workspace
      • LockRecord

        public LockRecord​(NodeId nodeId,
                          Record record,
                          String workspace)
        Create a new instance of this class. Used when an unlock operation should be serialized.
        nodeId - node id
        record - journal record
        workspace - workspace
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public void process​(ClusterRecordProcessor processor)
        Process this record, calling the appropriate process method.
        Specified by:
        process in class ClusterRecord
        processor - processor
      • getNodeId

        public NodeId getNodeId()
        Return the node id.
        node id
      • isLock

        public boolean isLock()
        Return a flag indicating whether this is a lock or an unlock operation.
        true if this is a lock operation; false if this is an unlock operation
      • isDeep

        public boolean isDeep()
        Return a flag indicating whether the lock is deep.
        true if the lock is deep; false otherwise
      • getUserId

        public String getUserId()
        User getOwner() instead.
        Return the user id associated with the lock operation.
        user id
      • getOwner

        public String getOwner()
        Return the lock owner associated with the lock operation.
        lock owner associated with the lock operation.