Interface DeleteHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultHandler, VersionHandler, XmlHandler, ZipHandler

    public interface DeleteHandler
    The DeleteHandler is invoked when a webdav DELETE request is received. Implementers of this interface should plugin their handling of DELETE request here
    • Method Detail

      • delete

        boolean delete​(DeleteContext deleteContext,
                       DavResource resource)
                throws DavException
        Executes the delete operation with the given parameters.
        deleteContext - The context of the delete.
        resource - The resource to be deleted
        true if this instance successfully executed the delete operation with the given parameters; false otherwise.
        DavException - If an error occurs.
      • canDelete

        boolean canDelete​(DeleteContext deleteContext,
                          DavResource resource)
        Validates if this handler is able to execute a delete operation with the given parameters.
        deleteContext - The context of the delete
        resource - The resource to be deleted
        true if this instance can successfully execute the delete operation with the given parameters; false otherwise.