Apache Jackrabbit : ApacheSling SlingUseCases

Use Cases for Sling

In a request to the Jackrabbit Developers Mailing List, the question for actual use cases for Sling has been raised. This question hits at an interesting topic. So here are the use cases also reported as a reploy to the initial question.


We built a Wiki system on Sling. Each Wiki page is a node (with optional child nodes) in the repository. As a page is requested, the respective node is accessed and through the applying Component is rendered.

Thanks to the JCR Mapping and the resolution of the Component from the mapped Content, the system does not care for what actual node is addressed as long as there is a Content mapping and a Component capable of handling the Content.

Thus in the tradition of REST, the attachement of a Wiki page, which happens to be in a node nested below the wiki page node is easily accessed using the URL of the wiki page attaching the relative path of the attachement ode. The system resolves the URL to the attachement Content and just calls the attachement's Component to spool the attachement.

Digital Asset Management

Day has implemented a Digital Asset Management (DAM) Application based on Sling. Thanks to the flexibility of the Content/Component combo as well as the service registration/access functionality offered by OSGi, extending DAM for new content type is merely a matter of implementing one or two interfaces and registering the respective service(s).

Again, the management assets may be easily spooled by directly accessing them.

Web Content Management

Last but not least, Sling offers it self very well to implementing a Web Content Management system. Thanks to the flexibility of rendering the output - remmber: the system does not care what to render, as long as the URL resolves to a Content object for which a Component exists, which is called to render the Content - providing support for Web Content authors (not PHP programmers but users out in the field) to build pages to their likings can easily be done.