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FileVault Core Bundle

The configuration in this section affects the FileVault Core Bundle which is used for all client and server-side features of FileVault. It has a global effect (i.e. is not content-packages specific)

System Properties

The following system properties or OSGi Framework properties can be used

Property Name Type Default Value Description Related JIRA Ticket Supported since
vault.useNioArchive Boolean false If set to true uses an Archive implementation based on the Java NIO Zip File System Provider instead of the default implementation which is based on java.util.jar. JCRVLT-533 3.5.4
vault.enableStackTraces Boolean false If set to true persists a stack trace for every opened Archive and logs it in case it was not properly closed. Should only be enabled on non-production environments as this has a negative performance impact. JCRVLT-591 3.5.10
vault.feature.stashPrincipalPolicies Boolean false If set to true will always restore existing principal policies after installing a package with AccessControlHandling being set to anything but CLEAR or OVERWRITE. This is just set to false for backwards compatibility reasons and will change to true in a future version. Can be overwritten on package level by the same named package property. JCRVLT-683 3.7.0

OSGi Configuration

If running inside an OSGi container further aspects can be configured with the OSGi metatype for PID org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.packaging.impl.PackagingImpl.

FileVault Filesystem Configuration

The FileVault Filesystem Configuration can be adjusted with a META-INF/vault/config.xml file in content packages or in the Vault CLI.

It allows to tweak aggregation settings of the Vault FS. The default config is at The alternative default config at is automatically used once the package property useBinaryReferences is set to true.

The following XML elements below the root element vaultfs are considered.


To exclude binaries from exports you can use the property

        <!-- configure binary-less serialization -->

Using this flag leads to binary references being included in the FileVault DocView XMLs.


Aggregates which influence the serialization during exports are configured in aggregate child elements having an optional type attribute and a title.

The following types are known:

Type Used Class Description
file FileAggregator Serializes nt:file or nt:resource nodes into simple files, potentially accompanied by a .dir folder containing a .content.xml with the metadata.
filefolder FileFolderAggregator Serializes all nt:hierarchyNode nodes that have or define a jcr:content child node and excludes child nodes that are nt:hierarchyNodes into directories.
full FullCoverageAggregator Serializes full node structures (including all children) into a DocView file named <nodename>.xml
generic GenericAggregator the default if no type is set, serializes the node and its properties into a .content.xml DocView file and the binaries in separate files with extension .binary.

Every type except for the first can be restricted via matches and contains child elements. The former applies a given filter to the current item, while the latter must match ones of the children. Both contain arbitrarily many include or exclude nodes.

Each have either an element class for a fully qualified class name or consists of one of the following attributes (which implicitly sets a class)

Filter attribute Values Additional attributes Used Filter Class Description
nodeType the node type respectSupertype set to true means that also all subtypes of the given node type should be considered. NodeTypeItemFilter Only applies to the given node type.
isNode Either true or false (the default) - IsNodeFilter Only applies to nodes (and not to properties) or vice-versa.
name the qualified name - NameItemFilter Only applies to items having the given name
isMandatory Either true or false (the default) - IsMandatoryFilter Only applies to properties/nodes which are marked as (non-)mandatory in the node type definition depending on the given value.

Handlers (only used for Vault CLI)

Handlers which deserialize nodes from packages during import are registered in handler child elements having an optional type attribute.

The following types are known:

Type Used Class Description
file FileArtifactHandler Deserializes nt:files from generic or XML generic serializations
folder FolderArtifactHandler Deserializes folders
generic GenericArtifactHandler Deserializes DocView artifacts, the default if no type is set