Class SegmentNodeBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SegmentNodeBuilder
    extends MemoryNodeBuilder
    A node builder that keeps track of the number of updates (set property calls and so on). If there are too many updates, getNodeState() is called, which will write the records to the segment, and that might persist the changes (if the segment is flushed).
    • Method Detail

      • updated

        protected void updated()
        Description copied from class: MemoryNodeBuilder
        Called whenever this node is modified, i.e. a property is added, changed or removed, or a child node is added or removed. Changes inside child nodes or the subtrees below are not reported. The default implementation triggers an MemoryNodeBuilder.updated() call on the root builder (unless this is already the root builder), which subclasses can use to capture aggregate update information across the whole tree.
        updated in class MemoryNodeBuilder
      • createChildBuilder

        protected MemoryNodeBuilder createChildBuilder​(java.lang.String name)
        Description copied from class: MemoryNodeBuilder
        Factory method for creating new child state builders. Subclasses may override this method to control the behavior of child state builders.
        createChildBuilder in class MemoryNodeBuilder
        new builder