Class DescendantNodeJoin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DescendantNodeJoin
    extends AbstractCondition
    DescendantNodeJoin implements a descendant node join condition.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DescendantNodeJoin

        public DescendantNodeJoin​(MultiColumnQueryHits context,
                                  Name contextSelectorName,
                                  IndexReader reader,
                                  HierarchyResolver resolver)
                           throws IOException
        Creates a new descendant node join condition.
        context - the inner query hits.
        contextSelectorName - the selector name for the inner query hits.
        reader - the index reader.
        resolver - the hierarchy resolver.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading fromt the index.
    • Method Detail

      • getMatchingScoreNodes

        public ScoreNode[][] getMatchingScoreNodes​(ScoreNode descendant)
                                            throws IOException
        Returns the matching inner score nodes for the given outer score node sn.

        The outer query hits loop contains the descendant nodes.

        descendant - the current score nodes of the outer source.
        the matching score nodes in the inner source.
        IOException - if an error occurs while evaluating the condition.