Class NodeInfo

  • public class NodeInfo
    extends Object
    Information about a node being imported. This class is used by the XML import handlers to pass the parsed node information through the Importer interface to the actual import process.

    An instance of this class is simply a container for the node name, node identifier, and the node type information. See the PropInfo class for the related carrier of property information.

    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeInfo

        public NodeInfo​(Name name,
                        Name nodeTypeName,
                        Name[] mixinNames,
                        NodeId id)
        Creates a node information instance.
        name - name of the node being imported
        nodeTypeName - name of the primary type of the node being imported
        mixinNames - names of the mixin types of the node being imported
        id - identifier of the node being imported
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public Name getName()
        Returns the name of the node being imported.
        node name
      • getNodeTypeName

        public Name getNodeTypeName()
        Returns the name of the primary type of the node being imported.
        primary type name
      • getMixinNames

        public Name[] getMixinNames()
        Returns the names of the mixin types of the node being imported.
        mixin type names
      • getId

        public NodeId getId()
        Returns the identifier of the node being imported.
        node identifier