Class ItemInfoImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ItemInfoImpl

        public ItemInfoImpl​(NodeId parentId,
                            Name name,
                            Path path,
                            boolean isNode)
        Use ItemInfoImpl(Path, boolean) instead. The parentId is not used any more and the corresponding getter has been removed.
        Creates a new item info from the given name, path and boolean flag.
        parentId - the parent id.
        name - the name of this item.
        path - the path to this item.
        isNode - if this item is a node.
      • ItemInfoImpl

        public ItemInfoImpl​(Path path,
                            boolean isNode)
        Creates a new item info from the given name, path and boolean flag.
        path - the path to this item.
        isNode - if this item is a node.
    • Method Detail

      • denotesNode

        public boolean denotesNode()
        Returns true if this ItemInfo denotes a node, false otherwise.
        Specified by:
        denotesNode in interface ItemInfo
        true if this ItemInfo denotes a node, false otherwise.
      • getPath

        public Path getPath()
        Returns the Path of the item represented by this ItemInfo.
        Specified by:
        getPath in interface ItemInfo
        the Path of the item represented by this item info.