Class JNDIDatabaseJournal

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Journal, DatabaseAware

    public class JNDIDatabaseJournal
    extends DatabaseJournal
    This class should not be used because it is not database vendor specific. Each DatabaseJournal now supports getting the connection via JNDI by setting the driver to javax.naming.InitialContext and the URL to the JNDI name.

    Database journal that uses JNDI to acquire the database connection. The JNDI location of the DataSource to be used in given as the dataSourceLocation configuration property.

    WARNING: The acquired database connection is kept for the entire lifetime of the journal instance. The configured data source should be prepared for this.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JNDIDatabaseJournal

        public JNDIDatabaseJournal()
    • Method Detail

      • getDataSourceLocation

        public String getDataSourceLocation()
        Returns the JNDI location of the data source.
        data source location
      • setDataSourceLocation

        public void setDataSourceLocation​(String dataSourceLocation)
        Sets the JNDI location of the data source.
        dataSourceLocation - data source location