Class MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest
    extends AbstractMergeTest
    MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest contains tests dealing with checked-out nodes in the subtree of the node on which merge is called.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest

        public MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest()
    • Method Detail

      • testFailIfCorrespondingNodeIsSuccessor

        public void testFailIfCorrespondingNodeIsSuccessor()
                                                    throws RepositoryException
        Node.merge(): If V' of a versionable subnode N' in the source workspace is a successor of V (the base version of a subnode N in this workspace), calling merge must fail.
      • testFailIfCorrespondingNodeIsSuccessorJcr2

        public void testFailIfCorrespondingNodeIsSuccessorJcr2()
                                                        throws RepositoryException
        VersionManager.merge(): If V' of a versionable subnode N' in the source workspace is a successor of V (the base version of a subnode N in this workspace), calling merge must fail.
      • testLeaveIfCorrespondingNodeIsPredeccessor

        public void testLeaveIfCorrespondingNodeIsPredeccessor()
                                                        throws RepositoryException
        Node.merge(): If V' of a versionable subnode N' in the source workspace is a predeccessor of V or V' identical to V (the base version of a subnode N in this workspace), calling merge must be leave.
      • testLeaveIfCorrespondingNodeIsPredeccessorJcr2

        public void testLeaveIfCorrespondingNodeIsPredeccessorJcr2()
                                                            throws RepositoryException
        VersionManager.merge(): If V' of a versionable subnode N' in the source workspace is a predeccessor of V or V' identical to V (the base version of a subnode N in this workspace), calling merge must be leave.