Class MergeSubNodeTest

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MergeSubNodeTest
    extends AbstractMergeTest
    MergeSubNodeTest contains tests dealing with sub nodes in the subtree of the node on which merge is called.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MergeSubNodeTest

        public MergeSubNodeTest()
    • Method Detail

      • disable_testRemoveNodeFromSourceWorkspaceAndMergeWithUpdate

        public void disable_testRemoveNodeFromSourceWorkspaceAndMergeWithUpdate()
                                                                         throws RepositoryException
        Node.merge(): versionable subNode N: If N has status leave but parent is update, then the subnode N is removed
        retrieve the initialised node to perform operations we need before for this test
      • disable_testRemoveNodeFromSourceWorkspaceAndMergeWithUpdateJcr2

        public void disable_testRemoveNodeFromSourceWorkspaceAndMergeWithUpdateJcr2()
                                                                             throws RepositoryException
        VersionManager.merge(): versionable subNode N: If N has status leave but parent is update, then the subnode N is removed
        retrieve the initialised node to perform operations we need before for this test
      • disable_testMergeNodeFromUpdatedSourceWorkspace

        public void disable_testMergeNodeFromUpdatedSourceWorkspace()
                                                             throws RepositoryException
        Node.merge(): versionable subNode N checked-in: If V' is a successor (to any degree) of V, then the merge result for N is update
        modify a node on the workspace1 and then merge the one in workspace2 with the one in workspace1 precondition is that the node in workspace2 is checked in
      • disable_testMergeNodeFromUpdatedSourceWorkspaceJcr2

        public void disable_testMergeNodeFromUpdatedSourceWorkspaceJcr2()
                                                                 throws RepositoryException
        VersionManager.merge(): versionable subNode N checked-in: If V' is a successor (to any degree) of V, then the merge result for N is update
        modify a node on the workspace1 and then merge the one in workspace2 with the one in workspace1 precondition is that the node in workspace2 is checked in
      • testMergeNodeFromOlderSourceWorkspace

        public void testMergeNodeFromOlderSourceWorkspace()
                                                   throws RepositoryException
        Node.merge(): versionable subNode N checked-in: If V' is a predecessor (to any degree) of V or if V and V' are identical (i.e., are actually the same version), then the merge result for N is leave
        modify a node on the workspace2 and then merge the one in workspace2 with the one in workspace1
        the node in workspace2 should be updated
        precondition is that the node in workspace2 is checked in
      • testMergeNodeFromOlderSourceWorkspaceJcr2

        public void testMergeNodeFromOlderSourceWorkspaceJcr2()
                                                       throws RepositoryException
        VersionManager.merge(): versionable subNode N checked-in: If V' is a predecessor (to any degree) of V or if V and V' are identical (i.e., are actually the same version), then the merge result for N is leave
        modify a node on the workspace2 and then merge the one in workspace2 with the one in workspace1
        the node in workspace2 should be updated
        precondition is that the node in workspace2 is checked in
      • disable_testMergeNodeBestEffortTrue

        public void disable_testMergeNodeBestEffortTrue()
                                                 throws RepositoryException
        Node.merge(): bestEffort is true > (sub)node which could not be merged are not affected.
      • disable_testMergeNodeBestEffortTrueJcr2

        public void disable_testMergeNodeBestEffortTrueJcr2()
                                                     throws RepositoryException
        VersionManager.merge(): bestEffort is true > (sub)node which could not be merged are not affected.
      • disable_testMergeNodeSubNodesMergeTest

        public void disable_testMergeNodeSubNodesMergeTest()
                                                    throws RepositoryException
        Node.merge(): For each versionable node N in the subtree rooted at this node,
        a merge test is performed comparing N with its corresponding node in workspace, N'.
      • disable_testMergeNodeSubNodesMergeTestJcr2

        public void disable_testMergeNodeSubNodesMergeTestJcr2()
                                                        throws RepositoryException
        VersionManager.merge(): For each versionable node N in the subtree rooted at this node,
        a merge test is performed comparing N with its corresponding node in workspace, N'.