[REPORT] Apache Jackrabbit The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java™ Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283). The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level issues at this time. o Releases We made the following unstable 2.5.x release from Jackrabbit trunk: * Apache Jackrabbit 2.5.2 on September 23th We made a release from the Jackrabbit Oak sub project: * Apache Jackrabbit Oak 0.5 on September 30th o Community / Development * Chetan Mehrotra and Mete Atamel joined the Jackrabbit team as committers and PMC members. * Work on Jackrabbit Oak continues strong: At .adaptTo(Berlin) 2012 there was a presentation on Oak and an Oak related hackathon both of which where well attended. A further Hackathon was held at ApacheCon EU. * There was a discussion on the future of Jackrabbit and Jackrabbit Oak on the dev@ list. The emerging consensus seems to be that Oak will be kept in Jackrabbit and might eventually become Jackrabbit 3.0 (See http://markmail.org/message/ga4mn2x2xqsvzwg6). o Infrastructure We are still in progress of migrating from Confluence to the new CMS.