Interface EventListenerMBean

  • @ProviderType
    public interface EventListenerMBean
    MBean interface for exposing information about a registered observation listener.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getClassName

        String getClassName()
        Class name of the event listener
      • getToString

        String getToString()
        toString of the event listener
      • getInitStackTrace

        String getInitStackTrace()
        Stack trace of where the listener was registered
      • getEventTypes

        int getEventTypes()
        Event types of the listener registration
      • getAbsPath

        String getAbsPath()
        Absolute path of the listener registration
      • isDeep

        boolean isDeep()
        Whether the listener registration is deep
      • getUuid

        String[] getUuid()
        UUIDs of the listener registration
      • getNodeTypeName

        String[] getNodeTypeName()
        Node types of the listener registration
      • isNoLocal

        boolean isNoLocal()
        Whether the listener registration is non-local
      • getEventDeliveries

        long getEventDeliveries()
        Number of onEvent() calls made on the listener
      • getEventDeliveriesPerHour

        long getEventDeliveriesPerHour()
        Average number of onEvent() calls per hour
      • getMicrosecondsPerEventDelivery

        long getMicrosecondsPerEventDelivery()
        Average time (in microseconds) taken per onEvent() call
      • getEventsDelivered

        long getEventsDelivered()
        Number of individual events delivered to the listener
      • getEventsDeliveredPerHour

        long getEventsDeliveredPerHour()
        Average number of individual events delivered per hour
      • getMicrosecondsPerEventDelivered

        long getMicrosecondsPerEventDelivered()
        Average time (in microseconds) taken per event delivered
      • getRatioOfTimeSpentProcessingEvents

        double getRatioOfTimeSpentProcessingEvents()
        Ratio of time spent in event processing
      • getEventConsumerTimeRatio

        double getEventConsumerTimeRatio()
        Ratio of time spent in event listener vs. the overall event processing
      • isUserInfoAccessedWithoutExternalsCheck

        boolean isUserInfoAccessedWithoutExternalsCheck()
        Is user information accessed without checking if an event is external?
      • isUserInfoAccessedFromExternalEvent

        boolean isUserInfoAccessedFromExternalEvent()
        Is user information accessed from an external event?
      • isDateAccessedWithoutExternalsCheck

        boolean isDateAccessedWithoutExternalsCheck()
        Is date information accessed without checking if an event is external?
      • isDateAccessedFromExternalEvent

        boolean isDateAccessedFromExternalEvent()
        Is date information accessed from an external event?
      • getQueueBacklogMillis

        long getQueueBacklogMillis()
        The time difference between the current system time and the head (oldest) element in the queue in milliseconds. This method returns zero if the queue is empty.
      • getQueueLength

        CompositeData getQueueLength()
        time series of the number of items related to generating observation events that are currently queued by the system. The exact nature of these items is implementation specific and might not be in a one to one relation with the number of pending JCR events.
        time series of the queue length
      • getEventCount

        CompositeData getEventCount()
        time series of the number of JCR events
      • getEventConsumerTime

        CompositeData getEventConsumerTime()
        time series of the time it took an event listener to process JCR events.
      • getEventProducerTime

        CompositeData getEventProducerTime()
        time series of the time it took the system to produce JCR events.