Package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.index.indexer.document.flatfile
Interface Summary Interface Description NodeStateHolder SortStrategy Deprecated. depending on what type of store it is useIndexStoreSortStrategy
instead -
Class Summary Class Description FlatFileNodeStoreBuilder This class is where the strategy being selected for building FlatFileStore.FlatFileSplitter This class is being used when "oak.indexer.parallelIndex" is set to true.FlatFileStore FlatFileStoreUtils Deprecated. UseIndexStoreUtils
insteadLZ4Compression NodeStateEntryReader NodeStateEntrySorter NodeStateEntryWriter PathElementComparator SimpleFlatFileUtil This util class can be used to export a tree (eg entire repository) to a flat file, without index dependency/involvement.SimpleNodeStateHolder -
Enum Summary Enum Description FlatFileNodeStoreBuilder.SortStrategyType