Class SessionContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    NameMapper, NamePathMapper, PathMapper

    public class SessionContext
    extends Object
    implements NamePathMapper
    Instances of this class are passed to all JCR implementation classes (e.g. SessionImpl, NodeImpl, etc.) and provide access to the session scoped instances generally needed (e.g. NamePathMapper, ValueFactory, etc.).
    • Method Detail

      • createSession

        protected SessionImpl createSession()
        Factory method for creating the Session instance for this context. Called by getSession() when first accessed. Can be overridden by subclasses to customize the session implementation.
        session instance
      • createWorkspace

        protected WorkspaceImpl createWorkspace()
        Factory method for creating the Workspace instance for this context. Called by getWorkspace() when first accessed. Can be overridden by subclasses to customize the workspace implementation.
        session instance
      • getStatisticManager

        public @NotNull StatisticManager getStatisticManager()
      • getRepository

        public @NotNull Repository getRepository()
      • getSessionDelegate

        public @NotNull SessionDelegate getSessionDelegate()
      • getSessionLocalMappings

        public @NotNull Map<String,​String> getSessionLocalMappings()
        Description copied from interface: NameMapper
        Returns the local namespace prefix mappings, or an empty map if there aren't any local mappings.
        Specified by:
        getSessionLocalMappings in interface NameMapper
        local namespace prefix to URI mappings
      • getPrincipalManager

        public @NotNull PrincipalManager getPrincipalManager()
      • getUserManager

        public @NotNull UserManager getUserManager()
      • getPrivilegeManager

        public @NotNull PrivilegeManager getPrivilegeManager()
      • getBlobAccessProvider

        public @NotNull BlobAccessProvider getBlobAccessProvider()
      • hasEventListeners

        public boolean hasEventListeners()
      • getOpenScopedLocks

        public Set<String> getOpenScopedLocks()
      • getSessionScopedLocks

        public Set<String> getSessionScopedLocks()
      • getFastQueryResultSize

        public boolean getFastQueryResultSize()
      • getMountInfoProvider

        public @Nullable MountInfoProvider getMountInfoProvider()
      • getOakNameOrNull

        public @Nullable String getOakNameOrNull​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull String jcrName)
        Description copied from interface: NameMapper
        Returns the Oak name for the given JCR name, or null if no such mapping exists because the given JCR name contains an unknown namespace URI or prefix, or is otherwise invalid.
        Specified by:
        getOakNameOrNull in interface NameMapper
        jcrName - JCR name
        Oak name, or null
      • getJcrName

        public @NotNull String getJcrName​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull String oakName)
        Description copied from interface: NameMapper
        Returns the JCR name for the given Oak name. The given name is expected to have come from a valid Oak repository that contains only valid names with proper namespace mappings. If that's not the case, either a programming error or a repository corruption has occurred and an appropriate unchecked exception gets thrown.
        Specified by:
        getJcrName in interface NameMapper
        oakName - Oak name
        JCR name
      • getOakPath

        public @Nullable String getOakPath​(String jcrPath)
        Description copied from interface: PathMapper
        Returns the Oak path for the given JCR path, or null if no such mapping exists because the given JCR path contains a name element with an unknown namespace URI or prefix, or is otherwise invalid.
        Specified by:
        getOakPath in interface PathMapper
        jcrPath - JCR path
        Oak path, or null
      • getJcrPath

        public @NotNull String getJcrPath​(String oakPath)
        Description copied from interface: PathMapper
        Returns the JCR path for the given Oak path. The given path is expected to have come from a valid Oak repository that contains only valid paths whose name elements only use proper namespace mappings. If that's not the case, either a programming error or a repository corruption has occurred and an appropriate unchecked exception gets thrown.
        Specified by:
        getJcrPath in interface PathMapper
        oakPath - Oak path
        JCR path
      • getAccessManager

        public @NotNull AccessManager getAccessManager()
      • getSecurityProvider

        public @NotNull SecurityProvider getSecurityProvider()