Interface DocumentStoreStatsCollector

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DocumentStoreStatsCollector
    • Method Detail

      • doneFindCached

        void doneFindCached​(Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                            String key)
        Called when a document with given key is found from the cache
        collection - the collection
        key - collection key which is found
      • doneFindUncached

        void doneFindUncached​(long timeTakenNanos,
                              Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                              String key,
                              boolean docFound,
                              boolean isSlaveOk)
        Called when a document with given key is read from remote store
        timeTakenNanos - time taken
        collection - the collection
        key - collection key
        docFound - true if document is found
        isSlaveOk - true if find was performed against a secondary instance
      • doneQuery

        void doneQuery​(long timeTakenNanos,
                       Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                       String fromKey,
                       String toKey,
                       boolean indexedProperty,
                       int resultSize,
                       long lockTime,
                       boolean isSlaveOk)
        Called when query with given parameters is performed
        timeTakenNanos - time taken
        collection - the collection
        fromKey - the start value (excluding)
        toKey - the end value (excluding)
        indexedProperty - true if indexedProperty was specified
        resultSize - number of documents found for given query
        lockTime - time in millis to acquire any lock (-1 if no lock was required)
        isSlaveOk - true if find was performed against a secondary instance
      • doneCreate

        void doneCreate​(long timeTakenNanos,
                        Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                        List<String> ids,
                        boolean insertSuccess)
        Called when a document is created in the given collection
        timeTakenNanos - time taken
        collection - the collection
        ids - list of ids request to be created
        insertSuccess - true if the insert was successful
      • doneCreateOrUpdate

        void doneCreateOrUpdate​(long timeTakenNanos,
                                Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                                List<String> ids)
        Called when multiple document are either created or updated.
        timeTakenNanos - time taken
        collection - the collection
        ids - list of ids request to be created or updated
      • doneFindAndModify

        void doneFindAndModify​(long timeTakenNanos,
                               Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                               String key,
                               boolean newEntry,
                               boolean success,
                               int retryCount)
        Called when a update operation was completed which affected single document.
        timeTakenNanos - time taken
        collection - the collection
        key - collection which got updated or inserted
        newEntry - true if the document was newly created due to given operation
        success - true if the update was success
        retryCount - number of retries done to get the update
      • doneFindAndModify

        void doneFindAndModify​(long timeTakenNanos,
                               Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                               List<String> ids,
                               boolean success,
                               int retryCount)
        Called when a update operation was completed which could have affected multiple documents.
        timeTakenNanos - time taken
        collection - the collection
        ids - List of document ids which got updated
        success - true if the update was success
        retryCount - number of retries done to get the update
      • doneRemove

        void doneRemove​(long timeTakenNanos,
                        Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                        int removeCount)
        Called when a remove operation for documents was completed.
        timeTakenNanos - time taken
        collection - the collection
        removeCount - the number of removed documents
      • donePrefetch

        void donePrefetch​(long timeTakenNanos,
                          Collection<? extends Document> collection,
                          List<String> ids)
        Called when a prefetch operation for documents was completed.
        timeTakenNanos - time taken
        collection - the collection
        ids - list of IDs to prefetch / read