Interface IndexEditorProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getIndexEditor

        @Nullable Editor getIndexEditor​(@NotNull
                                        @NotNull String type,
                                        @NotNull NodeBuilder definition,
                                        @NotNull NodeState root,
                                        @NotNull IndexUpdateCallback callback)
                                 throws CommitFailedException
        Each provider knows how to produce a certain type of index. If the type param is of an unknown value, the provider is expected to return null.

        The definition builder must points to the index definition node under which the indexer is expected to store the index content.

        The callback instance may be of type ContextAwareCallback and that can be used to access IndexingContext

        type - index type
        definition - index definition node builder, used for updates
        root - root node state, used for things like node type information
        callback - used to register for index update notifications
        index update editor, or null if type is unknown