Class TreeUtil

  • public final class TreeUtil
    extends Object
    Utility providing common operations for the Tree that are not provided by the API.
    • Method Detail

      • getPrimaryTypeName

        public static @Nullable String getPrimaryTypeName​(@NotNull
                                                          @NotNull Tree tree)
      • getPrimaryTypeName

        public static @Nullable String getPrimaryTypeName​(@NotNull
                                                          @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                          @NotNull LazyValue<Tree> readOnlyTree)
      • getMixinTypeNames

        public static @NotNull Iterable<String> getMixinTypeNames​(@NotNull
                                                                  @NotNull Tree tree)
      • getMixinTypeNames

        public static @NotNull Iterable<String> getMixinTypeNames​(@NotNull
                                                                  @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                                  @NotNull LazyValue<Tree> readOnlyTree)
      • getStrings

        public static @Nullable Iterable<String> getStrings​(@NotNull
                                                            @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                            @NotNull String propertyName)
      • getString

        public static @Nullable String getString​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                 @NotNull String propertyName)
      • getString

        public static @Nullable String getString​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                 @NotNull String name,
                                                 @Nullable String defaultValue)
      • getBoolean

        public static boolean getBoolean​(@NotNull
                                         @NotNull Tree tree,
                                         @NotNull String propertyName)
        Returns the boolean representation of the property with the specified propertyName. If the property does not exist or is an array this method returns false.
        tree - The target tree.
        propertyName - The name of the property.
        the boolean representation of the property state with the given name. This utility returns false if the property does not exist or is an multivalued property.
      • getName

        public static @Nullable String getName​(@NotNull
                                               @NotNull Tree tree,
                                               @NotNull String name)
      • getNames

        public static @NotNull Iterable<String> getNames​(@NotNull
                                                         @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                         @NotNull String name)
      • getLong

        public static long getLong​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull Tree tree,
                                   @NotNull String name,
                                   long defaultValue)
      • getTree

        public static @Nullable Tree getTree​(@NotNull
                                             @NotNull Tree tree,
                                             @NotNull String path)
        Return the possibly non existing tree located at the passed path from the location of the start tree or null if path results in a parent of the root.
        tree - start tree
        path - path from the start tree
        tree located at path from start or null
      • getOrAddChild

        public static @NotNull Tree getOrAddChild​(@NotNull
                                                  @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                  @NotNull String childName,
                                                  @NotNull String primaryTypeName)
                                           throws AccessDeniedException
        Combination of Tree.getChild(String) and adding a child including its jcr:primaryType property (i.e. Tree.addChild(String) and Tree.setProperty(PropertyState)) in case no tree exists with the specified name.
        childName - The Oak name of the child item.
        primaryTypeName - The Oak name of the primary node type.
        The new child node with the specified name and primary type.
        AccessDeniedException - If the child does not exist after creation.
      • addMixin

        public static void addMixin​(@NotNull
                                    @NotNull Tree tree,
                                    @NotNull String mixinName,
                                    @NotNull Tree typeRoot,
                                    @Nullable String userID)
                             throws RepositoryException
        Add a mixin type to the given tree. The implementation checks the effective type of the tree and will not add the mixin if it determines the tree is already of type mixinName through the currently set primary or mixin types, directly or indirectly by type inheritance.
        tree - tree where the mixin type is to be added.
        mixinName - name of the mixin to add.
        typeRoot - tree where type information is stored.
        userID - user id or null if unknown.
        RepositoryException - if mixinName does not refer to an existing type or the type it refers to is abstract or the type it refers to is a primary type.
      • addMixin

        public static void addMixin​(@NotNull
                                    @NotNull Tree tree,
                                    @NotNull Function<Tree,​Iterable<String>> existingMixins,
                                    @NotNull String mixinName,
                                    @NotNull Tree typeRoot,
                                    @Nullable String userID)
                             throws RepositoryException
        Add a mixin type to the given tree. The implementation checks the effective type of the tree and will not add the mixin if it determines the tree is already of type mixinName through the currently set primary or mixin types, directly or indirectly by type inheritance.
        tree - tree where the mixin type is to be added.
        existingMixins - function to get the currently set mixin types from a tree.
        mixinName - name of the mixin to add.
        typeRoot - tree where type information is stored.
        userID - user id or null if unknown.
        RepositoryException - if mixinName does not refer to an existing type or the type it refers to is abstract or the type it refers to is a primary type.
      • autoCreateProperty

        public static @Nullable PropertyState autoCreateProperty​(@NotNull
                                                                 @NotNull String name,
                                                                 @NotNull Tree definition,
                                                                 @Nullable String userID)
      • getDefaultChildType

        public static @Nullable String getDefaultChildType​(@NotNull
                                                           @NotNull Tree typeRoot,
                                                           @NotNull Tree parent,
                                                           @NotNull String childName)
        Finds the default primary type for a new child node with the given name.
        typeRoot - root of the /jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes tree
        parent - parent node
        childName - name of the new child node
        name of the default type, or null if not available
      • getEffectiveType

        public static @NotNull List<Tree> getEffectiveType​(@NotNull
                                                           @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                           @NotNull Tree typeRoot)
        Returns the effective node types of the given node.
      • findDefaultPrimaryType

        public static @Nullable String findDefaultPrimaryType​(@NotNull
                                                              @NotNull Tree definitions,
                                                              boolean sns)
      • isNodeType

        public static boolean isNodeType​(@NotNull
                                         @NotNull Tree tree,
                                         @NotNull String typeName,
                                         @NotNull Tree typeRoot)
      • isReadOnlyTree

        public static boolean isReadOnlyTree​(@NotNull
                                             @NotNull Tree tree)
        Returns true if the specified tree is a read-only tree..
        tree - The tree object to be tested.
        true if the specified tree is an immutable read-only tree.
        See Also: