Class QueryValidator

  • public class QueryValidator
    extends Object
    A validator for query. Invalid queries either log a warning, or throw an exception when trying to execute.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryValidator

        public QueryValidator()
    • Method Detail

      • setPattern

        public void setPattern​(String key,
                               String pattern,
                               String comment,
                               boolean failQuery)
        Add a pattern.
        key - the key
        pattern - the pattern regular expression - if empty, the entry is removed
        comment - the comment
        failQuery - - if true, trying to run such a query will fail; otherwise the queries that will work, but will log a warning. A warning is logged at most once every 10 seconds.
      • getJson

        public String getJson()
        Get the current set of pattern data.
        the json representation
      • checkStatement

        public void checkStatement​(String statement)
                            throws ParseException
        Check if a query is valid. It is either valid, logs a warning, or throws a exception if invalid.
        statement - the query statement
        ParseException - if it is invalid
      • init

        public void init​(NodeStore store)