Class FullTextSearchScoreImpl

  • public class FullTextSearchScoreImpl
    extends DynamicOperandImpl
    A fulltext search score expression.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FullTextSearchScoreImpl

        public FullTextSearchScoreImpl​(String selectorName)
    • Method Detail

      • bindSelector

        public void bindSelector​(SourceImpl source)
      • restrict

        public void restrict​(FilterImpl f,
                             Operator operator,
                             PropertyValue v)
        Description copied from class: DynamicOperandImpl
        Apply a restriction of type "this = value" to the given filter.
        Specified by:
        restrict in class DynamicOperandImpl
        f - the filter where the restriction is applied.
        operator - the operator (for example "=").
        v - the value
      • canRestrictSelector

        public boolean canRestrictSelector​(SelectorImpl s)
        Description copied from class: DynamicOperandImpl
        Check whether the condition can be applied to a selector (to restrict the selector). The method may return true if the operand can be evaluated when the given selector and all previous selectors in the join can be evaluated.
        Specified by:
        canRestrictSelector in class DynamicOperandImpl
        s - the selector
        true if the condition can be applied
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(QueryImpl query)
      • normalizePropertyName

        protected String normalizePropertyName​(String propertyName)
        Normalize the property name (including namespace remapping). Asterisks are kept.
        propertyName - the property name to normalize
        the normalized (oak-) property name
      • normalizePath

        protected String normalizePath​(String path)
        Validate and normalize the path.
        path - the path to validate
        the validated and normalized path
      • getLocalPath

        protected String getLocalPath​(String path)
        Calculate the session local path (the path excluding the workspace name) if possible.
        path - the absolute path
        the session local path, or null if not within this workspace
      • copyOf

        public @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.query.ast.AstElement copyOf()
        a clone of self. Default implementation in AstElement returns same reference to this.