Uses of Class
Packages that use RecordId Package Description org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.memory -
Uses of RecordId in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment
Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment declared as RecordId Modifier and Type Field Description RecordId
SegmentParser.BlobInfo. blobId
Id of this recordstatic RecordId[]
SegmentParser.ListBucketInfo. listId
Id of this recordRecordId
SegmentParser.ListInfo. listId
Id of this recordRecordId
SegmentParser.MapInfo. mapId
Id of this recordRecordId
SegmentParser.NodeInfo. nodeId
Id of this recordstatic RecordId
RecordId. NULL
record id not identifying any record.RecordId
SegmentParser.PropertyInfo. propertyId
Id of this recordRecordId
SegmentParser.TemplateInfo. templateId
Id of this recordRecordId
SegmentParser.ValueInfo. valueId
Id of this recordFields in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment with type parameters of type RecordId Modifier and Type Field Description List<RecordId>
SegmentParser.ListBucketInfo. entries
Entries of this bucketMethods in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment that return RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description @NotNull RecordId
SegmentBufferWriter. execute(@NotNull GCGeneration gcGeneration, @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.WriteOperationHandler.WriteOperation writeOperation)
static RecordId
RecordId. fromString(SegmentIdProvider idProvider, String id)
@NotNull RecordId
Revisions. getHead()
Returns the record id of the head state.@NotNull RecordId
Revisions. getPersistedHead()
Returns the persisted to disk record id of the head state.static @Nullable RecordId
SegmentStream. getRecordIdIfAvailable(InputStream stream, SegmentStore store)
static RecordId
SegmentNodeStateHelper. getTemplateId(SegmentNodeState s)
SegmentBufferWriter. prepare(RecordType type, int size, Collection<RecordId> ids, SegmentStore store)
Before writing a record (which are written backwards, from the end of the file to the beginning), this method is called, to ensure there is enough space.RecordId
Revisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
Atomically set the record id of the current head state to the value returned from thenewHead
function when called with the record id of the current head.@NotNull RecordId
DefaultSegmentWriter. writeBlob(@NotNull Blob blob)
@NotNull RecordId
SegmentWriter. writeBlob(@NotNull Blob blob)
Write a blob (as list of block records)@NotNull RecordId
DefaultSegmentWriter. writeNode(@NotNull NodeState state, @Nullable Buffer stableIdBytes)
default @NotNull RecordId
SegmentWriter. writeNode(@NotNull NodeState state)
Write a node state.@NotNull RecordId
SegmentWriter. writeNode(@NotNull NodeState state, @Nullable Buffer stableIdBytes)
Write a node state.@NotNull RecordId
DefaultSegmentWriter. writeStream(@NotNull InputStream stream)
@NotNull RecordId
SegmentWriter. writeStream(@NotNull InputStream stream)
Writes a stream value record.Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment that return types with arguments of type RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description @NotNull Cache<String,RecordId>
WriterCacheManager.Default. getNodeCache(int generation)
@NotNull Cache<String,RecordId>
WriterCacheManager.Empty. getNodeCache(int generation)
abstract @NotNull Cache<String,RecordId>
WriterCacheManager. getNodeCache(int generation)
@NotNull Cache<String,RecordId>
WriterCacheManager.Default. getStringCache(int generation)
abstract @NotNull Cache<String,RecordId>
WriterCacheManager. getStringCache(int generation)
@NotNull Cache<Template,RecordId>
WriterCacheManager.Default. getTemplateCache(int generation)
abstract @NotNull Cache<Template,RecordId>
WriterCacheManager. getTemplateCache(int generation)
Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment with parameters of type RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
RecordIdSet. addIfNotPresent(RecordId id)
to this set if not already presentvoid
RecordUsageAnalyser. analyseNode(RecordId nodeId)
Template. compare(RecordId thisId, RecordId thatId)
RecordId. compareTo(@NotNull RecordId that)
RecordIdSet. contains(RecordId id)
Check whetherid
is present is this set.NodeState
Template. getChildNode(String name, RecordId recordId)
protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onBlob(RecordId parentId, RecordId blobId)
protected void
SegmentParser. onBlob(RecordId parentId, RecordId blobId)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseValue(RecordId, RecordId, Type)
upon encountering a blob.protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onList(RecordId parentId, RecordId listId, int count)
protected void
SegmentParser. onList(RecordId parentId, RecordId listId, int count)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseNode(RecordId)
,SegmentParser.parseProperty(RecordId, RecordId, PropertyTemplate)
upon encountering a list.protected void
SegmentParser. onListBucket(RecordId parentId, RecordId listId, int index, int count, int capacity)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseList(RecordId, RecordId, int)
andSegmentParser.parseListBucket(RecordId, int, int, int)
upon encountering a list bucket.protected void
SegmentParser. onMap(RecordId parentId, RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseNode(RecordId)
,SegmentParser.parseMapDiff(RecordId, MapRecord)
andSegmentParser.parseMapBranch(RecordId, MapRecord)
upon encountering a map.protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onMapBranch(RecordId parentId, RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
protected void
SegmentParser. onMapBranch(RecordId parentId, RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseMap(RecordId, RecordId, MapRecord)
upon encountering a map branch.protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onMapDiff(RecordId parentId, RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
protected void
SegmentParser. onMapDiff(RecordId parentId, RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseMap(RecordId, RecordId, MapRecord)
upon encountering a map diff.protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onMapLeaf(RecordId parentId, RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
protected void
SegmentParser. onMapLeaf(RecordId parentId, RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseMap(RecordId, RecordId, MapRecord)
upon encountering a map leaf.protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onNode(RecordId parentId, RecordId nodeId)
protected void
SegmentParser. onNode(RecordId parentId, RecordId nodeId)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseNode(RecordId)
upon encountering a child node.protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onProperty(RecordId parentId, RecordId propertyId, PropertyTemplate template)
protected void
SegmentParser. onProperty(RecordId parentId, RecordId propertyId, PropertyTemplate template)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseNode(RecordId)
upon encountering a property.protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onString(RecordId parentId, RecordId stringId)
protected void
SegmentParser. onString(RecordId parentId, RecordId stringId)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseTemplate(RecordId)
,SegmentParser.parseMapLeaf(RecordId, MapRecord)
andSegmentParser.parseValue(RecordId, RecordId, Type)
upon encountering a string.protected void
RecordUsageAnalyser. onTemplate(RecordId parentId, RecordId templateId)
protected void
SegmentParser. onTemplate(RecordId parentId, RecordId templateId)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseNode(RecordId)
upon encountering a templateprotected void
SegmentParser. onValue(RecordId parentId, RecordId valueId, Type<?> type)
Callback called bySegmentParser.parseProperty(RecordId, RecordId, PropertyTemplate)
upon encountering a value.SegmentParser.BlobInfo
SegmentParser. parseBlob(RecordId blobId)
Parse a blob recordSegmentParser.ListInfo
SegmentParser. parseList(RecordId parentId, RecordId listId, int count)
Parse a list recordSegmentParser.ListBucketInfo
SegmentParser. parseListBucket(RecordId listId, int index, int count, int capacity)
Parse item of list bucketsSegmentParser.MapInfo
SegmentParser. parseMap(RecordId parentId, RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
Parse a map recordSegmentParser.MapInfo
SegmentParser. parseMapBranch(RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
Parse a map branch recordSegmentParser.MapInfo
SegmentParser. parseMapDiff(RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
Parse a map diff recordSegmentParser.MapInfo
SegmentParser. parseMapLeaf(RecordId mapId, MapRecord map)
Parse a map leaf recordSegmentParser.NodeInfo
SegmentParser. parseNode(RecordId nodeId)
Parse a node recordSegmentParser.PropertyInfo
SegmentParser. parseProperty(RecordId parentId, RecordId propertyId, PropertyTemplate template)
Parse a propertySegmentParser.BlobInfo
SegmentParser. parseString(RecordId stringId)
Parse a string recordSegmentParser.TemplateInfo
SegmentParser. parseTemplate(RecordId templateId)
Parse a template recordSegmentParser.ValueInfo
SegmentParser. parseValue(RecordId parentId, RecordId valueId, Type<?> type)
Parse a value recordvoid
RecordCache. put(K key, @NotNull RecordId value, byte cost)
@NotNull SegmentBlob
CachingSegmentReader. readBlob(@NotNull RecordId id)
@NotNull SegmentBlob
SegmentReader. readBlob(@NotNull RecordId id)
Read the blob identified byid
.@NotNull MapRecord
CachingSegmentReader. readMap(@NotNull RecordId id)
@NotNull MapRecord
SegmentReader. readMap(@NotNull RecordId id)
Read the map identified byid
.@NotNull SegmentNodeState
CachingSegmentReader. readNode(@NotNull RecordId id)
@NotNull SegmentNodeState
SegmentReader. readNode(@NotNull RecordId id)
Read the node identified byid
.@NotNull SegmentPropertyState
CachingSegmentReader. readProperty(@NotNull RecordId id, @NotNull PropertyTemplate template)
@NotNull SegmentPropertyState
SegmentReader. readProperty(@NotNull RecordId id, @NotNull PropertyTemplate template)
Read the property identified byid
@NotNull String
CachingSegmentReader. readString(@NotNull RecordId id)
Cached reading of a string.@NotNull String
SegmentReader. readString(@NotNull RecordId id)
Read the string identified byid
.@NotNull Template
CachingSegmentReader. readTemplate(@NotNull RecordId id)
Cached reading of a template.@NotNull Template
SegmentReader. readTemplate(@NotNull RecordId id)
Read the template identified byid
Revisions. setHead(@NotNull RecordId expected, @NotNull RecordId head, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
Atomically set the record id of the current head state to the givenhead
state if the current head state matches theexpected
CacheWeights.NodeCacheWeigher. weigh(@NotNull String key, @NotNull RecordId value)
CacheWeights.StringCacheWeigher. weigh(@NotNull String key, @NotNull RecordId value)
CacheWeights.TemplateCacheWeigher. weigh(@NotNull Template key, @NotNull RecordId value)
SegmentBufferWriter. writeRecordId(RecordId recordId)
Write a record ID.Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment with type arguments of type RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description static <T> @NotNull Supplier<RecordCache<T>>
RecordCache. factory(int size, @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.cache.Weigher<T,RecordId> weigher)
SegmentBufferWriter. prepare(RecordType type, int size, Collection<RecordId> ids, SegmentStore store)
Before writing a record (which are written backwards, from the end of the file to the beginning), this method is called, to ensure there is enough space.RecordId
Revisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
Atomically set the record id of the current head state to the value returned from thenewHead
function when called with the record id of the current head.RecordId
Revisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
Atomically set the record id of the current head state to the value returned from thenewHead
function when called with the record id of the current head.Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment with parameters of type RecordId Constructor Description BlobInfo(RecordId blobId, SegmentParser.BlobType blobType, int size)
ListBucketInfo(RecordId listId, boolean leaf, List<RecordId> entries, int size)
ListInfo(RecordId listId, int count, int size)
MapInfo(RecordId mapId, int size)
NodeInfo(RecordId nodeId, String stableId, int nodeCount, int propertyCount, int size)
PropertyInfo(RecordId propertyId, int count, int size)
SegmentNodeState(@NotNull SegmentReader reader, @NotNull SegmentWriter writer, @Nullable BlobStore blobStore, @NotNull RecordId id)
SegmentNodeState(@NotNull SegmentReader reader, @NotNull SegmentWriter writer, @Nullable BlobStore blobStore, @NotNull RecordId id, MeterStats readStats)
TemplateInfo(RecordId templateId, boolean hasPrimaryType, boolean hasMixinType, boolean zeroChildNodes, boolean manyChildNodes, int mixinCount, int propertyCount, int size)
ValueInfo(RecordId valueId, Type<?> type)
Constructor parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment with type arguments of type RecordId Constructor Description ListBucketInfo(RecordId listId, boolean leaf, List<RecordId> entries, int size)
Uses of RecordId in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file
Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file that return RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description @NotNull RecordId
ReadOnlyRevisions. getHead()
@NotNull RecordId
TarRevisions. getHead()
@NotNull RecordId
ReadOnlyRevisions. getPersistedHead()
@NotNull RecordId
TarRevisions. getPersistedHead()
ReadOnlyRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
TarRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
This implementation blocks if a concurrent call is already in progress.Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file with parameters of type RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description void
GCJournal. persist(long reclaimedSize, long repoSize, @NotNull GCGeneration gcGeneration, long nodes, @NotNull RecordId root)
Persists the repository stats (current size, reclaimed size, gc generation, number of compacted nodes) following a cleanup operation for a successful compaction.boolean
ReadOnlyRevisions. setHead(@NotNull RecordId expected, @NotNull RecordId head, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
TarRevisions. setHead(@NotNull RecordId expected, @NotNull RecordId head, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
This implementation blocks if a concurrent call toTarRevisions.setHead(Function, Option...)
is already in progress.Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file with type arguments of type RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description RecordId
ReadOnlyRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
ReadOnlyRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
TarRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
This implementation blocks if a concurrent call is already in progress.RecordId
TarRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
This implementation blocks if a concurrent call is already in progress. -
Uses of RecordId in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.memory
Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.memory that return RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description @NotNull RecordId
MemoryStoreRevisions. getHead()
@NotNull RecordId
MemoryStoreRevisions. getPersistedHead()
MemoryStoreRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
Not supported: throwsUnsupportedOperationException
Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.memory with parameters of type RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
MemoryStoreRevisions. setHead(@NotNull RecordId expected, @NotNull RecordId head, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.memory with type arguments of type RecordId Modifier and Type Method Description RecordId
MemoryStoreRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
Not supported: throwsUnsupportedOperationException
MemoryStoreRevisions. setHead(@NotNull Function<RecordId,RecordId> newHead, @NotNull Revisions.Option... options)
Not supported: throwsUnsupportedOperationException