Class MetricsIOMonitor

    • Constructor Detail

      • MetricsIOMonitor

        public MetricsIOMonitor​(@NotNull
                                @NotNull StatisticsProvider statisticsProvider)
    • Method Detail

      • afterSegmentRead

        public void afterSegmentRead​(File file,
                                     long msb,
                                     long lsb,
                                     int length,
                                     long elapsed)
        Description copied from interface: IOMonitor
        Called after a segment is read from the file system. This is called only in case of successful operations.
        Specified by:
        afterSegmentRead in interface IOMonitor
        afterSegmentRead in class IOMonitorAdapter
        file - File containing the segment.
        msb - Most significant bits of the segment ID.
        lsb - Least significant bits of the segment ID.
        length - Size of the segment.
        elapsed - Time spent by the read operation, in nanoseconds.
      • afterSegmentWrite

        public void afterSegmentWrite​(File file,
                                      long msb,
                                      long lsb,
                                      int length,
                                      long elapsed)
        Description copied from interface: IOMonitor
        Called after a segment is written to the file system. This is called only in case of successful operations.
        Specified by:
        afterSegmentWrite in interface IOMonitor
        afterSegmentWrite in class IOMonitorAdapter
        file - File containing the segment.
        msb - Most significant bits of the segment ID.
        lsb - Least significant bits of the segment ID.
        length - Size of the segment.
        elapsed - Time spent by the write operation, in nanoseconds.