Class SegmentTarReader

    • Constructor Detail

      • SegmentTarReader

        public SegmentTarReader​(File file,
                                org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.tar.FileAccess access,
                                Index index,
                                IOMonitor ioMonitor)
    • Method Detail

      • readSegment

        public Buffer readSegment​(long msb,
                                  long lsb)
                           throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: SegmentArchiveReader
        Read the segment.
        Specified by:
        readSegment in interface SegmentArchiveReader
        msb - the most significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        lsb - the least significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        byte buffer containing the segment data or null if the segment doesn't exist
      • containsSegment

        public boolean containsSegment​(long msb,
                                       long lsb)
        Description copied from interface: SegmentArchiveReader
        Check if the segment exists.
        Specified by:
        containsSegment in interface SegmentArchiveReader
        msb - the most significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        lsb - the least significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        true if the segment exists
      • hasGraph

        public boolean hasGraph()
        Description copied from interface: SegmentArchiveReader
        Check if the segment graph has been persisted for this archive.
        Specified by:
        hasGraph in interface SegmentArchiveReader
        true if the graph exists, false otherwise
      • getEntrySize

        public int getEntrySize​(int size)
        Description copied from interface: SegmentArchiveReader
        Transforms the segment size in bytes into the effective size on disk for the given entry (eg. by adding the number of padding bytes, header, etc.)
        Specified by:
        getEntrySize in interface SegmentArchiveReader
        size - the segment size in bytes
        the number of bytes effectively used on the storage to save the segment
      • isRemote

        public boolean isRemote()
        Description copied from interface: SegmentArchiveReader
        This method returns true if the storage is accessed via a network protocol, not tight to the traditional storage technology, for example, HTTP. Based on that info, for instance, calling classes can decide to update archive metadata (graph, binary references, index) more frequently, and not only when the archive is being closed. With that multiple Oak processes can access the storage simultaneously, with one process in read-write mode and one or more processes in read-only mode.
        Specified by:
        isRemote in interface SegmentArchiveReader