Interface PersistentCache

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractPersistentCache, PersistentDiskCache, PersistentRedisCache

    public interface PersistentCache
    This interface represents a cache which survives segment store restarts. The cache is agnostic to any archive structure. Segments are only identified by their UUIDs, specified as msb and lsb parts of the segment id.
    • Method Detail

      • readSegment

        @Nullable Buffer readSegment​(long msb,
                                     long lsb,
                                     @NotNull Callable<Buffer> loader)
        Reads the segment from cache.
        msb - the most significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        lsb - the least significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        loader - in case of cache miss, with missing element will be retrieved
        byte buffer containing the segment data or null if the segment doesn't exist
      • containsSegment

        boolean containsSegment​(long msb,
                                long lsb)
        Check if the segment exists in the cache.
        msb - the most significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        lsb - the least significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        true if the segment exists
      • writeSegment

        void writeSegment​(long msb,
                          long lsb,
                          Buffer buffer)
        Writes the segment to the cache.
        msb - the most significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        lsb - the least significant bits of the identifier of the segment
        buffer - the byte buffer containing the segment data
      • cleanUp

        void cleanUp()
        Purges the cache entries according to the implementation policy (e.g. maximum cache size, maximum number of entries, etc.)