Interface ChildNodeEntry

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractChildNodeEntry, MemoryChildNodeEntry

    public interface ChildNodeEntry
    A ChildNodeEntry instance represents the child node states of a NodeState.

    Equality and hash codes

    Two child node entries are considered equal if and only if their names and referenced node states match. The Object.equals(Object) method needs to be implemented so that it complies with this definition. And while child node entries are not meant for use as hash keys, the Object.hashCode() method should still be implemented according to this equality contract.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.util.function.Function<ChildNodeEntry,​java.lang.String> GET_NAME
      Mapping from a ChildNodeEntry instance to its name.
    • Field Detail

      • GET_NAME

        static final java.util.function.Function<ChildNodeEntry,​java.lang.String> GET_NAME
        Mapping from a ChildNodeEntry instance to its name.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        @NotNull java.lang.String getName()
        The name of the child node state wrt. to its parent state.
        name of the child node
      • getNodeState

        @NotNull NodeState getNodeState()
        The child node state
        child node state