Class MultiLevelSkipListReader

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected int maxNumberOfSkipLevels
      the maximum number of skip levels possible for this index
      protected int[] skipDoc
      Doc id of current skip entry per level.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected MultiLevelSkipListReader​(IndexInput skipStream, int maxSkipLevels, int skipInterval)
      Creates a MultiLevelSkipListReader, where skipInterval and skipMultiplier are the same.
      protected MultiLevelSkipListReader​(IndexInput skipStream, int maxSkipLevels, int skipInterval, int skipMultiplier)
      Creates a MultiLevelSkipListReader.
    • Field Detail

      • maxNumberOfSkipLevels

        protected int maxNumberOfSkipLevels
        the maximum number of skip levels possible for this index
      • skipDoc

        protected int[] skipDoc
        Doc id of current skip entry per level.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiLevelSkipListReader

        protected MultiLevelSkipListReader​(IndexInput skipStream,
                                           int maxSkipLevels,
                                           int skipInterval,
                                           int skipMultiplier)
        Creates a MultiLevelSkipListReader.
      • MultiLevelSkipListReader

        protected MultiLevelSkipListReader​(IndexInput skipStream,
                                           int maxSkipLevels,
                                           int skipInterval)
        Creates a MultiLevelSkipListReader, where skipInterval and skipMultiplier are the same.
    • Method Detail

      • getDoc

        public int getDoc()
        Returns the id of the doc to which the last call of skipTo(int) has skipped.
      • skipTo

        public int skipTo​(int target)
                   throws IOException
        Skips entries to the first beyond the current whose document number is greater than or equal to target. Returns the current doc count.
      • seekChild

        protected void seekChild​(int level)
                          throws IOException
        Seeks the skip entry on the given level
      • init

        public void init​(long skipPointer,
                         int df)
        Initializes the reader, for reuse on a new term.
      • readSkipData

        protected abstract int readSkipData​(int level,
                                            IndexInput skipStream)
                                     throws IOException
        Subclasses must implement the actual skip data encoding in this method.
        level - the level skip data shall be read from
        skipStream - the skip stream to read from
      • setLastSkipData

        protected void setLastSkipData​(int level)
        Copies the values of the last read skip entry on this level