Class PostingsWriterBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • PostingsWriterBase

        protected PostingsWriterBase()
        Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically implicit.)
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public abstract void init​(IndexOutput termsOut)
                           throws IOException
        Called once after startup, before any terms have been added. Implementations typically write a header to the provided termsOut.
      • finishTerm

        public abstract void finishTerm​(BlockTermState state)
                                 throws IOException
        Finishes the current term. The provided BlockTermState contains the term's summary statistics, and will holds metadata from PBF when returned
      • encodeTerm

        public abstract void encodeTerm​(long[] longs,
                                        DataOutput out,
                                        FieldInfo fieldInfo,
                                        BlockTermState state,
                                        boolean absolute)
                                 throws IOException
        Encode metadata as long[] and byte[]. absolute controls whether current term is delta encoded according to latest term. Usually elements in longs are file pointers, so each one always increases when a new term is consumed. out is used to write generic bytes, which are not monotonic. NOTE: sometimes long[] might contain "don't care" values that are unused, e.g. the pointer to postings list may not be defined for some terms but is defined for others, if it is designed to inline some postings data in term dictionary. In this case, the postings writer should always use the last value, so that each element in metadata long[] remains monotonic.
      • setField

        public abstract int setField​(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
        Sets the current field for writing, and returns the fixed length of long[] metadata (which is fixed per field), called when the writing switches to another field.