Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.lucene.document Package Description org.apache.lucene.document The logical representation of aDocument
for indexing and Code to maintain and access Code to search indices. -
Classes in org.apache.lucene.document used by org.apache.lucene.document Class Description BinaryDocValuesField Field that stores a per-documentBytesRef
value.DateTools.Resolution Specifies the time granularity.Document Documents are the unit of indexing and search.Field Expert: directly create a field for a document.Field.Index Deprecated.This is here only to ease transition from the pre-4.0 APIs.Field.Store Specifies whether and how a field should be stored.Field.TermVector Deprecated.This is here only to ease transition from the pre-4.0 APIs.FieldType Describes the properties of a field.FieldType.NumericType Data type of the numeric valueNumericDocValuesField Field that stores a per-documentlong
value for scoring, sorting or value retrieval.SortedDocValuesField Field that stores a per-documentBytesRef
value, indexed for sorting. -
Classes in org.apache.lucene.document used by org.apache.lucene.index Class Description Document Documents are the unit of indexing and search. -
Classes in org.apache.lucene.document used by Class Description Document Documents are the unit of indexing and search.