Class BitsFilteredDocIdSet

  • public final class BitsFilteredDocIdSet
    extends FilteredDocIdSet
    This implementation supplies a filtered DocIdSet, that excludes all docids which are not in a Bits instance. This is especially useful in Filter to apply the acceptDocs passed to getDocIdSet() before returning the final DocIdSet.
    See Also:
    DocIdSet, Filter
    • Constructor Detail

      • BitsFilteredDocIdSet

        public BitsFilteredDocIdSet​(DocIdSet innerSet,
                                    Bits acceptDocs)
        innerSet - Underlying DocIdSet
        acceptDocs - Allowed docs, all docids not in this set will not be returned by this DocIdSet
    • Method Detail

      • wrap

        public static DocIdSet wrap​(DocIdSet set,
                                    Bits acceptDocs)
        Convenience wrapper method: If acceptDocs == null it returns the original set without wrapping.
        set - Underlying DocIdSet. If null, this method returns null
        acceptDocs - Allowed docs, all docids not in this set will not be returned by this DocIdSet. If null, this method returns the original set without wrapping.
      • match

        protected boolean match​(int docid)
        Description copied from class: FilteredDocIdSet
        Validation method to determine whether a docid should be in the result set.
        Specified by:
        match in class FilteredDocIdSet
        docid - docid to be tested
        true if input docid should be in the result set, false otherwise.