Class ComplexExplanation

  • public class ComplexExplanation
    extends Explanation
    Expert: Describes the score computation for document and query, and can distinguish a match independent of a positive value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComplexExplanation

        public ComplexExplanation()
      • ComplexExplanation

        public ComplexExplanation​(boolean match,
                                  float value,
                                  String description)
    • Method Detail

      • getMatch

        public Boolean getMatch()
        The match status of this explanation node.
        May be null if match status is unknown
      • setMatch

        public void setMatch​(Boolean match)
        Sets the match status assigned to this explanation node.
        match - May be null if match status is unknown
      • isMatch

        public boolean isMatch()
        Indicates whether or not this Explanation models a good match.

        If the match status is explicitly set (i.e.: not null) this method uses it; otherwise it defers to the superclass.

        isMatch in class Explanation
        See Also:
      • getSummary

        protected String getSummary()
        Description copied from class: Explanation
        A short one line summary which should contain all high level information about this Explanation, without the "Details"
        getSummary in class Explanation