Class LazyTextExtractorField

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Fieldable

    public class LazyTextExtractorField
    extends AbstractField
    LazyTextExtractorField implements a Lucene field with a String value that is lazily initialized from a given Reader. In addition this class provides a method to find out whether the purpose of the reader is to extract text and whether the extraction process is already finished.
    See Also:
    isExtractorFinished(), Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • LazyTextExtractorField

        public LazyTextExtractorField​(org.apache.tika.parser.Parser parser,
                                      InternalValue value,
                                      org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata metadata,
                                      Executor executor,
                                      boolean highlighting,
                                      int maxFieldLength,
                                      boolean withNorms)
        Creates a new LazyTextExtractorField.
        parser -
        value -
        metadata -
        executor -
        highlighting - set to true to enable result highlighting support
        maxFieldLength -
        withNorms -
    • Method Detail

      • stringValue

        public String stringValue()
        Returns the extracted text. This method blocks until the text extraction task has been completed.
        the string value of this field
      • readerValue

        public Reader readerValue()
        always null
      • binaryValue

        public byte[] binaryValue()
        always null
      • tokenStreamValue

        public TokenStream tokenStreamValue()
        always null
      • isExtractorFinished

        public boolean isExtractorFinished()
        Checks whether the text extraction task has finished.
        true if the extracted text is available
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Releases all resources associated with this field.