AbstractExcerpt |
AbstractExcerpt implements base functionality for an excerpt
AbstractNamespaceMappings |
AbstractNamespaceMappings is the base class for index internal
namespace mappings.
AbstractQueryHits |
AbstractQueryHits serves as a base class for QueryHits
AbstractQueryImpl |
AbstractQueryImpl provides a base class for executable queries
based on SearchIndex .
CachingMultiIndexReader |
Extends a MultiReader with support for cached TermDocs
on FieldNames.UUID field.
ChildNodesQueryHits |
ChildNodesQueryHits implements query hits that returns the child
nodes of another given query hits.
ConsistencyCheck |
Implements a consistency check on the search index.
ConsistencyCheckError |
Common base class for errors detected during the consistency check.
DateField |
Implements Date <-> String conversions in
a way that the resulting String is suitable for indexing and
DecimalField |
The DecimalField class is a utility to convert
java.math.BigDecimal values to String
values that are lexicographically sortable according to the decimal value.
DefaultHighlighter |
This is an adapted version of the FulltextHighlighter posted in
issue: LUCENE-644.
DefaultHTMLExcerpt |
DefaultHTMLExcerpt creates a HTML excerpt with the following
DefaultQueryHits |
DefaultRedoLogFactory |
DefaultRedoLogFactory ...
DefaultXMLExcerpt |
DefaultXMLExcerpt creates an XML excerpt of a matching node.
DoubleField |
The DoubleField class is a utility to convert double
values into String values that are lexicographically ordered
according to the double value.
DynamicPooledExecutor |
DynamicPooledExecutor implements an executor, which dynamically
adjusts its maximum number of threads according to the number of available
processors returned by Runtime.availableProcessors() .
FieldComparatorBase |
Abstract base class for FieldComparator implementations
which are based on values in the form of Comparables .
FieldNames |
Defines field names that are used internally to store UUID, etc in the
search index.
FieldSelectors |
FieldSelectors contains commonly used field selectors.
FileBasedNamespaceMappings |
The class NamespaceMappings implements a
NamespaceResolver that holds a namespace
mapping that is used internally in the search index.
FilterMultiColumnQuery |
FilterMultiColumnQuery wraps a multi column query and filters
out rows that do not satisfy a given constraint.
FilterMultiColumnQueryHits |
FilterMultiColumnQueryHits implements a
MultiColumnQueryHits filter that forwards each call to the underlying
query hits.
IDField |
IDField implements a lucene field for the id of a node.
IndexDeletionPolicyImpl |
IndexDeletionPolicyImpl ...
IndexFormatVersion |
This class indicates the lucene index format that is used.
IndexingConfigurationEntityResolver |
IndexingConfigurationEntityResolver implements an entity
resolver for the indexing configuration DTD.
IndexingConfigurationImpl |
IndexingConfigurationImpl implements a concrete indexing
IndexMigration |
IndexMigration implements a utility that migrates a Jackrabbit
1.4.x index to version 1.5.
IOCounters |
IOCounters provides a basic mechanism to track I/O during query
JackrabbitAnalyzer |
This is the global jackrabbit lucene analyzer.
JackrabbitIndexReader |
JackrabbitIndexSearcher |
JackrabbitIndexSearcher implements an index searcher with
jackrabbit specific optimizations.
JackrabbitQueryParser |
JackrabbitQueryParser extends the standard lucene query parser
and adds JCR specific customizations.
JackrabbitTermQuery |
JackrabbitTermQuery implements a TermQuery where score
values are retrieved on a per index segment basis using MultiScorer .
JoinQuery |
JoinQuery implements a query that performs a join.
LazyTextExtractorField |
LazyTextExtractorField implements a Lucene field with a String
value that is lazily initialized from a given Reader .
LengthSortComparator |
LengthSortComparator implements a FieldComparator which
sorts on the length of property values.
LocalNameQuery |
LocalNameQuery implements a query for the local name of a node.
LocalNameRangeQuery |
LocalNameRangeQuery implements a range query on the local name
of nodes.
LongField |
LowerCaseSortComparator |
LowerCaseSortComparator implements a FieldComparator which
compares the lower-cased string values of a base comparator.
LuceneQueryBuilder |
Implements a query builder that takes an abstract query tree and creates
a lucene Query tree that can be executed
on an index.
LuceneQueryFactory |
Factory that creates Lucene queries from QOM elements.
LuceneQueryFactory.QueryPair |
LuceneQueryFactory.Transform |
LuceneQueryHits |
Wraps a lucene query result and adds a close method that allows to release
resources after a query has been executed and the results have been read
MatchAllDocsQuery |
MatchAllDocsQuery extends the lucene MatchAllDocsQuery
and in addition implements JackrabbitQuery .
MoreLikeThis |
Generate "more like this" similarity queries.
MultiColumnQueryAdapter |
MultiColumnQueryResult |
MultiColumnQueryResult implements a query result that executes
a MultiColumnQuery .
MultiIndex |
A MultiIndex consists of a VolatileIndex and multiple
PersistentIndex es.
MultiIndex.Action |
Defines an action on an MultiIndex .
NamePathResolverImpl |
NamePathResolverImpl ...
NameQuery |
NameQuery implements a query for the name of a node.
NameRangeQuery |
NameRangeQuery ...
NodeIndexer |
Creates a lucene Document object from a Node .
NodeTraversingQueryHits |
NodeTraversingQueryHits implements query hits that traverse
a node hierarchy.
NormalizeSortComparator |
NormalizeSortComparator implements a FieldComparator which
compares the lower-cased and normalized string values of a base sort comparator.
NSRegistryBasedNamespaceMappings |
NSRegistryBasedNamespaceMappings implements a namespace mapping
based on the stable index prefix provided by the namespace registry.
Ordering |
Ordering implements a single ordering specification.
PredicateDerefQuery |
Implements a Lucene Query which returns the nodes which have a
reference property which matches the nodes of the subquery.
PropertiesSynonymProvider |
Implements a synonym provider based on a properties file.
PropertyMetaData |
PropertyMetaData encapsulates the payload byte array and
provides methods to access the property meta data.
QueryHitsAdapter |
QueryHitsQuery |
QueryHitsQuery exposes a QueryHits implementation again
as a Lucene Query.
QueryImpl |
QueryResultImpl |
Implements the QueryResult interface.
RangeQuery |
Implements a variant of the lucene class org.apache.lucene.search.RangeQuery .
RefCountingIndexReader |
RefCountingIndexReader ...
ScoreNode |
ScoreNode implements a simple container which holds a mapping
of NodeId to a score value.
ScoreNodeIteratorImpl |
SearchIndex |
SearchIndex.CombinedIndexReader |
SharedFieldCache |
Implements a variant of the lucene class org.apache.lucene.search.FieldCacheImpl .
SharedFieldCache.ValueIndex |
Expert: Stores term text values and document ordering data.
SharedFieldComparatorSource |
Implements a FieldComparatorSource for FieldComparator s which
know how to sort on a lucene field that contains values for multiple properties.
SimilarityQuery |
SimilarityQuery implements a query that returns similar nodes
for a given node UUID.
SimpleExcerptProvider |
SimpleExcerptProvider is a very simple excerpt provider.
SingleColumnQueryResult |
SingleColumnQueryResult implements a query result that returns
a single column.
SingletonTokenStream |
SingletonTokenStream implements a token stream that wraps a
single value with a given property type.
SortedLuceneQueryHits |
Wraps a lucene query result and adds a close method that allows to release
resources after a query has been executed and the results have been read
SortedMultiColumnQueryHits |
SortedMultiColumnQueryHits implements sorting of query hits
based on Ordering s.
TermDocsCache |
TermDocsCache implements a cache for frequently read
TermDocs .
TermFactory |
TermFactory is a factory for Term instances with
frequently used field names.
UpperCaseSortComparator |
UpperCaseSortComparator implements a FieldComparator which
compares the upper-cased string values of a base sort comparator.
Util |
Util provides various static utility methods.
WeightedHighlighter |
WeightedHighlighter implements a highlighter that weights the
fragments based on the proximity of the highlighted terms to each other.
WeightedHTMLExcerpt |
WeightedHTMLExcerpt creates a HTML excerpt with the following
WeightedXMLExcerpt |
WeightedXMLExcerpt creates an XML excerpt of a matching node.
WildcardNameQuery |
Implements a wildcard query on the name field.
WildcardQuery |
Implements a wildcard query on a lucene field with an embedded property name
and a pattern.