Class SharedFieldComparatorSource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SharedFieldComparatorSource
    extends FieldComparatorSource
    Implements a FieldComparatorSource for FieldComparators which know how to sort on a lucene field that contains values for multiple properties.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SharedFieldComparatorSource

        public SharedFieldComparatorSource​(String fieldname,
                                           ItemStateManager ism,
                                           HierarchyManager hmgr,
                                           NamespaceMappings nsMappings)
        Create a new SharedFieldComparatorSource for a given shared field.
        fieldname - the shared field.
        ism - the item state manager of this workspace.
        hmgr - the hierarchy manager of this workspace.
        nsMappings - the index internal namespace mappings.