AbstractExcerpt |
AbstractExcerpt implements base functionality for an excerpt
AbstractNamespaceMappings |
AbstractNamespaceMappings is the base class for index internal
namespace mappings.
AbstractQueryHits |
AbstractQueryHits serves as a base class for QueryHits
AbstractQueryImpl |
AbstractQueryImpl provides a base class for executable queries
based on SearchIndex .
AggregateRule |
AggregateRule defines a configuration for a node index
CachingMultiIndexReader |
Extends a MultiReader with support for cached TermDocs
on FieldNames.UUID field.
CloseableHits |
Defines an interface for query hits that need to be closed when done reading
from it.
ConsistencyCheck |
Implements a consistency check on the search index.
ConsistencyCheckError |
Common base class for errors detected during the consistency check.
DefaultHighlighter |
This is an adapted version of the FulltextHighlighter posted in
issue: LUCENE-644.
ExcerptProvider |
ExcerptProvider defines an interface to create an excerpt for
a matching node.
FilterMultiColumnQueryHits |
FilterMultiColumnQueryHits implements a
MultiColumnQueryHits filter that forwards each call to the underlying
query hits.
HierarchyResolver |
HierarchyResolver extends an IndexReader
with the ability to resolve a JCR hierarchy.
HighlightingExcerptProvider |
HighlightingExcerptProvider extends the
ExcerptProvider interface with a method that highlights matching
terms in arbitrary text.
IndexFormatVersion |
This class indicates the lucene index format that is used.
IndexingConfiguration |
IndexingConfiguration defines the interface to check whether
a certain property is indexed or not.
JackrabbitIndexSearcher |
JackrabbitIndexSearcher implements an index searcher with
jackrabbit specific optimizations.
JackrabbitQuery |
JackrabbitQuery defines an interface for Jackrabbit query
implementations that are at the root of the lucene query tree.
LuceneQueryFactory.QueryPair |
MultiColumnQuery |
MultiColumnQueryHits |
MultiColumnQueryHits defines an interface for reading tuples of
ScoreNode s.
MultiIndex |
A MultiIndex consists of a VolatileIndex and multiple
PersistentIndex es.
MultiIndex.Action |
Defines an action on an MultiIndex .
MultiIndexReader |
MultiIndexReader exposes methods to get access to the contained
IndexReader s of this MultiIndexReader .
NamespaceMappings |
The class NamespaceMappings holds a namespace mapping that is
used internally in the search index.
Ordering |
Ordering implements a single ordering specification.
PropertyMetaData |
PropertyMetaData encapsulates the payload byte array and
provides methods to access the property meta data.
QueryHits |
QueryResultImpl |
Implements the QueryResult interface.
RangeQuery |
Implements a variant of the lucene class org.apache.lucene.search.RangeQuery .
RedoLog |
Defines a redo log for changes that have not been committed to disk.
RedoLogFactory |
RedoLogFactory a factory for RedoLog s.
ReleaseableIndexReader |
ReleaseableIndexReader ...
ScoreNode |
ScoreNode implements a simple container which holds a mapping
of NodeId to a score value.
ScoreNodeIterator |
SearchIndex |
SharedFieldCache |
Implements a variant of the lucene class org.apache.lucene.search.FieldCacheImpl .
SharedFieldCache.ValueIndex |
Expert: Stores term text values and document ordering data.
SharedFieldComparatorSource |
Implements a FieldComparatorSource for FieldComparator s which
know how to sort on a lucene field that contains values for multiple properties.
SpellChecker |
SpellChecker defines an interface to run a spellchecker over
a fulltext query statement.
SynonymProvider |
SynonymProvider defines an interface for a component that
returns synonyms for a given term.
Transformable |
Transformable marks queries that can transform the value to
upper- or lower-case.
TransformConstants |
TransformConstants defines constants for query processing.
WildcardQuery |
Implements a wildcard query on a lucene field with an embedded property name
and a pattern.