Class IndexingConfigurationImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexingConfigurationImpl

        public IndexingConfigurationImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getAggregateRules

        public AggregateRule[] getAggregateRules()
        Returns the configured indexing aggregate rules or null if none exist.
        Specified by:
        getAggregateRules in interface IndexingConfiguration
        the configured rules or null if none exist.
      • isIndexed

        public boolean isIndexed​(NodeState state,
                                 Name propertyName)
        Returns true if the property with the given name is fulltext indexed according to this configuration.
        Specified by:
        isIndexed in interface IndexingConfiguration
        state - the node state.
        propertyName - the name of a property.
        true if the property is fulltext indexed; false otherwise.
      • getPropertyBoost

        public float getPropertyBoost​(NodeState state,
                                      Name propertyName)
        Returns the boost value for the given property name. If there is no configuration entry for the property name the IndexingConfiguration.DEFAULT_BOOST is returned.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyBoost in interface IndexingConfiguration
        state - the node state.
        propertyName - the name of a property.
        the boost value for the property.
      • getNodeBoost

        public float getNodeBoost​(NodeState state)
        Returns the boost for the node scope fulltext index field.
        Specified by:
        getNodeBoost in interface IndexingConfiguration
        state - the node state.
        the boost for the node scope fulltext index field.
      • isIncludedInNodeScopeIndex

        public boolean isIncludedInNodeScopeIndex​(NodeState state,
                                                  Name propertyName)
        Returns true if the property with the given name should be included in the node scope fulltext index. If there is not configuration entry for that propery false is returned.
        Specified by:
        isIncludedInNodeScopeIndex in interface IndexingConfiguration
        state - the node state.
        propertyName - the name of a property.
        true if the property should be included in the node scope fulltext index.
      • useInExcerpt

        public boolean useInExcerpt​(NodeState state,
                                    Name propertyName)
        Returns true if the content of the property with the given name should show up in an excerpt. If there is no configuration entry for that property true is returned.
        Specified by:
        useInExcerpt in interface IndexingConfiguration
        state - the node state.
        propertyName - the name of a property.
        true if the content of the property should be included in an excerpt; false otherwise.
      • getPropertyAnalyzer

        public Analyzer getPropertyAnalyzer​(String fieldName)
        Returns the analyzer configured for the property with this fieldName (the string representation ,JCR-style name, of the given Name prefixed with FieldNames.FULLTEXT_PREFIX)), and null if none is configured, or the configured analyzer cannot be found. If null is returned, the default Analyzer is used.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyAnalyzer in interface IndexingConfiguration
        fieldName - the string representation ,JCR-style name, of the given Name prefixed with FieldNames.FULLTEXT_PREFIX))
        the analyzer to use for indexing this property