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Classifier Handling


All goals of this plugin have support for Maven classifiers. Classifiers are used in Maven if there are multiple target artifacts built from the same pom.xml. Examples are content packages for slightly different distributions (e.g. supporting different API versions or Java versions).

As the goals are by default only bound at most once for a lifecycle phase of the content-package packaging but different classifiers require different configuration, you would need to configure explicit additional plugin executions for the secondary artifacts with classifiers.

Package Build

You should only use classifiers if more than one package is generated out of the same pom.xml.

If you just want to deploy the only final artifact with a classifier rather use maven-deploy-plugin:deploy-file with parameter classifier.

Each execution of goals generate-metadata and package generate only (metadata for) one package, therefore you need to configure explicit additional plugin executions for the secondary artifacts with classifiers. The different executions don't conflict with each other as each classifier configuration uses a dedicated workDirectory.

An example configuration for generating two packages out of the same pom.xml might look like this

      <!-- default execution id for primary artifact: -->
        <!-- optional configuration -->
        <!-- adjust configuration: e.g. different filter, properties -->
      <!-- default execution id for primary artifact: -->
        <!-- optional configuration -->
        <!-- adjust configuration: e.g. different jcrSource -->
        <!-- validate both primary and secondary artifact (with classifier "type-b") -->

The explicit configuration of the default executions (for the primary artifact) is only necessary if configuration should be set.


In contrast to metadata and package generation the validation-package goal supports multiple classifiers (and by that multiple packages) in one execution. You can either use configuration parameter classifier (for validating the attached artifact with the given classifier) or classifiers (for validating all attached artifacts matching one of the given classifiers).