Class BloomFilter

  • public class BloomFilter
    extends Object
    A Bloom filter implementation.
    • Method Detail

      • construct

        public static BloomFilter construct​(long n,
                                            double fpp)
        Construct a Bloom filter. With a fpp of 0.01, the memory usage is roughly 1 byte per entry.
        bytes - the size in number of bytes (eg. 64_000_000 for 64 MB memory usage)
        fpp - the false-positive probability (eg. 0.01 for a 1% false-positive probability)
        the Bloom filter
      • calculateK

        public static int calculateK​(double bitsPerKey)
        Calculate the best k parameter for a Bloom filter.
        bitsPerKey - the number of bits per key (eg. 10)
        the k parameter
      • calculateBits

        public static long calculateBits​(long n,
                                         double fpp)
        Calculate the number of bits needed for a Bloom filter, given a number of entries and the k parameter.
        n - the number of entries (eg. 1_000_000)
        fpp - the false positive probability (eg. 0.01)
        the bits needed
      • calculateN

        public static long calculateN​(long bits,
                                      double fpp)
        Calculate the maximum number of entries in the set, given the the memory size in bits, and a target false positive probability.
        bits - the number of bits (eg. 10_000_000)
        fpp - the false positive probability (eg. 0.01)
        the maximum number of entries to be added
      • calculateFpp

        public static double calculateFpp​(long n,
                                          long bits,
                                          int k)
        Calculate the false positive probability.
        bits - the number of bits (eg. 10_000_000)
        fpp - the false positive probability (eg. 0.01)
        the maximum number of entries to be added
      • add

        public void add​(long hash)
        Add an entry.
        hash - the hash value (need to be a high quality hash code, with all bits having high entropy)
      • mayContain

        public boolean mayContain​(long hash)
        Whether the entry may be in the set.
        hash - the hash value (need to be a high quality hash code, with all bits having high entropy)
        true if the entry was added, or, with a certain false positive probability, even if it was not added
      • getBitCount

        public long getBitCount()
        Get the number of bits needed for the array.
        the number of bits
      • getK

        public int getK()
      • getEstimatedEntryCount

        public long getEstimatedEntryCount()
        Get the estimated entry count (number of distinct items added). This operation is relatively slow, as it loops over all the entries.
        the estimated entry count, or Long.MAX_VALUE if the number can not be estimated.