Package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.index.indexer.document.flatfile.pipelined
Class Summary Class Description BoundedHistogram A histogram that keeps a maximum number of buckets (entries).ConfigHelper DownloadRange DownloadStageStatistics Aggregates statistics when downloading from Mongo with two threadsMongoRegexPathFilterFactory MongoRegexPathFilterFactory.MongoFilterPaths NodeDocumentCodec Custom codec for MongoDB to transform a stream of BSON tokens into a NodeDocument.NodeDocumentCodecProvider NodeStateEntryBatch NodeStateHolder PathElementComparator PipelinedMergeSortTask Accumulates the intermediate sorted files and, when all files are generated, merges them into a single sorted file, the flat file storePipelinedMergeSortTask.Result PipelinedMetrics PipelinedMongoDownloadTask PipelinedMongoDownloadTask.Result PipelinedMongoServerSelector Selects a Mongo server that is available for a new connection.PipelinedStrategy Downloads the contents of the MongoDB repository dividing the tasks in a pipeline with the following stages: Download - Downloads from Mongo all the documents in the node store.PipelinedUtils SortKey TransformStageStatistics -
Exception Summary Exception Description NodeStateEntryBatch.BufferFullException