Class ConstraintImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstraintImpl

        public ConstraintImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • simplify

        public ConstraintImpl simplify()
        Simplify the expression if possible, for example by removing duplicate expressions. For example, "x=1 or x=1" should be simplified to "x=1".
        the simplified constraint, or "this" if it is not possible to simplify
      • evaluate

        public abstract boolean evaluate()
        Evaluate the result using the currently set values.
        true if the constraint matches
      • evaluateStop

        public boolean evaluateStop()
        Whether this condition will, from now on, always evaluate to false. This is the case for example for full-text constraints if there is no full-text index (unless FullTextComparisonWithoutIndex is enabled). This will also allow is to add conditions that stop further processing for other reasons, similar to "WHERE ROWNUM < 10" in Oracle.
        true if further processing should be stopped
      • getPropertyExistenceConditions

        public abstract Set<PropertyExistenceImpl> getPropertyExistenceConditions()
        Get the set of property existence conditions that can be derived for this condition. For example, for the condition "x=1 or x=2", the property existence condition is "x is not null". For the condition "x=1 or y=2", there is no such condition. For the condition "x=1 and y=1", there are two (x is not null, and y is not null).
        the common property existence condition (possibly empty)
      • getFullTextConstraint

        public FullTextExpression getFullTextConstraint​(SelectorImpl s)
        Get the (combined) full-text constraint. For constraints of the form "contains(*, 'x') or contains(*, 'y')", the combined expression is returned. If there is none, null is returned. For constraints of the form "contains(*, 'x') or z=1", null is returned as the full-text index cannot be used in this case for filtering (as it might filter out the z=1 nodes).
        s - the selector
        the full-text constraint, if there is any, or null if not
      • getSelectors

        public abstract Set<SelectorImpl> getSelectors()
        Get the set of selectors for the given condition.
        the set of selectors (possibly empty)
      • restrict

        public abstract void restrict​(FilterImpl f)
        Apply the condition to the filter, further restricting the filter if possible. This may also verify the data types are compatible, and that paths are valid.
        f - the filter
      • restrictPushDown

        public abstract void restrictPushDown​(SelectorImpl s)
        Push as much of the condition down to this selector, further restricting the selector condition if possible. This is important for a join: for example, the query "select * from a inner join b on a.x=b.x where a.y=1 and b.y=1", the condition "a.y=1" can be pushed down to "a", and the condition "b.y=1" can be pushed down to "b". That means it is possible to use an index in this case.
        s - the selector
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • requiresFullTextIndex

        public boolean requiresFullTextIndex()
        Whether the constraint contains a fulltext condition that requires using a fulltext index, because the condition can only be evaluated there.
        true if yes
      • containsUnfilteredFullTextCondition

        public boolean containsUnfilteredFullTextCondition()
        Whether the condition contains a fulltext condition that can not be applied to the filter, for example because it is part of an "or" condition of the form "where a=1 or contains(., 'x')".
        true if yes
      • convertToUnion

        public @NotNull Set<ConstraintImpl> convertToUnion()
        Compute a set of sub-constraints that could be used for composing UNION statements. For example in case of "c=1 or c=2", it will return to the caller [c=1, c=2]. Those can be later on used for re-composing conditions.

        If it is not possible to convert to a union, it must return an empty set.

        The default implementation in convertToUnion() always return an empty set.

        the set of union constraints, if available, or an empty set if conversion is not possible
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(QueryImpl query)
      • normalizePropertyName

        protected String normalizePropertyName​(String propertyName)
        Normalize the property name (including namespace remapping). Asterisks are kept.
        propertyName - the property name to normalize
        the normalized (oak-) property name
      • normalizePath

        protected String normalizePath​(String path)
        Validate and normalize the path.
        path - the path to validate
        the validated and normalized path
      • getLocalPath

        protected String getLocalPath​(String path)
        Calculate the session local path (the path excluding the workspace name) if possible.
        path - the absolute path
        the session local path, or null if not within this workspace
      • copyOf

        public @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.query.ast.AstElement copyOf()
        a clone of self. Default implementation in AstElement returns same reference to this.