Class MapOfSets<K,​V>

  • public class MapOfSets<K,​V>
    extends Object
    Helper class for keeping Lists of Objects associated with keys. WARNING: THIS CLASS IS NOT THREAD SAFE
    • Constructor Detail

      • MapOfSets

        public MapOfSets​(Map<K,​Set<V>> m)
        m - the backing store for this object
    • Method Detail

      • getMap

        public Map<K,​Set<V>> getMap()
        direct access to the map backing this object.
      • put

        public int put​(K key,
                       V val)
        Adds val to the Set associated with key in the Map. If key is not already in the map, a new Set will first be created.
        the size of the Set associated with key once val is added to it.
      • putAll

        public int putAll​(K key,
                          Collection<? extends V> vals)
        Adds multiple vals to the Set associated with key in the Map. If key is not already in the map, a new Set will first be created.
        the size of the Set associated with key once val is added to it.