Class BasicOperations

  • public final class BasicOperations
    extends Object
    Basic automata operations.
    • Method Detail

      • concatenate

        public static Automaton concatenate​(Automaton a1,
                                            Automaton a2)
        Returns an automaton that accepts the concatenation of the languages of the given automata.

        Complexity: linear in number of states.

      • concatenate

        public static Automaton concatenate​(List<Automaton> l)
        Returns an automaton that accepts the concatenation of the languages of the given automata.

        Complexity: linear in total number of states.

      • optional

        public static Automaton optional​(Automaton a)
        Returns an automaton that accepts the union of the empty string and the language of the given automaton.

        Complexity: linear in number of states.

      • repeat

        public static Automaton repeat​(Automaton a)
        Returns an automaton that accepts the Kleene star (zero or more concatenated repetitions) of the language of the given automaton. Never modifies the input automaton language.

        Complexity: linear in number of states.

      • repeat

        public static Automaton repeat​(Automaton a,
                                       int min)
        Returns an automaton that accepts min or more concatenated repetitions of the language of the given automaton.

        Complexity: linear in number of states and in min.

      • repeat

        public static Automaton repeat​(Automaton a,
                                       int min,
                                       int max)
        Returns an automaton that accepts between min and max (including both) concatenated repetitions of the language of the given automaton.

        Complexity: linear in number of states and in min and max.

      • complement

        public static Automaton complement​(Automaton a)
        Returns a (deterministic) automaton that accepts the complement of the language of the given automaton.

        Complexity: linear in number of states (if already deterministic).

      • minus

        public static Automaton minus​(Automaton a1,
                                      Automaton a2)
        Returns a (deterministic) automaton that accepts the intersection of the language of a1 and the complement of the language of a2. As a side-effect, the automata may be determinized, if not already deterministic.

        Complexity: quadratic in number of states (if already deterministic).

      • intersection

        public static Automaton intersection​(Automaton a1,
                                             Automaton a2)
        Returns an automaton that accepts the intersection of the languages of the given automata. Never modifies the input automata languages.

        Complexity: quadratic in number of states.

      • sameLanguage

        public static boolean sameLanguage​(Automaton a1,
                                           Automaton a2)
        Returns true if these two automata accept exactly the same language. This is a costly computation! Note also that a1 and a2 will be determinized as a side effect.
      • subsetOf

        public static boolean subsetOf​(Automaton a1,
                                       Automaton a2)
        Returns true if the language of a1 is a subset of the language of a2. As a side-effect, a2 is determinized if not already marked as deterministic.

        Complexity: quadratic in number of states.

      • union

        public static Automaton union​(Automaton a1,
                                      Automaton a2)
        Returns an automaton that accepts the union of the languages of the given automata.

        Complexity: linear in number of states.

      • union

        public static Automaton union​(Collection<Automaton> l)
        Returns an automaton that accepts the union of the languages of the given automata.

        Complexity: linear in number of states.

      • determinize

        public static void determinize​(Automaton a)
        Determinizes the given automaton.

        Worst case complexity: exponential in number of states.

      • addEpsilons

        public static void addEpsilons​(Automaton a,
                                       Collection<StatePair> pairs)
        Adds epsilon transitions to the given automaton. This method adds extra character interval transitions that are equivalent to the given set of epsilon transitions.
        pairs - collection of StatePair objects representing pairs of source/destination states where epsilon transitions should be added
      • isEmptyString

        public static boolean isEmptyString​(Automaton a)
        Returns true if the given automaton accepts the empty string and nothing else.
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(Automaton a)
        Returns true if the given automaton accepts no strings.
      • isTotal

        public static boolean isTotal​(Automaton a)
        Returns true if the given automaton accepts all strings.
      • run

        public static boolean run​(Automaton a,
                                  String s)
        Returns true if the given string is accepted by the automaton.

        Complexity: linear in the length of the string.

        Note: for full performance, use the RunAutomaton class.