Class AzureDataStore

    • Field Detail

      • properties

        protected java.util.Properties properties
    • Constructor Detail

      • AzureDataStore

        public AzureDataStore()
    • Method Detail

      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(java.util.Properties properties)
      • setMinRecordLength

        public void setMinRecordLength​(int minRecordLength)
      • initiateDataRecordUpload

        public @Nullable DataRecordUpload initiateDataRecordUpload​(long maxUploadSizeInBytes,
                                                                   int maxNumberOfURIs)
                                                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
        Description copied from interface: DataRecordAccessProvider
        Begin a transaction to perform a direct binary upload to the storage location.
        Specified by:
        initiateDataRecordUpload in interface DataRecordAccessProvider
        maxUploadSizeInBytes - - the largest size of the binary to be uploaded, in bytes, based on the caller's best guess. If the actual size of the file to be uploaded is known, that value should be used.
        maxNumberOfURIs - - the maximum number of URIs the client is able to accept. If the caller does not support multi-part uploading, this value should be 1. Note that the implementing class is not required to support multi-part uploading so it may return only a single upload URI regardless of the value passed in for this parameter. A caller may also pass in -1 to indicate that it is able to accept any number of URIs. Any other negative number or 0 may result in IllegalArgumentException.
        A DataRecordUpload referencing this direct upload, or null if the implementation does not support direct upload.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the service provider or implementation cannot support the requested upload.
        DataRecordUploadException - if the upload cannot be completed as requested.
      • initiateDataRecordUpload

        public @Nullable DataRecordUpload initiateDataRecordUpload​(long maxUploadSizeInBytes,
                                                                   int maxNumberOfURIs,
                                                                   @NotNull DataRecordUploadOptions options)
                                                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
        Description copied from interface: DataRecordAccessProvider
        Begin a transaction to perform a direct binary upload to the storage location.
        Specified by:
        initiateDataRecordUpload in interface DataRecordAccessProvider
        maxUploadSizeInBytes - - the largest size of the binary to be uploaded, in bytes, based on the caller's best guess. If the actual size of the file to be uploaded is known, that value should be used.
        maxNumberOfURIs - - the maximum number of URIs the client is able to accept. If the caller does not support multi-part uploading, this value should be 1. Note that the implementing class is not required to support multi-part uploading so it may return only a single upload URI regardless of the value passed in for this parameter. A caller may also pass in -1 to indicate that it is able to accept any number of URIs. Any other negative number or 0 may result in IllegalArgumentException.
        options - - a DataRecordUploadOptions instance containing any caller-specified options for upload URI generation.
        A DataRecordUpload referencing this direct upload, or null if the implementation does not support direct upload.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the service provider or implementation cannot support the requested upload.
        DataRecordUploadException - if the upload cannot be completed as requested.