All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAccessControlManager |
AbstractAccessControlManager ...
AbstractAccessControlProvider |
AbstractAccessControlProvider ...
AbstractAccessControlTest |
AbstractAccessControlTest ...
AbstractACLTemplate |
AbstractACLTemplate ...
AbstractActiveLock |
AbstractActiveLock ...
AbstractAuthorizableAction |
Abstract implementation of the AuthorizableAction interface that
doesn't perform any action.
AbstractBackend |
Abstract Backend which has a reference to the underlying CachingDataStore and is
maintaining the lifecycle of the internal asynchronous write executor.
AbstractBundlePersistenceManager |
The AbstractBundlePersistenceManager acts as base for all
persistence managers that store the state in a NodePropBundle .
AbstractCache |
Abstract base class for managed Cache s.
AbstractChangeLog<T extends Operation> |
This base class for ChangeLog implementations maintains a list of operations
of type type T .
AbstractCollect |
Collect the children items from the given node and store them under the given
AbstractCompiledPermissions |
AbstractCompiledPermissions ...
AbstractCompiledPermissions.Result |
Result of permission (and optionally privilege) evaluation for a given path.
AbstractCondition |
AbstractCondition is a base class for join conditions.
AbstractConfig |
Abstract configuration class that is based on a bean map.
AbstractCopy |
AbstractCopy ...
AbstractDataRecord |
Abstract data record base class.
AbstractDataStore |
AbstractDavProperty<T> |
AbstractDavProperty provides generic METHODS used by various
implementations of the DavProperty interface.
AbstractExcerpt |
AbstractExcerpt implements base functionality for an excerpt
AbstractExportContext |
AbstractExportContext covers methods common to most ExportContext
AbstractExportViewToFile |
Export the xml view to a file
AbstractFieldComparator |
Abstract base class for FieldComparator s which keep their values
(Comparable s) in an array.
AbstractHitCollector |
Collector implementation which simply provides the collection
of re-based doc base with scorer.
AbstractIdFactory |
AbstractIdFactory ...
AbstractItem |
Abstract base class for implementing the JCR Item interface.
AbstractItemStateFactory |
AbstractItemStateFactory ...
AbstractJcrReport |
AbstractJcrReport ...
AbstractJCRTest |
Abstract base class for all JCR test classes.
AbstractJoinTest |
AbstractJoinTest provides utility methods for join related
AbstractJournal |
Base journal implementation.
AbstractLazyIterator<T> |
AbstractLazyIterator provides basic iteration methods for a lazy loading iterator that does not support
AbstractLocatorFactory |
AbstractLocatorFactory is an implementation of the DavLocatorFactory
interface that defines how a given URI is split to workspace path and
resource path and how it's implementation of DavResourceLocator
builds the href.
AbstractLockEntry |
AbstractLockTest |
AbstractLockTest ...
AbstractLogger |
Common base class for all log wrappers of SPI entities.
AbstractLogger.Callable |
AbstractLogger.SafeCallable |
AbstractLoginFilter |
AbstractLoginModule |
AbstractLoginModule provides the means for the common
authentication tasks within the Repository.
AbstractLs |
Ls superclass
AbstractLsItems |
List items superclass
AbstractLsNodes |
List nodes.
AbstractLsProperties |
List properties superclass
AbstractMergeTest |
AbstractMergeTest is the abstract base class for all merge
related test classes.
AbstractNamespaceMappings |
AbstractNamespaceMappings is the base class for index internal
namespace mappings.
AbstractNamespaceResolver |
AbstractNode |
Abstract base class for implementing the JCR Node interface.
AbstractNodeData |
Data object representing a node.
AbstractNodeType |
AbstractNodeType ...
AbstractNodeTypeManager |
AbstractNodeTypeManager covers creation of node type templates
and definition templates.
AbstractObservationTest |
AbstractObservationTest.Callable |
Helper interface.
AbstractOnParentVersionTest |
AbstractOnParentVersionTest : the abstract base class for
all tests related to OnParentVersion issues.
AbstractOperation |
AbstractOperation ...
AbstractParameter |
Command Line parameter superclass
AbstractPersistenceManager |
AbstractPrincipalProvider |
A base class of a principal provider implementing common tasks and a
caching facility.
AbstractProperty |
Abstract base class for implementing the JCR Property interface.
AbstractQOMNode |
AbstractQOMNode ...
AbstractQOMTest |
AbstractQOMTest is a base class for test cases on the JQOM.
AbstractQOMTest.Callable |
AbstractQuery |
Query the Repository through either SQL or XPATH language.
AbstractQueryHandler |
Implements default behaviour for some methods of QueryHandler .
AbstractQueryHits |
AbstractQueryHits serves as a base class for QueryHits
AbstractQueryImpl |
Defines common initialisation methods for all query implementations.
AbstractQueryImpl |
AbstractQueryImpl provides a base class for executable queries
based on SearchIndex .
AbstractQueryLevel2Test |
Implements common setup methods for level 2 queries.
AbstractQueryTest |
Abstract base class for query test cases.
AbstractQValue |
AbstractQValue ...
AbstractQValueFactory |
AbstractQValueFactory ...
AbstractReadableRepositoryService |
AbstractRecord |
Base implementation for a record.
AbstractRemove |
AbstractRemove is the base class for non-transient remove
operations executed on the workspace such as removing versions or activities.
AbstractReport |
Abstract Report .
AbstractRepository |
Abstract base class for implementing the JCR Repository interface.
AbstractRepositoryService |
AbstractRepositoryService provides an abstract base class for
repository service implementations.
AbstractRepositoryServlet |
Abstract base class for servlets that make a repository available in
the servlet context.
AbstractRetentionTest |
AbstractAccessControlTest ...
AbstractSecurityReport |
AbstractSecurityReport covers basic validation and utilities
common to the majority of the reports defined within RFC 3744.
AbstractSession |
Abstract base class for implementing the JCR Session interface.
AbstractSetProperty |
SetProperty superclass.
AbstractTree |
AbstractValueFactory |
This class implements the ValueFactory interface.
AbstractVersionTest |
AbstractVersionTest is the abstract base class for all
versioning related test classes.
AbstractVersionTest |
AbstractVersionTest is the abstract base class for all
simple versioning related test classes.
AbstractVISProvider |
This Class implements a virtual item state provider, in order to expose the
versions to the version storage.
AbstractWebdavServlet |
AbstractWorkspace |
Abstract base class for implementing the JCR Workspace interface.
AccessControlAction |
The AccessControlAction allows to setup permissions upon creation
of a new authorizable; namely the privileges the new authorizable should be
granted on it's own 'home directory' being represented by the new node
associated with that new authorizable.
AccessControlConstants |
AccessControlConstants ...
AccessControlConstants |
AccessControlDiscoveryTest |
AccessControlDiscoveryTest ...
AccessControlEditor |
AccessControlEditor is used to edit the access control policy
and entry objects provided by the respective service.
AccessControlEntryImpl |
AccessControlImporter |
AccessControlImporter implements a
ProtectedNodeImporter that is able to deal with access control
content as defined by the default ac related node types present with
AccessControlImporter.ImportBehavior |
AccessControlListener |
AccessControlListTest |
AccessControlEntryTest ...
AccessControlModifications<K> |
AccessControlModifications is an unmodifiable collection of
modifications made to access control content allowing the
modification listeners to keep caches up to date.
AccessControlObserver |
AccessControlObserver ...
AccessControlPolicyIteratorAdapter |
AccessControlPolicyIteratorTest |
AccessControlPolicyIteratorTest ...
AccessControlPolicyTest |
AccessControlPolicyTest ...
AccessControlProvider |
The AccessControlProvider is used to provide access control policy and entry
objects that apply to an item in a single workspace.
AccessControlProvider |
AccessControlProviderFactory |
The AccessControlProviderFactory is used to create
AccessControlProvider s for the various workspaces present in the
AccessControlProviderFactoryImpl |
Default implementation of the AccessControlProviderFactory
AccessControlProviderImpl |
AccessControlProviderStub |
Stub class that provide clients with access to a concrete
AccessControlProvider implementation.
AccessControlUtils |
This class provides common access control related utilities.
AccessControlUtils |
AccessControlUtils ...
AccessManager |
The AccessManager can be queried to determines whether privileges
are granted on a specific item.
AccessManager |
The AccessManager can be queried to determines whether permission
is granted to perform a specific action on a specific item.
AccessManagerConfig |
Access manager configuration.
ACLEditor |
ACLEditor ...
ACLEditor |
ACLEditor ...
AclPrincipalReport |
The AclPrincipalReport report returns the requested property set
for all principals in the DAV:acl property, that are identified by http(s)
URLs or by a DAV:property principal.
AclProperty |
AclProperty defines a protected property that specifies the list
of access control entries (ACEs).
AclProperty.Ace |
Simple WebDAV ACE implementation
ACLProvider |
The ACLProvider generates access control policies out of the items stored
in the workspace applying the following rules:
A Node is considered access controlled if an ACL has
been explicitly assigned to it by adding the mixin type
rep:AccessControllable and adding child node of type
rep:acl that forms the acl.
a Property is considered 'access controlled' if its parent Node is.
An ACL is never assigned to a Property item.
A Node that is not access controlled may inherit the ACL.
ACLProvider |
ACLProvider ...
AclRemoveHandler |
AclResource |
AclResource ...
AclRestrictionsProperty |
AclRestrictionsProperty as defined by RFC 3744 Section 5.6.
ActiveLock |
ActiveLock encapsulates the lock information for a
DavResource .
ActivitiesTest |
ActivitiesTest covers methods related to the Activities
feature in Versioning.
ActivityResource |
An activity is a resource that selects a set of versions that are on a single
"line of descent", where a line of descent is a sequence of versions connected
by successor relationships.
AdaptingHits |
This is an implementation of Hits which starts with marking hits in an
ArrayHits instance and switches to a BitSetHits instance if at least the
threshold of 8kb for the ArrayHits is reached and a BitSetHits instance
would consume less memory.
AddEventListenerTest |
Tests the options for addEventListener().
AdditionalEventInfo |
Provides additional information for an Event .
AdditionalNamespaceResolver |
A simple namespace resolver implementation, that uses the additional
namespaces declared in an XML element.
AddLabel |
AddLabel ...
AddLockToken |
Add the given Lock token to the current Session
AddMixin |
Add a mixin to the given Node
AddNode |
AddNode ...
AddNode |
Add a node to the current working Node
AddNodeOperation |
Session operation for adding a new node.
AddNodeTest |
AddNodeTest contains the test cases for the method
Node.addNode(String, String) .
AddProperty |
AddProperty ...
AddVersionLabel |
Add a label to the given Version
AdminPrincipal |
This principal represents the admin user as a distinct principal having all
the access rights and is being authenticated (in contrast to the
SystemPrincipal ).
AggregateRule |
AggregateRule defines a configuration for a node index
AMContext |
An AMContext is used to provide Session specific
context information for an AccessManager .
AncestorNodeJoin |
AncestorNodeJoin implements an ancestor node join condition.
AncestorPathNodeJoin |
AncestorPathNodeJoin implements an ancestor path node join
AndConstraint |
AndConstraint implements an AND constraint.
AndConstraintTest |
AndConstraintTest contains tests that check AND constraints.
AndImpl |
AndImpl ...
AndQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines an AND operation between arbitrary
other QueryNode s.
AnonymousConnection |
Implements a ManagedConnection for an anonymous user,
where no ConnectionRequestInfo has been specified.
AnonymousPrincipal |
A AnonymousPrincipal ...
AppendRecord |
Default temporary record used for appending to some journal.
AQTQueryFactory |
AQTQueryFactory implements a query factory that creates AQT
(Abstract Query Tree) based queries.
Argument |
Command line argument
ArrayHits |
Uses an integer array to store the hit set.
ASTAndExpression |
ASTAscendingOrderSpec |
ASTBracketExpression |
ASTContainsExpression |
ASTDescendingOrderSpec |
ASTExcerptFunction |
ASTFromClause |
ASTIdentifier |
ASTLiteral |
ASTLowerFunction |
ASTNotExpression |
ASTOrderByClause |
ASTOrderSpec |
ASTOrExpression |
ASTPredicate |
ASTQuery |
ASTSelectList |
ASTUpperFunction |
ASTWhereClause |
AsyncTouchCallback |
This interface defines callback methods to reflect the status of asynchronous
AsyncTouchResult |
The class holds the result of asynchronous touch to Backend
AsyncUploadCache |
This class holds all in progress uploads.
AsyncUploadCacheResult |
AsyncUploadCallback |
This interface defines callback methods to reflect the status of asynchronous
AsyncUploadResult |
The class holds the result of asynchronous upload to Backend
AtomFeedConstants |
AtomFeedConstants provides string constants for Atom feed
(RFC 4287) resources.
AuthContext |
An authentication context used to authenticate users.
AuthContextProvider |
AuthContextProvider defines how the current request for login is
Authentication |
The Authentication interface defines methods to validate
Credentials upon authentication.
AuthorizableAction |
AuthorizableQueryManager |
This class handles the translation of queries for users and groups from a
JSON format to the query model of Jackrabbit's user groups search
(see UserManager#findAuthorizables(Query) ).
Backend |
BackendResourceAbortable |
Backend resource abstraction, such as InputStream , which can be aborted without consuming it
fully for efficiency.
Base64 |
Base64 provides Base64 encoding/decoding of strings and streams.
Base64 |
Base64 provides Base64 encoding/decoding of strings and streams.
BaseDavRequest |
Base class for HTTP request classes defined in this package.
BasedFileSystem |
A BasedFileSystem represents a 'file system in a file system'.
BaselineResource |
BaselineResource represents the 'version' of a configuration
which is represented by a 'version-controlled-configuration' (VCC) resource.
BaseValue |
This class is the superclass of the type-specific
classes implementing the Value interfaces.
BasicCredentialsProvider |
This Class implements a credentials provider that extracts the credentials
from the 'WWW-Authenticate' header and only supports 'Basic' authentication.
BasicLoginFilter |
BasicTest |
BasicTest checks if simple versioning is correctly set up
Batch |
The Batch defines an ordered list of of operations that must be
executed at once on the persistent layer.
BatchedItemOperations |
BatchedItemOperations is an internal helper class that
provides both high- and low-level operations directly on the
ItemState level.
BatchLogger |
BatchReadConfig |
BatchReadConfig defines if and how deep child item
information should be retrieved, when accessing a Node .
BatchReadConfig |
BatchReadConfig defines if and how deep child item
information should be retrieved, when accessing a Node .
BeanConfig |
Bean configuration class.
BeanConfigVisitor |
A BeanConfig visitor which is invoked upon creation of BeanConfig before any
instance is created from that bean configuration
BeanFactory |
BinaryImpl |
BinaryImpl implements the Binary interface.
BinaryPropertyTest |
Tests a binary property.
BinaryValue |
A BinaryValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a binary value.
BindableRepository |
A referenceable and serializable content repository proxy.
BindableRepositoryFactory |
BindableRepositoryFactory is an object factory that when given
a reference for a BindableRepository object, will create an
instance of the corresponding BindableRepository .
BindableResource |
BindConstants |
BindConstants provide constants for request and response
headers, Xml elements and property names defined by
the BIND specification.
BindInfo |
BindServletRequest |
BindServletRequest provides extension useful for functionality
related to BIND specification.
BindVariableValueImpl |
BindVariableValueImpl ...
BindVariableValueTest |
BindVariableValueTest ...
BitSetENTCacheImpl |
Implements an effective node type cache that uses a bit set for storing the
information about participating node types in a set.
BitSetHits |
Uses a BitSet instance to store the hit set.
BLOBStore |
BLOBStore represents an abstract store for binary property
values (BLOBs).
BooleanPropertyTest |
Tests a boolean property.
BooleanValue |
A BooleanValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a boolean value.
BootstrapConfig |
The bootstrap configuration hold information about initial startup
parameters like repository config and home.
BoundedInputStream |
This is a stream that will only supply bytes up to a certain length - if its
position goes above that, it will stop.
BoundedIterator<T> |
Implements a bounded iterator which only returns a maximum number of element from an underlying iterator
starting at a given offset.
BTreeManager |
This TreeManager implementation provides B+-tree like behavior.
BundleBinding |
This Class implements efficient serialization methods for item states.
BundleDbPersistenceManager |
This is a generic persistence manager that stores the NodePropBundle s
in a database.
BundleDbPersistenceManager.CloseableBLOBStore |
Helper interface for closeable stores
BundleDumper |
This utility class can dump the contents of a node bundle.
BundleFsPersistenceManager |
This is a generic persistence manager that stores the NodePropBundle s
in a filesystem.
BundleFsPersistenceManager.CloseableBLOBStore |
Helper interface for closeable stores
Cache |
A Cache object
A cache must call CacheManager.getInstance().add(this)
to take part in the dynamic memory distribution.
CacheAccessListener |
The cache access listener can be registered to a class.
CacheBehaviour |
CacheBehaviour defines constants for the various cache
maintenance strategies.
CacheManager |
This class manages the size of the caches used in Jackrabbit.
CacheManager.CacheInfo |
Internal copy of the cache information.
CachingDataRecord |
CachingDataStore |
CachingFDS |
CachingHierarchyManager |
Implementation of a HierarchyManager that caches paths of
CachingMultiIndexReader |
Extends a MultiReader with support for cached TermDocs
on FieldNames.UUID field.
CachingNameResolver |
Name resolver decorator that uses a generational cache to speed up
parsing and formatting of JCR names.
CachingPathResolver |
Path resolver decorator that uses a generational cache to speed up
parsing and formatting of JCR paths.
CachingPersistenceManager |
Marker interface that is used by the shared item state manager for invalidate
persistence manager caches as result of an external (cluster) modification.
CallbackHandlerImpl |
CanAddChildNodeCallWithNodeTypeTest |
Tests NodeType.canAddChildNode(String childNodeName, String nodeTypeName)
returns true if a node of name childNodeName and of node type
childNodeName could be added to a node of type NodeType .
CanAddChildNodeCallWithoutNodeTypeTest |
Tests NodeType.canAddChildNode(String childNodeName) returns true if
a node of name childNodeName could be added to a node of
type NodeType .
CanRemoveItemTest |
CanSetPropertyBinaryTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[]
values) where property is of type Binary.
CanSetPropertyBooleanTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[]
values) where property is of type Boolean.
CanSetPropertyDateTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[]
values) where property is of type Date.
CanSetPropertyDoubleTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[]
values) where property is of type Double.
CanSetPropertyLongTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[]
values) where property is of type Long.
CanSetPropertyMultipleTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[]
CanSetPropertyNameTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[]
values) where property is of type Name.
CanSetPropertyPathTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyNa me,
Value[] values) where property is of type Path.
CanSetPropertyStringTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[]
values) where property is of type String.
CanSetPropertyTest |
Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value
Cat |
Display the content of a Property or a Node of
type nt:file or nt:resource.
ChangeLog |
Registers changes made to states and references and consolidates
empty changes.
ChangeLog |
Registers changes made to states and references and consolidates
empty changes.
ChangeLog |
ChangeLogImpl |
ChangeLogRecord |
Cluster record representing a workspace or version update.
Checkin |
Checkin ...
Checkin |
Check in the given versionable Node
CheckinTest |
CheckinTest |
CheckinTest covers tests related to Node.checkin()
on simple versionable nodes.
Checkout |
Checkout ...
Checkout |
Checkout the given versionable Node
CheckoutTest |
CheckoutTest |
CheckPermissionTest |
Checkpoint |
Checkout ...
CheckSchemaOperation |
ChildInfo |
ChildInfo ...
ChildInfoImpl |
ChildInfoImpl implements a serializable ChildInfo .
ChildInfoImpl |
ChildInfoImpl ...
ChildNodeConstraint |
ChildNodeConstraint implements a child node constraint.
ChildNodeEntries |
ChildNodeEntries represents a collection of NodeEntry s that
also maintains the index values of same-name siblings on insertion and removal.
ChildNodeEntry |
ChildNodeEntry specifies the name, index (in the case of
same-name siblings) and the UUID of a child node entry.
ChildNodeImpl |
ChildNodeImpl ...
ChildNodeJoin |
ChildNodeJoin implements a child node join condition.
ChildNodeJoinConditionImpl |
ChildNodeJoinConditionImpl ...
ChildNodeJoinConditionTest |
ChildNodeJoinConditionTest contains test cases that cover
ChildNodeJoinCondition .
ChildNodesQueryHits |
ChildNodesQueryHits implements query hits that returns the child
nodes of another given query hits.
ChildNodeTest |
ChildNodeTest contains test cases that cover the QOM ChildNode
ChildPropertyEntries |
ChildPropertyEntries ...
ChildPropertyEntriesImpl |
ChildPropertyEntriesImpl ...
ChildrenCollector |
ChildrenCollector is a utility class
which can be used to 'collect' child elements of a
ChildrenCollectorFilter |
ChildrenCollectorFilter is a utility class
which can be used to 'collect' child items of a
node whose names match a certain pattern.
ClearMembershipAction |
ClearMembershipAction ...
ClearWorkspace |
Remove all the content from the current working Workspace
Clone |
Clone ...
Clone |
Clone the given Node to another Workspace
ClonedInputSource |
Input source that clones existing input source.
CloseableHits |
Defines an interface for query hits that need to be closed when done reading
from it.
ClusterConfig |
Cluster configuration.
ClusterContext |
Initial interface passed to a ClusterNode .
ClusterException |
The ClusterException signals an error within a cluster operation.
ClusterNode |
Default clustered node implementation.
ClusterOperation |
Cluster operation that will be written to the cluster's journal and
ultimately processed by other instances.
ClusterRecord |
Base cluster record.
ClusterRecordDeserializer |
Deserialize a record written by a ClusterNode .
ClusterRecordProcessor |
Cluster record processor.
CndImporter |
Utility class for importing compact node type definitions.
CodedUrlHeader |
CodedUrlHeader ...
CollectItems |
Collect children, either nodes or properties
CollectNodes |
Collect nodes only
CollectProperties |
Collect properties only
ColumnImpl |
ColumnImpl ...
ColumnTest |
ColumnTest contains test cases related to QOM column.
CombinedProvider |
CombinedProvider ...
CommandException |
JCR command Exception
CommandHelper |
Utility class for getting and setting context attributes.
CommandLine |
Command Line
CommandLineFactory |
Command line factory
CompactNodeTypeDefReader<T,N> |
CompactNodeTypeDefWriter |
Prints node type defs in a compact notation
Print Format:
<ex = "">
[ex:NodeType] > ex:ParentType1, ex:ParentType2
orderable mixin
- ex:property (STRING) = 'default1', 'default2'
primary mandatory autocreated protected multiple VERSION
< 'constraint1', 'constraint2'
+ ex:node (ex:reqType1, ex:reqType2) = ex:defaultType
mandatory autocreated protected multiple VERSION
CompactNodeTypeDefWriter |
Prints node type defs in a compact notation
Print Format:
<ex = "">
[ex:NodeType] > ex:ParentType1, ex:ParentType2
orderable mixin
- ex:property (STRING) = 'default1', 'default2'
primary mandatory autocreated protected multiple VERSION
< 'constraint1', 'constraint2'
+ ex:node (ex:reqType1, ex:reqType2) = ex:defaultType
mandatory autocreated protected multiple VERSION
CompactNodeTypeDefWriter.NamespaceMapping |
Map namespace prefixes such as present in a qualified JCR name to
the corresponding namespace URI.
CompareBaselineReport |
CompareBaselineReport ...
ComparisonConstraint |
ComparisonConstraint implements a comparison constraint.
ComparisonImpl |
ComparisonImpl ...
CompiledPermissions |
CompiledPermissions represents the evaluation of an
AccessControlPolicy that applies for a given set of
Principal s (normally obtained from the Subject
of a Session).
CompoundQueryFactory |
CompoundQueryFactory implements a query factory that consists of
multiple other query factories.
ConcurrentCache<K,V> |
Concurrent cache implementation that uses cache segments to minimize
the chance of lock contention.
ConcurrentTestSuite |
ConcurrentTestSuite implements a test suite that runs tests
with a given concurrency level using multiple threads.
Condition |
Condition defines an interface for a join condition.
ConfigurationEntityResolver |
Entity resolver for Jackrabbit configuration files.
ConfigurationErrorHandler |
Error handler for errors in the repository or workspace configuration.
ConfigurationException |
Exception class used for configuration errors.
ConfigurationException |
This Exception is thrown when there's an error in the command config file.
ConfigurationParser |
Configuration parser base class.
ConfigurationsTest |
ConfigurationsTest covers methods related to the Configurations
feature in Versioning.
ConnectionFactory |
A factory for new database connections.
ConnectionHelper |
This class provides convenience methods to execute SQL statements.
ConnectionOptions |
Advanced connection options to use for connections to a remote repository.
ConnectionOptions.Builder |
ConsistencyCheck |
Implements a consistency check on the search index.
ConsistencyChecker |
Optional interface for Persistence Managers.
ConsistencyCheckerImpl |
ConsistencyCheckError |
Common base class for errors detected during the consistency check.
ConsistencyCheckListener |
ConsistencyReport |
ConsistencyReportImpl |
ConsolidatingChangeLog |
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperation |
This class represent an Operation which can be cancelled by another operation
or which cancels another operation.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations |
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.AddNode |
An AddNode operation is is cancelled by a
Remove operation higher up the tree.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.AddProperty |
AddProperty operations might cancel with
Remove and
SetValue operations.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.Empty |
An Empty operation never cancels another operation and is never
cancelled by any other operation.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.Move |
An Move operation never cancels another operation and is never
cancelled by any other operation.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.Remove |
An Remove operation never cancels another operation and is never
cancelled by any other operation.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.ReorderNodes |
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.SetMixins |
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.SetPrimaryType |
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.SetTree |
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.SetValue |
A SetValue operation might cancel with
Remove and
SetValue operations.
ConstantNameProvider |
Provides descriptive names for integer constants
Constants |
Name constants for the node type XML elements and attributes.
Constraint |
Constraint defines an interface for a QOM constraint.
ConstraintBuilder |
ConstraintBuilder builds a Constraint from a tree of
QOM constraints.
ConstraintImpl |
ConstraintImpl is the common basis for classes that implement
the Constraint interface.
Constraints |
ContainerLoginFilter |
Login filter that relies on container authentication to provide the
authenticated username of a request.
ContentCodingAwareRequest |
ContentPackage |
ContentPackageExporter |
ContextRepositoryServlet |
Servlet that makes a repository from one servlet context attribute
available as another servlet context attribute.
CooperativeFileLock |
The file lock is used to ensure a resource is only open once at any time.
Copy |
Copy ...
Copy |
Copy a Node.
CopyMoveContext |
CopyMoveContext ...
CopyMoveContextImpl |
CopyMoveContextImpl ...
CopyMoveHandler |
CopyMoveHandler ...
CopyMoveManager |
CopyMoveManager ...
CopyMoveManagerImpl |
CopyMoveManagerImpl ...
CopyTest |
CopyTest checks if full versionable nodes are copied correctly:
15.1.4 Copying Versionable Nodes and Version Lineage
Under both simple and full versioning, when an existing versionable node N is
copied to a new location either in the same workspace or another, and the
repository preserves the versionable mixin (see 10.7.4 Dropping Mixins on
- A copy of N, call it M, is created, as usual.
CopyTest |
CopyTest checks if simple versionable nodes are copied correctly:
15.1.4 Copying Versionable Nodes and Version Lineage
Under both simple and full versioning, when an existing versionable node N is
copied to a new location either in the same workspace or another, and the
repository preserves the versionable mixin (see 10.7.4 Dropping Mixins on
- A copy of N, call it M, is created, as usual.
CreateActivity |
Checkout ...
CreateConfiguration |
CreateConfiguration ...
CreateQueryTest |
CreateWorkspace |
Creates a Workspace.
Note that this Command uses Jackrabbit specific API.
CredentialsCallback |
A CredentialsCallback
CredentialsProvider |
This Interface defines a provider for the credentials.
CryptedSimpleCredentials |
CSRFUtil |
CSRFUtil ...
CurrentNode |
Set the current working Node
CurrentUserPrivilegeSetProperty |
CurrentUserPrivilegeSetProperty ...
DatabaseAware |
Bean components (i.e., classes that appear in the repository descriptor) that implement this interface will
get the repositories ConnectionFactory instance injected just after construction and before
DatabaseFileSystem |
Base class for database file systems.
DatabaseJournal |
Database-based journal implementation.
DatabasePersistenceManager |
DataIdentifier |
Opaque data identifier used to identify records in a data store.
DataRecord |
Immutable data record that consists of a binary stream.
DataSourceConfig |
This class contains list of definitions for DataSource instances.
DataSourceConfig.DataSourceDefinition |
The definition of a DataSource.
DataSourceWrapper |
This class delegates all calls to the corresponding method on the wrapped DataSource except for the DataSourceWrapper.getConnection() method,
which delegates to DataSource#getConnection(String, String) with the username and password
which are given on construction.
DataStore |
Append-only store for binary streams.
DataStoreException |
Exception thrown by the Data Store module.
DataStoreFactory |
Factory interface for creating DataStore instances.
DateField |
Implements Date <-> String conversions in
a way that the resulting String is suitable for indexing and
DatePropertyTest |
Tests a date property.
DateValue |
A DateValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a date value.
DateVersionSelector |
This Class implements a version selector that selects a version by creation
DavCompliance |
DavCompliance defines constants for the various compliance
classes defined RFC 2518, RFC 4918 and it's extensions.
DavConstants |
DavConstants provide constants for request and response
headers, XML elements and property names defined by
RFC 2518.
DavDocumentBuilderFactory |
DavException |
DavException extends the Exception class in order
to simplify handling of exceptional situations occurring during processing
of WebDAV requests and provides possibility to retrieve an Xml representation
of the error.
DavexServletService |
DavLocatorFactory |
DavLocatorFactory ...
DavLocatorFactoryImpl |
DavLocatorFactoryImpl ...
DavMethods |
DavMethods defines constants for the WebDAV METHODS.
DavProperty<T> |
The Property class represents a Property of a WebDAV
DavPropertyIterator |
The DavPropertyIterator extends the Iterator by
a property specific next() method.
DavPropertyName |
The DavPropertyName class reflects a WebDAV property name.
DavPropertyNameIterator |
DavPropertyNameIterator ...
DavPropertyNameSet |
DavPropertySet |
The DavPropertySet class represents a set of WebDAV
DavResource |
DavResource provides standard WebDAV functionality as specified
by RFC 2518.
DavResourceFactory |
DavResourceFactory interface defines a single method for creating
DavResource objects.
DavResourceFactoryImpl |
DavResourceFactoryImpl ...
DavResourceImpl |
DavResourceImpl implements a DavResource.
DavResourceIterator |
DavResourceIterator extends the Iterator interface.
DavResourceIteratorImpl |
DavResourceLocator |
DavResourceLocator ...
DavServletRequest |
DavServletRequest extends the HttpServletRequest by Webdav
specific METHODS.
DavServletResponse |
WebdavResponse extends the HttpServletResponse by
Webdav specific status codes and METHODS.
DavSession |
DavSession allows to pass session information between request,
response and resource(s).
DavSessionImpl |
Simple implementation of the DavSession interface.
DavSessionProvider |
DavSessionProvider is an interface for components that
can initiate and complete DavSession s.
DavSessionProviderImpl |
DB2FileSystem |
DB2FileSystem is a JDBC-based FileSystem
implementation for Jackrabbit that persists file system entries in a
DB2 database.
DbDataRecord |
Data record that is stored in a database
DbDataStore |
A data store implementation that stores the records in a database using JDBC.
DbFileSystem |
DbFileSystem is a generic JDBC-based FileSystem
implementation for Jackrabbit that persists file system entries in a
database table.
DbInputStream |
This class represents an input stream backed by a database.
DbNameIndex |
Implements a StringIndex that stores and retrieves the names from a
table in a database.
DbUtility |
This class contains some database utility methods.
DecimalField |
The DecimalField class is a utility to convert
java.math.BigDecimal values to String
values that are lexicographically sortable according to the decimal value.
DecimalValue |
A DecimalValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a DECIMAL value.
DeclaringTypePredicate |
Filter that checks the declared type of an item
DeepLockTest |
DeepLockTest ...
DefaultAccessManager |
The DefaultAccessManager controls access by evaluating access
control policies for the Subject attached to the
Session this manager has been built for.
DefaultActiveLock |
DefaultActiveLock implements the ActiveLock interface
and represents an exclusive write lock with a random uuid lock token.
DefaultClusterOperation |
Default cluster operation implementation.
DefaultContentHandler |
DefaultDavProperty<T> |
DefaultDavProperty ...
DefaultEventType |
DefaultEventType defines a simple EventType implementation that
only consists of a qualified event name consisting of namespace plus local
DefaultHandler |
DefaultHandler implements a simple IOHandler that creates 'file'
and 'folder' nodes.
DefaultHighlighter |
This is an adapted version of the FulltextHighlighter posted in
issue: LUCENE-644.
DefaultHTMLExcerpt |
DefaultHTMLExcerpt creates a HTML excerpt with the following
DefaultIOListener |
DefaultIOListener implements an IOListener that
writes debug/error output to the logger specified in the constructor.
DefaultIOManager |
DefaultIOManager ...
DefaultISMLocking |
Default item state locking strategy.
DefaultItemCollection |
DefaultItemCollection represents a JCR node item.
DefaultItemFilter |
DefaultItemFilter ...
DefaultItemResource |
DefaultItemResource represents JCR property item.
DefaultLoginModule |
The DefaultLoginModule authenticates Credentials related to
a User of the Repository
In any other case it is marked to be ignored.
DefaultNamePathResolver |
DefaultNamePathResolver ...
DefaultPrincipalProvider |
Provides principals for the users contained within the Repository.
DefaultProtectedItemImporter |
DefaultProtectedItemImporter ...
DefaultProtectedNodeImporter |
Default implementation that isn't able to handle any protected nodes.
DefaultProtectedPropertyImporter |
Default implementation that isn't able to handle any protected properties.
DefaultQOMTreeVisitor |
DefaultQueryHits |
DefaultQueryNodeFactory |
DefaultQueryNodeVisitor |
Implements the QueryNodeVisitor interface with default behaviour.
DefaultQValue |
QValue implementation for all valid PropertyType s
except for BINARY.
DefaultRecordProducer |
Produces new records that can be appended to the journal.
DefaultRedoLogFactory |
DefaultRedoLogFactory ...
DefaultSecurityManager |
The security manager acts as central managing class for all security related
operations on a low-level non-protected level.
DefaultTraversingQOMTreeVisitor |
DefaultTraversingQOMTreeVisitor default implementation of a
traversing QOMTreeVisitor .
DefaultXMLExcerpt |
DefaultXMLExcerpt creates an XML excerpt of a matching node.
DefinitionBuilderFactory<T,N> |
Builder for node type definitions, node definitions and property definitions.
DefinitionBuilderFactory.AbstractItemDefinitionBuilder<T> |
Builder for item definitions of type T
DefinitionBuilderFactory.AbstractNodeDefinitionBuilder<T> |
Builder for child node definitions of type T
DefinitionBuilderFactory.AbstractNodeTypeDefinitionBuilder<T> |
Builder for a node type definition of type T.
DefinitionBuilderFactory.AbstractPropertyDefinitionBuilder<T> |
Builder for property definitions of type T
DelegatingObservationDispatcher |
This Class implements an observation dispatcher, that delegates events to
a set of underlying dispatchers.
DeleteContext |
The context associated with a DELETE operation
DeleteContextImpl |
Implements a simple delete context
DeleteHandler |
The DeleteHandler is invoked when a webdav DELETE request is received.
DeleteManager |
The DeleteManager handles DELETE operation by delegating it to its handlers.
DeleteManagerImpl |
DeltaVConstants |
DeltaVConstants defines the following headers and properties
required for any resource that is compliant to
RFC 3253:
DeltaVResource |
The DeltaVResource encapsulates the functionality common to all
DeltaV compliant resources.
DeltaVResourceImpl |
The DeltaVResourceImpl encapsulates the functionality common to all
DeltaV compliant resources.
DeltaVServletRequest |
DeltaVServletRequest provides extension useful for functionality
related to RFC 3253.
DepthHeader |
DepthHeader ...
DepthPredicate |
Implements a filter that filters item according to their (passed) depth.
DerbyConnectionHelper |
DerbyDataStore |
The Derby data store closes the database when the data store is closed
(embedded databases only).
DerbyFileSystem |
DerbyFileSystem is a JDBC-based FileSystem
implementation for Jackrabbit that persists file system entries in an
embedded Derby database.
DerbyPersistenceManager |
DerbyPersistenceManager |
DerbyShutdown |
Servlet context listener that releases all remaining Derby resources
when the web application is undeployed.
DerefQueryLevel1Test |
Tests the XPath function jcr:deref() in a level 1 repository.
DerefQueryNode |
Represents query node that dereferences a reference property into a node and
does an optional name test on the target node.
DescendantNodeConstraint |
DescendantNodeConstraint implements a descendant node
DescendantNodeImpl |
DescendantNodeImpl ...
DescendantNodeJoin |
DescendantNodeJoin implements a descendant node join condition.
DescendantNodeJoinConditionImpl |
DescendantNodeJoinConditionImpl ...
DescendantNodeJoinConditionTest |
DescendantNodeJoinConditionTest contains test cases that cover
DescendantNodeJoinCondition .
DescendantNodeTest |
DescendantNodeTest contains test cases related to QOM
DescendantNode constraints.
DescendantPathNodeJoin |
DescendantPathNodeJoin implements a descendant path node join
Describe |
Describes the given Node .
DirectoryManager |
DirectoryManager defines an interface for managing directory
instances used by the search index.
DirListingExportHandler |
DirListingExportHandler represents a simple export for collections:
a human-readable view listing the members.
DocumentViewExporter |
Document view exporter.
DocumentViewImportTest |
DocumentViewImportTest Tests importXML and
getImportContentHandler methods of the Workspace and Session class.
DOMBuilder |
Document builder class.
DomUtil |
DomUtil provides some common utility methods related to w3c-DOM.
DOMWalker |
Document walker class.
DoubleField |
The DoubleField class is a utility to convert double
values into String values that are lexicographically ordered
according to the double value.
DoublePropertyTest |
Tests a double property.
DoubleValue |
A DoubleValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a double value.
DummyInitialContextFactory |
DummyInitialContextFactory ...
DummyUpdateEventChannel |
Dump |
Dump stored data from the current working Node
DynamicOperand |
DynamicOperand is a base class for dynamic operands.
DynamicOperandFieldComparator |
DynamicOperandFieldComparatorSource |
DynamicOperandImpl |
DynamicOperandImpl ...
DynamicPooledExecutor |
DynamicPooledExecutor implements an executor, which dynamically
adjusts its maximum number of threads according to the number of available
processors returned by Runtime.availableProcessors() .
EffectiveNodeType |
An EffectiveNodeType represents one or more
NodeType s as one 'effective' node type where inheritance
is resolved.
EffectiveNodeType |
EffectiveNodeType ...
EffectiveNodeTypeCache |
EffectiveNodeTypeCache defines the interface for a cache for
effective node types.
EffectiveNodeTypeCache |
EffectiveNodeTypeCache defines the interface for a cache for
effective node types.
EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key |
An ENTKey uniquely identifies
a combination (i.e.
EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key |
An ENTKey uniquely identifies
a combination (i.e.
EffectiveNodeTypeCacheImpl |
EffectiveNodeTypeCache implementation that uses an array of
node type names as key for caching the effective node types.
EffectiveNodeTypeImpl |
An EffectiveNodeType represents one or more
NodeType s as one 'effective' node type where inheritance
is resolved.
EffectiveNodeTypeProvider |
EffectiveNodeTypeProvider ...
ElementIterator |
ElementIterator ...
ElementTest |
Tests the element test function in XPath.
EmptyLinkedMap<K,V> |
EmptyLinkedMap implements an empty unmodifiable LinkedMap .
EmptyRepository |
An empty repository with no descriptors and no workspaces.
EncodeUtil |
EncodeUtil provides helper methods for URL encoding and decoding
(copied from jcr-commons jackrabbit.util.Text).
EntryCollector |
EntryCollector collects ACEs defined and effective for a
given Node and listens to access control modifications in order
to inform listeners.
EntryFactory |
EntryFactory ...
EntryFactory.InvalidationStrategy |
Strategy for invalidating item states
EntryFactory.NodeEntryListener |
EntryFilter |
EntryFilter ...
EquiJoin |
EquiJoin implements an equi join condition.
EquiJoinConditionImpl |
EquiJoinConditionImpl ...
EquiJoinConditionTest |
EquiJoinConditionTest contains test cases that cover
EquiJoinCondition .
ErrorHandling |
ErrorHandling configuration abstraction class
EscapeJCRUtil |
Class providing some character escape methods.
EvaluationContext |
EvaluationContext defines a context with various resources that
are needed for constraint evaluation.
Event |
Event is similar to the regular JCR Event and adds additional
information about the affected item.
EventBundle |
EventBundle |
EventBundle defines an empty interface used to represent a bundle
of events.
EventBundleImpl |
EventDiscovery |
EventDiscovery represents the request body of a successful
POLL request.
EventFilter |
The EventFilter class implements the filter logic based
on the session's access rights and the specified filter rules.
EventFilter |
An EventFilter is applied to the events as generated on the
repository server.
EventFilterImpl |
EventFilterImpl is the simple bean style implementation of an
EventFilter .
EventImpl |
EventImpl |
EventImpl implements a serializable SPI
Event .
EventImpl |
EventImpl ...
EventIteratorAdapter |
EventIteratorTest |
EventJournalImpl |
EventJournalImpl |
EventJournalImpl implement the JSR 283 event journal over SPI.
EventJournalResourceImpl |
Implements a JCR EventJournal in terms of an RFC 4287 Atom feed.
EventJournalTest |
EventJournalTest performs EventJournal tests.
EventListenerIteratorAdapter |
EventResult |
Utility class for Event retrieval with an
EventListener .
EventState |
The EventState class encapsulates the session
independent state of an Event .
EventStateCollection |
EventStateCollectionFactory |
EventSubscriptionImpl |
EventSubscriptionImpl ...
EventTest |
Tests methods on the Event interface.
EventType |
EventType ...
EventUtil |
EventConstants ...
EveryonePrincipal |
The EveryonePrincipal contains all principals (excluding itself).
ExactQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines an exact match of a property and a
ExceptionConverter |
ExceptionConverter ...
ExcerptProvider |
ExcerptProvider defines an interface to create an excerpt for
a matching node.
ExecutableQuery |
Specifies an interface for a query object implementation that can just be
ExpandPropertyReport |
ExpandPropertyReport encapsulates the DAV:expand-property report,
that provides a mechanism for retrieving in one request the properties from
the resources identified by those DAV:href elements.
ExportContext |
ExportContext ...
ExportContextImpl |
ExportDocViewTest |
ExportDocViewToFile |
Serialize the Node to the given file using the Document View
Exporter |
Abstract base class for document and system view exporters.
ExportFileSystem |
Export a Node of type nt:file or nt:folder to the given file
system path.
ExportPropertyToFile |
Exports a Property Value of the current working
Node to the file system.
ExportSysViewTest |
ExportSysViewTest tests the SysView Export of a tree given by a
node path.
ExportSysViewToFile |
Serialize the Node to the given file using the System View
ExportViewReport |
ExportViewReport handles REPORT requests for the 'exportview'
FallbackPrincipalProvider |
The FallbackPrincipalProvider is used to provide any desired
FieldComparatorBase |
Abstract base class for FieldComparator implementations
which are based on values in the form of Comparables .
FieldNames |
Defines field names that are used internally to store UUID, etc in the
search index.
FieldSelectors |
FieldSelectors contains commonly used field selectors.
FieldValueParser |
FileBasedIndex |
Implements a StringIndex that is based on a hashmap and persists
the names as property file.
FileBasedNamespaceMappings |
The class NamespaceMappings implements a
NamespaceResolver that holds a namespace
mapping that is used internally in the search index.
FileDataRecord |
Data record that is based on a normal file.
FileDataStore |
Simple file-based data store.
FileJournal |
File-based journal implementation that appends journal records to a single
FileRecordIterator |
Record cursor that returns unseen revisions in ascending order on every
FileRecordLog |
A file record log is a file containing Record s.
FileRevision |
Maintains a file-based revision counter with locking, assuring uniqueness.
FileSystem |
The FileSystem interface is an abstraction of a virtual
file system.
FileSystemBLOBStore |
FileSystemBLOBStore is a ResourceBasedBLOBStore
implementation that stores BLOB data in a FileSystem .
FileSystemException |
The FileSystemException signals an error within a file system
FileSystemFactory |
Factory interface for creating FileSystem instances.
FileSystemPathUtil |
Utility class for handling paths in a file system.
FileSystemResource |
A FileSystemResource represents a resource (i.e.
FileToInputStream |
Puts an in the context from an Fs path
FileUtil |
Static utility methods for recursively copying and deleting files and
Filter |
Filter ...
FilterContentPackage |
FilterContentPackage.Content |
FilterContentPackage.FilteringIterator |
FilteredRangeIterator |
Filtering decorator for iterators.
FilteringItemVisitor |
FilteringNodeIterator |
A wrapper around a NodeIterator filtering out nodes from the base iterator
that don't match the specified filter .
FilterIterator<T> |
FilterIterator<T> |
Iterator filtering out items which do not match a given predicate.
FilterMultiColumnQuery |
FilterMultiColumnQuery wraps a multi column query and filters
out rows that do not satisfy a given constraint.
FilterMultiColumnQueryHits |
FilterMultiColumnQueryHits implements a
MultiColumnQueryHits filter that forwards each call to the underlying
query hits.
FilterRepositoryFactory |
Factory that looks up a repository from the context of a given filter.
FineGrainedISMLocking |
FineGrainedISMLocking ...
Flag |
A command line flag
A flag is a parameter that has no other value that the option name.
FrozenNodeIteratorAdapter |
Implements a node iterator that takes a version iterator and returns the
frozen nodes of the underlying versions.
FrozenNodeTest |
FrozenNodeTest |
SVFrozenNodeTest covers tests related to frozen nodes in
simple versioning
FSBackend |
FSDirectoryManager |
FSDirectoryManager implements a directory manager for
FSDirectory instances.
FullTextConstraint |
FullTextConstraint implements a full text search constraint.
FullTextSearchImpl |
FullTextSearchImpl ...
FullTextSearchScoreImpl |
FullTextSearchScoreImpl ...
FullTextSearchScoreOperand |
FullTextSearchScoreOperand implements a full text search score
FullTextSearchScoreTest |
FullTextSearchScoreTest contains fulltext search score tests.
GarbageCollector |
Garbage collector for DataStore.
GenericRepositoryFactory |
Deprecated. |
GetContainingHistoryTest |
GetCreatedTest |
GetDateTest |
GetDateTest checks if the dates returned by events are
monotonically increasing.
GetIdentifierTest |
IdentifierTest checks if the identifier of an event is correct.
GetInfoTest |
GetLanguageTest |
GetPersistentQueryPathLevel1Test |
GetPersistentQueryPathTest |
GetPredecessorsTest |
GetPropertyNamesTest |
Tests if the property names of an XPath query without a jcr:primaryType
predicate matches the ones declared in nt:base.
GetQueryTest |
GetReferencesNodeTest |
GetReferencesNodeTest contains test to check if references are
returned from versions.
GetRegisteredEventListenersTest |
GetStatementTest |
GetSupportedQueryLanguagesTest |
GetUserDataTest |
GetUserDataTest performs observation tests with user data set
on the observation manager.
GetVersionableUUIDTest |
GetWeakReferencesTest |
GlobPattern |
GlobPattern defines a simplistic pattern matching.
GQL is a simple fulltext query language, which supports field
prefixes similar to Lucene or Google queries.
GQL.Filter |
Defines a filter for query result rows.
GQL.ParserCallback |
Defines a callback interface that may be implemented by client code to
get a callback for each GQL term that is parsed.
GroupPrincipals |
Helper class to deal with the migration between the 2 types of groups
GrowingLRUMap<K,V> |
GrowingLRUMap extends the LRUMap such that it can grow from
the specified initialSize to the specified maxSize ;
H2PersistenceManager |
HandleMonitor |
This Class implements a very simple open handle monitor for the local
file system.
HashCache<T> |
Simple utility class that implements a fixed-size and thread-safe
(non-blocking) cache of objects.
HashMapIndex |
HasPermissionTest |
Header |
Header ...
Help |
Show available Command s.
HierarchyConstraint |
HierarchyConstraint is a base class for hierarchy related
HierarchyEntry |
HierarchyEntry ...
HierarchyEventListener |
HierarchyEventListener ...
HierarchyManager |
The HierarchyManager interface ...
HierarchyManager |
HierarchyManager ...
HierarchyManagerImpl |
HierarchyManagerImpl ...
HierarchyManagerImpl |
HierarchyManagerImpl implements the HierarchyManager
HierarchyManagerImpl.CycleDetector |
Utility class used to detect path cycles with as little overhead
as possible.
HierarchyResolver |
HierarchyResolver extends an IndexReader
with the ability to resolve a JCR hierarchy.
HighlightingExcerptProvider |
HighlightingExcerptProvider extends the
ExcerptProvider interface with a method that highlights matching
terms in arbitrary text.
Hits |
Representation of a set of hits
HitsIntersection |
Creates the intersection of two hit sets.
HoldEffectTest |
HoldEffectTest ...
HoldTest |
RetentionManagerTest ...
HrefProperty |
HrefProperty is an extension to the common DavProperty .
HttpBind |
Represents an HTTP BIND request.
HttpCheckin |
Represents an HTTP CHECKIN request.
HttpCheckout |
Represents an HTTP CHECKOUT request.
HttpCopy |
Represents an HTTP COPY request.
HttpDateFormat |
HttpDateFormat ...
HttpDateTimeFormatter |
Parsers and Serializers for HTTP dates (RFC 7231, Section, using
DateTimeFormatter (from Java 8).
HttpDelete |
Represents an HTTP DELETE request.
HttpLabel |
Represents an HTTP LABEL request.
HttpLock |
Represents an HTTP LOCK request.
HttpMerge |
Represents an HTTP MERGE request.
HttpMkcol |
Represents an HTTP MKCOL request.
HttpMkworkspace |
Represents an HTTP MKWORKSPACE request.
HttpMove |
Represents an HTTP MOVE request.
HttpOptions |
Represents an HTTP OPTIONS request.
HttpOrderpatch |
Represents an HTTP ORDERPATCH request.
HttpPoll |
Represents an HTTP POLL request.
HttpPost |
HttpPropfind |
Represents an HTTP PROPFIND request.
HttpProppatch |
Represents an HTTP PROPPATCH request.
HttpRebind |
Represents an HTTP REBIND request.
HttpReport |
Represents an HTTP REPORT request.
HttpSearch |
Represents an HTTP SEARCH request.
HttpSubscribe |
Represents an HTTP SUBSCRIBE request.
HttpUnbind |
Represents an HTTP UNBIND request.
HttpUnlock |
Represents an HTTP UNLOCK request.
HttpUnsubscribe |
Represents an HTTP UNSUBSCRIBE request.
HttpUpdate |
Represents an HTTP UPDATE request.
HttpVersionControl |
Represents an HTTP VERSION-CONTROL request.
IdentifierResolver |
IdentifierResolver ....
IdFactory |
IdFactory defines methods to construct new ItemId s.
IdFactoryImpl |
IdFactoryImpl ...
IdFactoryLogger |
IDField |
IDField implements a lucene field for the id of a node.
IfHeader |
The IfHeader class represents the state lists defined
through the HTTP If header, which is specified in RFC 2518 as
follows :
IgnoreOperation |
Marker interface that represent operations which must be ignored
by the SessionItemStateManager for building the final ChangeLog.
IllegalNameException |
Thrown when an illegal JCR name string is encountered.
ImpersonateTest |
ImpersonationCallback |
ImportConfig |
XmlImportConfig ...
ImportContext |
ImportContext ...
ImportContextImpl |
ImportContextImpl ...
Importer |
Content importer.
Importer |
The Importer interface ...
Importer.NodeInfo |
Importer.PropInfo |
Importer.TextValue |
TextValue represents a serialized property value read
from a System or Document View XML document.
ImportFileSystem |
Import data from the file system.
ImportHandler |
An ImportHandler instance can be used to import serialized
data in System View XML or Document View XML.
ImportHandler |
An ImportHandler instance can be used to import serialized
data in System View XML or Document View XML.
ImportXmlFromInputStream |
Import the xml view to the target Node
InconsistentVersioningState |
The InconsistentVersionControlState is used to signal
inconsistencies in the versioning related state of a node, such
as missing mandatory properties, missing version nodes, etc.
IndexDeletionPolicyImpl |
IndexDeletionPolicyImpl ...
IndexFormatVersion |
This class indicates the lucene index format that is used.
IndexingConfiguration |
IndexingConfiguration defines the interface to check whether
a certain property is indexed or not.
IndexingConfigurationEntityResolver |
IndexingConfigurationEntityResolver implements an entity
resolver for the indexing configuration DTD.
IndexingConfigurationImpl |
IndexingConfigurationImpl implements a concrete indexing
IndexInputStream |
IndexListener |
Defines an interface that allows implementing classes to listen for index
changes (namely document deletes) while using a ReadOnlyIndexReader .
IndexMigration |
IndexMigration implements a utility that migrates a Jackrabbit
1.4.x index to version 1.5.
IndexOutputStream |
Info |
InMemBundlePersistenceManager |
BundleInMemPersistenceManager is a HashMap -based
PersistenceManager for Jackrabbit that keeps all data in memory
and that is capable of storing and loading its contents using a simple custom
binary serialization format (see Serializer ).
InMemBundlePersistenceManager.CloseableBLOBStore |
Helper interface for closeable stores
InMemPersistenceManager |
InputContext |
InputContext ...
InputContextImpl |
InputContextImpl class encapsulates the InputStream
and some header values as present in the POST, PUT or MKCOL request.
InputStreamWrapper |
Helper class which allows to check whether the #close() method has been
called on this stream.
Installer |
Provides very basic installation capabilities.
InstanceRevision |
InternalActivity |
This interface defines the internal activity.
InternalBaseline |
This interface defines the internal baseline.
InternalEventListener |
InternalEventListener receives changes as a result of a local
or an external modification.
InternalFreeze |
the base interface for nodes that were versioned and turned either into
InternalFrozenNode or InternalFrozenVersionHistory.
InternalFrozenNode |
The InternalFrozenNode interface represents the frozen node that was generated
during a Node.checkin() .
InternalFrozenVersionHistory |
This interface defines a frozen versionable child node, that was created
during a Node.checkin() with a OPV==Version node.
InternalValue |
InternalValue represents the internal format of a property value.
InternalValueFactory |
InternalVersion |
This interface defines the internal version.
InternalVersionHistory |
This interface defines the internal version history.
InternalVersionItem |
This interface defines the base for all internal versioning items.
InternalVersionManager |
This interface defines the version manager.
InternalVersionManagerImpl |
This Class implements a VersionManager.
InternalVersionManagerImpl.DynamicESCFactory |
InternalXAResource |
Interface implemented by resources that provide XA functionality.
InternalXAVersionManager |
InvalidConstraintException |
The InvalidConstraintException ...
InvalidNodeTypeDefException |
The NodeTypeConflictException ...
IOContext |
IOCounters |
IOCounters provides a basic mechanism to track I/O during query
IOHandler |
IOHandler interface defines methods for importing and
exporting resource content as well as some fundamental resource properties
which use to be set/retrieved together with content import and export (e.g.
IOListener |
IOListener defines an import/export listener.
IOManager |
IOManager interface provides the means to define a list of
IOHandlers that should be asked to perform an import or export.
IOManagerImpl |
IOManagerImpl represents the most simple IOManager
implementation that provides a default constructor and does define any
IOHandler s.
IOUtil |
IOUtil provides utility methods used for import and export
IsMandatoryPredicate |
IsMandatoryFilter ...
ISMLocking |
ISMLocking.ReadLock |
ISMLocking.WriteLock |
ISMLockingFactory |
Factory interface for creating ISMLocking instances.
IsNodePredicate |
Item filter that checks if an item is a node.
ISO8601 |
The ISO8601 utility class provides helper methods
to deal with date/time formatting using a specific ISO8601-compliant
format (see ISO 8601).
ISO8601 |
The ISO8601 utility class provides helper methods
to deal with date/time formatting using a specific ISO8601-compliant
format (see ISO 8601).
Variants that exclude the milliseconds from the formatted string.
ISO9075 |
Implements the encode and decode routines as specified for XML name to SQL
identifier conversion in ISO 9075-14:2003.
If a character c is not valid at a certain position in an XML 1.0
NCName it is encoded in the form: '_x' + hexValueOf(c) + '_'.
ISO9075 |
Implements the encode and decode routines as specified for XML name to SQL
identifier conversion in ISO 9075-14:2003.
If a character c is not valid at a certain position in an XML 1.0
NCName it is encoded in the form: '_x' + hexValueOf(c) + '_'.
ItemCache |
ItemCache ...
ItemCacheImpl |
ItemCacheImpl ...
ItemData |
Data object referenced by different ItemImpl instances that
all represent the same item, i.e.
ItemDefinitionImpl |
ItemDefinitionImpl ...
ItemDefinitionProvider |
ItemDefinitionProvider ...
ItemDefinitionProviderImpl |
ItemDefinitionManagerImpl ...
ItemFilter |
ItemId |
Node or property identifier.
ItemId |
An ItemId identifies an item using a combination of unique ID
and path.
ItemImpl |
ItemImpl implements the Item interface.
ItemImpl |
ItemImpl ...
ItemInfo |
ItemInfoBuilder |
ItemInfoBuilder.Listener |
A listener for receiving notifications about items built by the builders in this class.
ItemInfoBuilder.NodeInfoBuilder |
ItemInfoBuilder.PropertyInfoBuilder |
ItemInfoCache |
ItemInfoCache instances are responsible for caching
ItemInfo s along with an opaque generation counter.
ItemInfoCache.Entry<T extends ItemInfo> |
This class represents a cache entry.
ItemInfoCacheImpl |
This implementation of ItemInfoCache has a default size of 5000 items.
ItemInfoImpl |
ItemInfoImpl is a base class for ItemInfo
ItemInfoImpl |
ItemInfoImpl is a base class for ItemInfo
ItemLifeCycleListener |
The ItemLifeCycleListener interface allows an implementing
object to be informed about changes on an Item instance.
ItemLifeCycleListener |
The ItemLifeCycleListener interface allows an implementing
object to be informed about changes on an Item instance.
ItemManager |
There's one ItemManager instance per Session
ItemManager |
There's one ItemManager instance per Session
ItemManagerImpl |
ItemManagerImpl implements the ItemManager interface.
ItemNameMatcher |
ItemRefreshOperation |
ItemResourceConstants |
ItemResourceConstants provides constants for any resources
representing repository items.
ItemResourceConstants |
ItemResourceConstants provides constants for any resources
representing repository items.
ItemSequence |
This class serves as main entry point for obtaining sequences of Node
s and Property s.
ItemSequence.NodeSequenceImpl |
ItemSequence.PropertySequenceImpl |
ItemState |
ItemState represents the state of an Item .
ItemState |
ItemState represents the state of an Item .
ItemState.MergeResult |
ItemStateCache |
An ItemStateCache maintains a cache of ItemState
ItemStateCacheFactory |
An item state cache factory to construct new item state caches.
ItemStateCreationListener |
ItemStateCreationListener ...
ItemStateException |
The ItemStateException ...
ItemStateFactory |
ItemStateFactory provides methods to create child
NodeState s and PropertyState s for a given
NodeState .
ItemStateLifeCycleListener |
ItemStateLifeCycleListener allows an implementing class to get
notifications about the life cycle of an item state.
ItemStateListener |
The ItemStateListener interface allows an implementing object
to be informed about changes on an ItemState .
ItemStateManager |
The ItemStateManager interface provides methods for retrieving
ItemState and NodeReferences instances by id.
ItemStateReferenceCache |
ItemStateReferenceCache internally consists of 2 components:
an ItemStateReferenceMap serving as the primary (or main)
cache; it holds weak references to ItemState instances.
ItemStateValidator |
Utility class for validating an item state against constraints
specified by its definition.
ItemValidator |
Utility class for validating an item against constraints
specified by its definition.
IterablePersistenceManager |
The iterable persistence manager can return the list of NodeId s and
NodeInfo s that are stored.
Iterators |
Historical utility class containing type safe adapters for some of the iterators of
JAASAuthContext |
Implements the common AuthContext interface for the JAAS environment.
JackrabbitAnalyzer |
This is the global jackrabbit lucene analyzer.
JackrabbitIndexReader |
JackrabbitIndexSearcher |
JackrabbitIndexSearcher implements an index searcher with
jackrabbit specific optimizations.
JackrabbitQuery |
JackrabbitQuery defines an interface for Jackrabbit query
implementations that are at the root of the lucene query tree.
JackrabbitQueryParser |
JackrabbitQueryParser extends the standard lucene query parser
and adds JCR specific customizations.
JackrabbitRepositoryServlet |
Servlet that makes a Jackrabbit repository available as a servlet context
JackrabbitRepositoryStub |
RepositoryStub implementation for Apache Jackrabbit.
JackrabbitSecurityManager |
JackrabbitSecurityManager ...
JackrabbitTermQuery |
JackrabbitTermQuery implements a TermQuery where score
values are retrieved on a per index segment basis using MultiScorer .
JCAConnectionManager |
This class implements the default connection manager.
JCAConnectionRequestInfo |
This class encapsulates the credentials for creating a
session from the repository.
JCAManagedConnection |
This class implements the managed connection for
this resource adapter.
JCAManagedConnectionFactory |
Implements the JCA ManagedConnectionFactory contract.
JCARepositoryHandle |
This class implements the JCA implementation of repository.
JCARepositoryManager |
This class implements the repository manager.
JCAResourceAdapter |
JCR ResourceAdapter.
JCASessionHandle |
This class implements the JCA implementation of session.
Jcr2davRepositoryFactory |
Repository factory for JCR to WebDAV connections.
Jcr2spiRepositoryFactory |
This implementation of RepositoryFactory is capable of returning the various
SPI implementations of the Apache Jackrabbit project:
SPI2DAVex (see jackrabbit-spi2dav module)
SPI2DAV (see jackrabbit-spi2dav module)
SPI2JCR (see jackrabbit-spi2jcr module)
Jcr2spiRepositoryFactory.RepositoryConfigImpl |
JcrActiveLock |
JcrApiNotFoundException |
Exception for signaling that the JCR API is not available.
JcrClient |
Command line interface client
JcrConstants |
This Interface defines some of the item names that are defined in the
jcr spec 1.0, using the default prefixes 'jcr', 'nt' and 'mix'.
JcrDavException |
JcrDavException extends the DavException in order to
wrap various repository exceptions.
JcrDavPropertyNameSet |
JcrDavPropertyNameSet ...
JcrDavSession |
JcrDavSession specific base implementation of the
DavSession interface, which simply wraps a Session
JcrInfoCommandException |
Exception thrown by Info Commands
JcrLockManager |
JcrLockManager ...
JcrParser |
Input Parser
JcrParserException |
Exception thrown if any error occurs while parsing the user's input.
JcrPrivilegeReport |
JcrRemotingConstants |
JcrRemotingConstants provides string constants for WebDAV
resources representing repository items.
JcrRemotingServlet |
JcrRemotingServlet ...
JcrRemotingServlet |
JCRSQLParser |
JCRSQLParserConstants |
JCRSQLParserTokenManager |
JCRSQLParserTreeConstants |
JCRSQLParserVisitor |
JCRSQLQueryBuilder |
Implements the query builder for the JCR SQL syntax.
JcrSupportedPrivilegesProperty |
JCRTestResult |
Extends the standard JUnit TestResult class.
JCRTestSuite |
Test suite that includes all the JCR API tests
JcrUserPrivilegesProperty |
JcrUtils |
Collection of static utility methods for use with the JCR API.
JcrValueType |
JcrValueType ...
JcrValueType |
JcrVersionManager |
VersionManagerImpl ...
JCRWebdavServer |
JCRWebdavServer ...
JCRWebdavServerServlet |
JCRWebdavServerServlet provides request/response handling for the
JCRWebdavServerServlet |
JCRWebdavServerServlet provides request/response handling for the
JNDIBindingServlet |
Servlet that binds a repository from a servlet context attribute in JNDI.
JNDIConfig |
The JNDI config hold information about JNDI connection details.
JNDIDatabaseFileSystem |
JNDIDatabaseJournal |
JNDIDatabasePersistenceManager |
JNDIRepository |
Proxy for a repository bound in JNDI.
JndiRepositoryFactory |
JNDI-based JCR repository factory.
JNDIRepositoryFactory |
Factory that looks up a repository from JNDI.
JNDIRepositoryServlet |
Servlet that makes a repository from JNDI available as an attribute
in the servlet context.
JNDIRepositoryStub |
Implements the abstract class RepositoryStub and uses JNDI
to obtain a javax.jcr.Repository instance.
Join |
Join implements the result of a join.
JoinConditionImpl |
JoinConditionImpl ...
JoinImpl |
JoinImpl ...
JoinQuery |
JoinQuery implements a query that performs a join.
JoinRow |
JoinType |
Enumeration of the JCR 2.0 join types.
Journal |
Generic journal interface.
JournalException |
The JournalException signals an error within a journal operation.
JournalFactory |
Factory interface for creating Journal instances.
JsonHandler |
The JSONHandler interface receives notifications from the
JsonParser .
JsonParser |
JsonUtil |
JSON utilities.
JUnitTest |
Abstract base class for any JUnit test case.
LabelHeader |
LabelHeader ...
LabelInfo |
LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request
used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or
from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource
is a version-controlled resource.
The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructor must be
a DAV:label element:
LabelSetProperty |
LabelSetProperty ...
LabelVersionSelector |
This Class implements a version selector that selects a version by label.
LatestActivityVersionReport |
LatestActivityVersionReport is applied to a version history to
identify the latest version that is selected from that version history by a
given activity.
LazyFileContentInputStream |
This input stream delays opening the file content until the first byte is read, and
closes and discards the underlying stream as soon as the end of input has
been reached or when the stream is explicitly closed.
LazyFileInputStream |
This input stream delays opening the file until the first byte is read, and
closes and discards the underlying stream as soon as the end of input has
been reached or when the stream is explicitly closed.
LazyFileInputStream |
This Class implements an InputStream that provides the same functionality
as a FileInputStream but opens the file by the first file access.
LazyItemIterator |
LazyItemIterator is an id-based iterator that instantiates
the Item s only when they are requested.
LazyItemIterator |
LazyItemIterator is an id-based iterator that instantiates
the Item s only when they are requested.
LazyIteratorChain<T> |
This class implements the concatenation of iterators.
LazyTextExtractorField |
LazyTextExtractorField implements a Lucene field with a String
value that is lazily initialized from a given Reader .
LengthImpl |
LengthImpl ...
LengthOperand |
LengthOperand implements a length operand.
LengthSortComparator |
LengthSortComparator implements a FieldComparator which
sorts on the length of property values.
LengthsProperty |
LengthsProperty extends DavProperty providing
utilities to handle the multiple lengths of the property item represented
by this resource.
LengthTest |
LengthTest performs tests with the Query Object Model length
Lexer |
Lexer of the CND definition.
LifecycleTest |
Compliance tests for section 6.12 Lifecycle Management.
LikeConstraint |
LikeConstraint implements a like constraint.
LinkHeaderFieldParser |
Simple parser for HTTP Link header fields, as defined in RFC 5988.
ListenerTracker |
Tracks event deliveries to an event listener and the way the listener
processes the events.
LiteralImpl |
LiteralImpl ...
LocalAuthContext |
Provide AuthContext interface, for a JAAS-LoginModule not running in
a LoginContext
LocalCache |
LocalFileSystem |
A LocalFileSystem ...
LocalItemStateManager |
Local ItemStateManager that isolates changes to
persistent states from other clients.
LocalNameQuery |
LocalNameQuery implements a query for the local name of a node.
LocalNameRangeQuery |
LocalNameRangeQuery implements a range query on the local name
of nodes.
LocateByHistoryReport |
LocateByHistoryReport encapsulates the DAV:locate-by-hisotry
report, that may be used to locate a version-controlled resource for that
version history.
LocateByUuidReport |
LocateByUuidReport handles REPORT requests for the 'locate-by-uuid'
LocateCorrespondingNodeReport |
LocateCorrespondingNodeReport is used to identify the resource that
represents the corresponding node in another workspace.
LocationStepQueryNode |
Defines a location step for querying the path of a node.
LocatorFactoryImpl |
ResourceFactoryImpl implements a simple DavLocatorFactory
LocatorFactoryImplEx |
LocatorFactoryImplEx ...
Lock |
Lock the given Node
LockDiscovery |
The LockDiscovery class encapsulates the webdav lock discovery
property that is sent in the request body (PROPFIND and LOCK) and received
in a LOCK response body.
Locked |
Locked |
Locked is a utility to synchronize modifications on a lockable
LockedWrapper<T> |
LockedWrapper is a wrapper class to Locked which adds
generics support and wraps the Locked.TIMED_OUT object into a
LockException .
LockEntry |
LockEntry ...
LockEventChannel |
Event channel used to transmit lock events.
LockEventListener |
Interface used to receive information about incoming, external lock events.
LockInfo |
Internal lock information.
LockInfo |
LockInfo is used to transport lock information across the SPI
LockInfo |
LockInfo is a simple utility class encapsulating the information
passed with a LOCK request.
LockInfoImpl |
LockInfoImpl implements a serializable LockInfo
based on another lock info.
LockInfoImpl |
LockInfoImpl ...
LockingTest |
Tests if locking a node triggers property added events for jcr:lockOwner
and jcr:lockIsDeep.
LockManager |
Defines the functionality needed for locking and unlocking nodes.
LockManager |
The LockManager interface.
LockManagerImpl |
Provides the functionality needed for locking and unlocking nodes.
LockManagerImpl |
LockManagerImpl ...
LockManagerTest |
LockManagerTest ...
LockOperation |
LockOperation ...
LockRecord |
Cluster record representing a lock or unlock operation.
LockRefresh |
LockRefresh ...
LockRelease |
LockRelease ...
LockStateManager |
Defines the functionality needed for locking and unlocking nodes.
LockTest |
LockTest contains the test cases for the lock support in
the JCR specification.
LockTokenMapper |
Maps between WebDAV lock tokens and JCR lock tokens.
Login |
Login to the current working Repository
LoginModuleConfig |
LoginModule configuration.
Logout |
Logout from the current working Repository
LogPrintWriter |
Implements a PrintWriter which allows to alternatively plug in a
Writer or a Logger .
LogUtil |
LogUtil ...
LogWriter |
A LogWriter provides methods for persisting log messages by some implementation
specific means.
LogWriterProvider |
LogWriterProvider instances provide LogWriter s for the individual
SPI entities.
LongField |
LongPropertyTest |
Tests a long property.
LongValue |
A LongValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a long value.
LowerCaseImpl |
LowerCaseImpl ...
LowerCaseOperand |
LowerCaseOperand implements a lower case operand.
LowerCaseSortComparator |
LowerCaseSortComparator implements a FieldComparator which
compares the lower-cased string values of a base comparator.
LowPriorityTask |
Interface for low priority tasks (like text extraction) that can be scheduled
later based on the extractor's load
LsCollectedItems |
Lists collected Item s.
This Command looks for an Iterator under the
given Context variable and lists its Item s.
LsCollectedNodes |
Lists collected Node s.
This Command looks for an Iterator under the
given Context variable and lists its Node s.
LsCollectedProperties |
Lists collected Property s.
This Command looks for an Iterator under the
given Context variable and lists its Property s.
LsItems |
List items
LsNamespaces |
Lists the registered namespaces.
LsNodes |
List the Node s under the current working Node
that match the given pattern.
LsProperties |
Property fields:
LsReferences |
Displays references to the given Node
LsVersions |
List the Version s in the VersionHistory .
LuceneQueryBuilder |
Implements a query builder that takes an abstract query tree and creates
a lucene Query tree that can be executed
on an index.
LuceneQueryFactory |
Factory that creates Lucene queries from QOM elements.
LuceneQueryFactory.QueryPair |
LuceneQueryFactory.Transform |
LuceneQueryHits |
Wraps a lucene query result and adds a close method that allows to release
resources after a query has been executed and the results have been read
Main |
MalformedPathException |
Thrown when a malformed JCR path string is encountered.
ManagedMLRUItemStateCacheFactory |
This class constructs new MLRUItemStateCache.
ManagerProvider |
ManagerProvider ...
MatchAllDocsQuery |
MatchAllDocsQuery extends the lucene MatchAllDocsQuery
and in addition implements JackrabbitQuery .
Matcher |
MatchResult |
A MatchResult instance represents the result of matching a Pattern against
a Path .
MembershipCache |
MembershipCache ...
MemoryFile |
An in-memory file.
MemoryFileSystem |
An in-memory file system implementation.
MemoryFileSystemEntry |
An in-memory file or folder.
MemoryFolder |
An in-memory folder.
MemoryJournal |
Memory-based journal, useful for testing purposes only.
MemoryJournal.MemoryRecord |
Memory record.
MemoryRevision |
Memory-based revision, useful for testing purposes only.
Merge |
Merge ...
Merge |
MergeActivityTest |
MergeActivityTest contains tests dealing with merging activities
MergeCancelMergeTest |
MergeCancelMergeTest contains tests dealing with nodes on which
cancelMerge is called.
MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest |
MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest contains tests dealing with
checked-out nodes in the subtree of the node on which merge is called.
MergeDoneMergeTest |
MergeDoneMergeTest contains test dealing with nodes on which
doneMerge is called.
MergeInfo |
MergeInfo encapsulates the information present in the DAV:merge
element, that forms the mandatory request body of a MERGE request.
The DAV:merge element is specified to have the following form.
MergeNodeIteratorTest |
MergeNodeIteratorTest tests if Node.merge(String, boolean) if
bestEffort is true returns a NodeIterator over all versionalbe nodes in the
subtree that received a merge result of fail.
MergeNodeTest |
MergeNodeTest contains tests dealing with general merge node
MergeNonVersionableSubNodeTest |
MergeNonVersionableSubNodeTest contains test dealing with
nonversionable nodes in the subtree of the node on which merge is called.
MergeShallowTest |
MergeShallowTest contains tests dealing with general shallow
merge calls.
MergeSubNodeTest |
MergeSubNodeTest contains tests dealing with sub nodes in the
subtree of the node on which merge is called.
MLRUItemStateCache |
An ItemStateCache implementation that internally uses a
ConcurrentCache to maintain a cache of ItemState objects.
MoreLikeThis |
Generate "more like this" similarity queries.
Move |
Move ...
Move |
Move a Node
MSSqlDatabaseJournal |
It has the following property in addition to those of the DatabaseJournal:
tableSpace : the MS SQL tablespace to use
MSSqlFileSystem |
MSSqlFileSystem is a JDBC-based FileSystem
implementation for Jackrabbit that persists file system entries in an
MS SQL database.
MSSqlPersistenceManager |
MSSqlPersistenceManager |
MultiColumnQuery |
MultiColumnQueryAdapter |
MultiColumnQueryHits |
MultiColumnQueryHits defines an interface for reading tuples of
ScoreNode s.
MultiColumnQueryResult |
MultiColumnQueryResult implements a query result that executes
a MultiColumnQuery .
MultiDataStore |
A MultiDataStore can handle two independent DataStores.
MultiDataStoreAware |
To use a DataStore within a MultiDataStore it must implement this
MultiDataStoreAware Interface.
MultiIndex |
A MultiIndex consists of a VolatileIndex and multiple
PersistentIndex es.
MultiIndex.Action |
Defines an action on an MultiIndex .
MultiIndexReader |
MultiIndexReader exposes methods to get access to the contained
IndexReader s of this MultiIndexReader .
MultiStatus |
MultiStatus representing the content of a multistatus response body and
allows to retrieve the Xml representation.
MultiStatusResponse |
MultiStatusResponse represents the DAV:multistatus element defined
by RFC 2518:
MySqlPersistenceManager |
Name |
A Name is a combination of a namespace URI and a local part.
NameConstants |
NameConstants ...
NamedAccessControlPolicyImpl |
NamedAccessControlPolicyImpl ...
NamedThreadFactory |
NameException |
Base class for exceptions about malformed or otherwise
invalid JCR names and paths.
NameFactory |
NameFactory ...
NameFactoryImpl |
NameFactoryImpl ...
NameFactoryLogger |
NameParser |
NamePathResolver |
Combined name and path resolver.
NamePathResolverImpl |
NamePathResolverImpl ...
NamePredicate |
Filters items according to their names.
NamePropertyTest |
Tests a date property.
NameQuery |
NameQuery implements a query for the name of a node.
NameRangeQuery |
NameRangeQuery ...
NameResolver |
Resolver for JCR name Strings and Name objects.
Namespace |
NamespaceAdder |
NamespaceEventChannel |
Event channel used to transmit namespace registry operations.
NamespaceEventListener |
Interface used to receive information about incoming, external namespace registry events.
NamespaceExtractor |
Extracts namespace mapping information from an XML file.
NamespaceHelper |
Helper class for working with JCR namespaces.
NamespaceListener |
NamespaceMapping |
A Simple Namespace Mapping table.
NamespaceMappings |
The class NamespaceMappings holds a namespace mapping that is
used internally in the search index.
NamespaceRecord |
Cluster record representing a namespace registration, reregistration or
NamespaceRegistryImpl |
A NamespaceRegistryImpl ...
NamespaceRegistryImpl |
NamespaceRegistryImpl implements the JCR client facing
NamespaceRegistryReadMethodsTest |
NamespaceRegistryReadMethodsTest This class tests read method of the
NamespaceRegistry class and also the correct Exception throwing for methods
not supported in level 1.
NamespaceRegistryTest |
NamespaceRegistryTest tests whether the repository registers and
unregisters namespaces correctly.
NamespaceRemappingTest |
Test cases for JSR 283 sections 3.5.2 Session-Local Mappings and
5.11 Namespace Mapping and the related namespace mapping methods
in Session .
NamespaceResolver |
Interface for resolving namespace URIs and prefixes.
NamespacesProperty |
NamespacesProperty ...
NamespaceStorage |
NamespaceStorage ...
NameTest |
NameTest ...
NameValue |
A NameValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a NAME value
(a string that is namespace-qualified).
NAryQueryNode<T extends QueryNode> |
Defines an abstract query node for nodes that have child nodes.
NGKDbNameIndex |
Node |
Node |
NodeAddedTest |
NodeAddMixinTest |
NodeAddMixinTest contains the test cases for the method
Node.AddMixin(String) .
NodeCanAddMixinTest |
NodeCanAddMixinTest contains the test cases for the method
Node.canAddMixin(String) .
NodeDefinitionImpl |
This class implements the NodeDefinition interface.
NodeDefinitionImpl |
NodeDefinitionImpl ...
NodeDefTest |
Tests if node definitions are respected in node instances in the workspace.
NodeDiscoveringNodeTypesTest |
All test cases in this class rely on content in the repository.
NodeEntry |
NodeEntry ...
NodeEntryImpl |
NodeEntryImpl implements common functionality for child
node entry implementations.
NodeId |
Node identifier, i.e.
NodeId |
NodeId identifies a node on the SPI layer.
NodeIdFactory |
A factory for creating new node ids.
NodeImpl |
NodeImpl implements the Node interface.
NodeImpl |
NodeImpl ...
NodeIndexer |
Creates a lucene Document object from a Node .
NodeInfo |
Holds structural information about a node.
NodeInfo |
Information about a node being imported.
NodeInfo |
The NodeInfo provides the basic information required to build
nodes making up the repository hierarchy.
NodeInfoImpl |
NodeInfoImpl implements a serializable NodeInfo
based on another node info.
NodeInfoImpl |
NodeInfoImpl ...
NodeInfoImpl |
NodeInfoImpl ...
NodeItemIsModifiedTest |
NodeItemIsNewTest |
NodeIterable |
NodeIteratorAdapter |
NodeIteratorImpl |
NodeIteratorTest |
NodeLocalNameImpl |
NodeLocalNameImpl ...
NodeLocalNameOperand |
NodeLocalNameOperand implements a node local name operand.
NodeLocalNameTest |
NodeLocalNameTest checks if conversion of literals is correctly
performed and operators work as specified.
NodeMixinUtil |
Utility class to locate mixins in the NodeTyeManager.
NodeMovedTest |
NodeNameImpl |
NodeNameImpl ...
NodeNameNormalizer |
Convenience class for checking/logging "weird" node names.
NodeNameOperand |
NodeNameOperand implements a node name operand.
NodeNameTest |
NodeNameTest checks if conversion of literals is correctly
performed and operators work as specified.
NodeOrderableChildNodesTest |
NodeOrderableChildNodesTest contains all node writing tests (LEVEL 2) that require a node
that allows child node ordering (tests therefore are optional).
NodePropBundle |
This Class provides a simple structure to hold the nodestate and related
propertystate data.
NodePropBundle.ChildNodeEntry |
Helper class for a child node entry
NodePropBundle.PropertyEntry |
Helper class for a property enrty
NodeReadMethodsTest |
Tests the 'read' methods specified in the Node interface on
a level 1 repository.
NodeReferences |
NodeReferences represents the references (i.e.
NodeRemovedTest |
NodeRemoveMixinTest |
NodeRemoveMixinTest contains the test cases for the method
Node.removeMixin(String) .
NodeReorderTest |
NodeSequence |
Extension of Sequence<Node> which provides methods for
adding and removing nodes by key.
NodeSetPrimaryTypeTest |
SetPrimaryType ...
NodeState |
NodeState represents the state of a Node .
NodeState |
NodeState represents the state of a Node .
NodeStateEx |
This Class provides some basic node operations directly on the node state.
NodeStateListener |
Extends the ItemStateListener allowing a client to be
additionally informed about changes on a NodeState .
NodeTest |
NodeTest contains all test cases for the
javax.jcr.Node that are related to writing, modifying or deleting
nodes (level 2 of the specification).
NodeTraversingQueryHits |
NodeTraversingQueryHits implements query hits that traverse
a node hierarchy.
NodeTypeCache |
NodeTypeCache implements a cache for QNodeTypeDefinition s
on a userId basis.
NodeTypeConflictException |
The NodeTypeConflictException ...
NodeTypeConflictException |
The NodeTypeConflictException ...
NodeTypeConstants |
NodeTypeConstants used to represent nodetype definitions in
NodeTypeCreationTest |
NodeTypeDefDiff |
A NodeTypeDefDiff represents the result of the comparison of
two node type definitions.
NodeTypeDefinitionFactory |
NodeTypeDefinitionFactory can be used to convert the internal
SPI node type definitions to JCR NodeTypeDefinition s.
NodeTypeDefinitionImpl |
This class implements the NodeTypeDefinition interface.
NodeTypeDefinitionImpl |
AbstractNodeTypeDefinition ...
NodeTypeDefinitionProvider |
NodeTypeDefinitionProvider ...
NodeTypeDefStore |
NodeTypeDefStore ...
NodeTypeEventChannel |
Event channel used to transmit nodetype registry operations.
NodeTypeEventListener |
Interface used to receive information about incoming, external node type registry events.
NodeTypeImpl |
A NodeTypeImpl ...
NodeTypeImpl |
NodeTypeImpl ...
NodeTypeInstanceHandler |
The NodeTypeInstanceHandler is used to provide or initialize
system protected properties (or child nodes).
NodeTypeIteratorAdapter |
NodeTypeManagerImpl |
A NodeTypeManagerImpl implements a session dependant
NodeTypeManagerImpl |
A NodeTypeManagerImpl implements a session dependant
NodeTypeManagerTest |
Tests if the NodeTypeManager properly returns primary types an mixin
NodeTypePredicate |
Filters on the node type of a node.
NodeTypeProperty |
NodeTypeProperty ...
NodeTypeQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines a node type match.
NodeTypeReader |
Node type definition reader.
NodeTypeRecord |
Cluster record representing a node type registration, re-registration or
NodeTypeRegistry |
A NodeTypeRegistry ...
NodeTypeRegistry |
NodeTypeRegistry ...
NodeTypeRegistryImpl |
A NodeTypeRegistry ...
NodeTypeRegistryListener |
The NodeTypeRegistryListener interface allows an implementing
object to be informed about node type (un)registration.
NodeTypeRegistryListener |
The NodeTypeRegistryListener interface allows an implementing
object to be informed about node type (un)registration.
NodeTypesReport |
NodeTypesReport allows to retrieve the definition of a single
or multiple node types.
NodeTypeStorage |
NodeTypeStorageImpl |
NodeTypeTemplateImpl |
A NodeTypeTemplateImpl ...
NodeTypeTest |
Tests if the node type hierarchy is correctly mapped to the methods
defined in NodeType .
NodeTypeUtil |
NodeTypeUtil ...
NodeTypeUtil |
Utility class to locate item definitions in the NodeTyeManager.
NodeTypeWriter |
Node type definition writer.
NodeUUIDTest |
NodeUUIDTest contains all tests for the
javax.jcr.Node class that require a UUID (and therefore are
NoOpConfigVisitor |
NormalizeSortComparator |
NormalizeSortComparator implements a FieldComparator which
compares the lower-cased and normalized string values of a base sort comparator.
NoSuchItemStateException |
The NoSuchItemStateException ...
NotConstraint |
NotConstraint implements a NOT constraint.
NotConstraintTest |
NotConstraintTest contains tests that check NOT constraints.
NotExecutableException |
This exception indicates that a test case cannot be executed due to missing
data or if the repository does not have the ability to perform the test.
NotImpl |
NotImpl ...
NotQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines a not operation on the child query.
NSRegistryBasedNamespaceMappings |
NSRegistryBasedNamespaceMappings implements a namespace mapping
based on the stable index prefix provided by the namespace registry.
NtFilePredicate |
The nt file item filter matches all properties that are defined my the
nt:file or nt:resource nodetype.
NullLoginFilter |
Login filter that always uses null credentials for logging in
to the content repository.
ObjectPersistenceManager |
ObservationConstants |
ObservationConstants interface provide constants for request
and response headers, Xml elements and property names used for handling
observation over WebDAV.
ObservationDavServletRequest |
ObservationDavServletRequest provides extensions to the
DavServletRequest interface used for dealing with observation.
ObservationDavServletResponse |
ObservationDavServletResponse provides extensions to the
DavServletResponse interface used for dealing with observation.
ObservationDispatcher |
Dispatcher for dispatching events to listeners within a single workspace.
ObservationManagerImpl |
Each Session instance has its own ObservationManager
ObservationManagerImpl |
ObservationManagerImpl ...
ObservationResource |
ObservationResource extends the DavResource interface by
observation relevant METHODS.
OnParentVersionAbortTest |
OnParentVersionAbortTest tests the OnParentVersion ABORT
OnParentVersionComputeTest |
OnParentVersionComputeTest tests the OnParentVersion COMPUTE
OnParentVersionCopyTest |
OnParentVersionCopyTest tests the OnParentVersion COPY
OnParentVersionIgnoreTest |
OnParentVersionIgnoreTest tests the OnParentVersion IGNORE
OnParentVersionInitializeTest |
OnParentVersionInitializeTest tests the INITIALIZE
OnWorkspaceInconsistency |
OnWorkspaceInconsistency defines an interface to handle
workspace inconsistencies.
OpenScopedLockTest |
OpenScopedLockTest ...
OperandEvaluator |
Operation |
Operation ...
Operation |
An Operation represents a method call on a Batch .
Operations |
Operations.AddNode |
Operations.AddProperty |
Operations.Empty |
Representative of the empty Operation which does nothing when
applied to a Batch .
Operations.Move |
Operations.Remove |
Operations.ReorderNodes |
Operations.SetMixins |
Operations.SetPrimaryType |
Operations.SetTree |
Operations.SetValue |
OperationVisitor |
OperationVisitor ...
Operator |
Enumeration of the JCR 2.0 query operators.
Option |
Command Line option.
OptionsInfo |
OptionsInfo represents the Xml request body, that may be present
with a OPTIONS request.
OptionsResponse |
OptionsResponse encapsulates the DAV:options-response element
present in the response body of a successful OPTIONS request (with body).
Oracle10R1ConnectionHelper |
The connection helper for Oracle databases of version up to 10.1.
Oracle9FileSystem |
This class adds special blob handling which is needed for Oracle DBs up to version 10R1.
Oracle9PersistenceManager |
OracleLegacyPersistenceManager provides support for Oracle jdbc drivers prior to version 10
which require special handling of BLOB data.
OracleConnectionHelper |
The connection helper for Oracle databases of version 10.2 and later.
OracleDatabaseJournal |
It has the following property in addition to those of the DatabaseJournal:
tablespace : the tablespace to use for tables
indexTablespace : the tablespace to use for indexes
OracleFileSystem |
OracleFileSystem is a JDBC-based FileSystem
implementation for Jackrabbit that persists file system entries in an
Oracle database.
OraclePersistenceManager |
OraclePersistenceManager |
OrConstraint |
OrConstraint implements an OR constraint.
OrConstraintTest |
OrConstraintTest contains tests that check OR constraints.
Order |
Enumeration of the JCR 2.0 query order.
OrderBefore |
Set the order of the given Node
OrderByDateTest |
Test cases for order by queries on date properties.
OrderByDecimalTest |
OrderByDecimalTest tests order by queries with decimal properties.
OrderByDoubleTest |
Test cases for order by queries on double properties.
OrderByLengthTest |
OrderByLengthTest contains test cases for order by queries on
property lengths.
OrderByLocalNameTest |
OrderByLocalNameTest contains test cases for order by queries
on local node names.
OrderByLongTest |
Test cases for order by queries on long properties.
OrderByLowerCaseTest |
OrderByLowerCaseTest contains test cases for order by queries
on lower cased property values.
OrderByMultiTypeTest |
Test cases for order by queries on long properties.
OrderByNameTest |
OrderByNameTest contains test cases for order by queries on node
OrderByStringTest |
Test cases for order by queries on String properties.
OrderByUpperCaseTest |
OrderByUpperCaseTest contains test cases for order by queries
on upper cased property values.
OrderByURITest |
OrderByURITest tests order by queries with URI properties.
Ordering |
Ordering implements a single ordering specification.
OrderingConstants |
OrderingConstants provide constants for request and response
headers, Xml elements and property names defined by
RFC 3648.
OrderingDavServletRequest |
OrderingDavServletRequest provides extensions to the
DavServletRequest interface used for ordering members of orderable
OrderingImpl |
OrderingImpl ...
OrderingResource |
OrderingResource extends the DavResource interface by
METHODS relating to ordering functionality defined by
RFC 3648.
OrderingTest |
OrderingTest contains test cases that check
OrderingType |
OrderPatch |
OrderPatch represents the mandatory request body of an
OrderPatch.Member |
Internal class Member represents the 'Order-Member' children
elements of an 'OrderPatch' request body present in the ORDERPATCH request.
OrderQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines the order of nodes according to the
values of properties.
OrderQueryNode.OrderSpec |
Implements a single order specification.
OrImpl |
OrImpl ...
OrQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines an OR operation between arbitrary
other QueryNode s.
OutputContext |
OutputContext ...
OutputContextImpl |
OutputContextImpl ...
OverwriteHeader |
OverwriteHeader ...
ParentElement |
ParentElement wraps en element of the parent set of a resource.
ParentNodeJoin |
ParentNodeJoin implements a parent node join condition.
ParentSet |
ParentSet represents a DAV:parent-set property.
ParseException |
ParseException |
ParseException ...
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Parser |
The SQL2 parser can convert a JCR-SQL2 query to a QueryObjectModel.
Parser |
ParsingContentHandler |
Utility class that decorates a ContentHandler instance with
simple XML parsing capability.
ParsingNameResolver |
Name resolver that parsers and formats prefixed JCR names.
ParsingPathResolver |
Path resolver that parsers and formats prefixed JCR paths.
PasswordUtility |
Utility to generate and compare password hashes.
PasswordValidationAction |
PasswordValidationAction provides a simple password validation
mechanism with the following configurable option:
constraint: a regular expression that can be compiled
to a Pattern defining validation rules for a password.
Path |
The Path interface defines the SPI level representation of
a JCR path.
Path.Element |
Object representation of a single JCR path element.
PathBuilder |
Helper class used to build a path from pre-parsed path elements.
PathFactory |
PathFactory ...
PathFactoryImpl |
PathFactoryImpl ...
PathFactoryLogger |
PathMap<T> |
Generic path map that associates information with the individual path elements
of a path.
PathMap.Element<T> |
Internal class holding the object associated with a certain
path element.
PathMap.ElementVisitor<T> |
PathParser |
PathPredicate |
The path filter provides hierarchical filtering.
PathPropertyTest |
Tests a path property.
PathQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines a path restriction.
PathResolver |
Resolver for JCR paths.
PathTest |
PathTest ...
PathValue |
A PathValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a PATH value
(an absolute or relative workspace path).
Pattern |
Pattern to match normalized Path s.
Permission |
Permission ...
PersistenceCopier |
Tool for copying item states from one persistence manager to another.
PersistenceManager |
Persistence manager interface.
PersistenceManagerConfig |
Persistence manager configuration.
PMContext |
A PMContext is used to provide context information for a
PersistenceManager .
PollTimeoutHeader |
PollTimeoutHeader implements a timeout header for subscription
Position |
Position encapsulates the position in ordering information
contained in a Webdav request.
PostgreSQLConnectionHelper |
The connection helper for PSQL databases.
PostgreSQLNameIndex |
PostgreSQLPersistenceManager |
PredefinedNodeTypeTest |
PredefinedNodeTypeTest tests if the predefined node types are
implemented correctly.
Predicate |
Interface for object predicates, i.e.
Predicate<T> |
PredicateDerefQuery |
Implements a Lucene Query which returns the nodes which have a
reference property which matches the nodes of the subquery.
Predicates |
Static utility class to help working with Predicate s.
Predicates |
PredicatesTest |
Tests if queries with predicates are accepted.
Principal |
Principal encapsulates the DAV:principal element which identifies
the principal to which this ACE applies.
PrincipalImpl |
Base class for implementations of JackrabbitPrincipal .
PrincipalIteratorAdapter |
PrincipalIteratorAdapter ...
PrincipalManagerImpl |
This principal manager implementation uses the DefaultPrincipalProvider
in order to dispatch the respective requests and assemble the required
PrincipalMatchReport |
PrincipalMatchReport can be request for any collection resources.
PrincipalProvider |
This interface defines methods to provide access to sources of
Principal s.
PrincipalProviderRegistry |
Registry used to store and retrieve PrincipalProvider s.
PrincipalSearchReport |
The PrincipalSearchReport performs a search for all principals
that match the search criteria specified in the request.
Privilege |
PrivilegeBits |
PrivilegeDefinition |
PrivilegeDefinition ...
PrivilegeDefinitionImpl |
PrivilegeDefinitionReader |
Reads privilege definitions for the specified InputStream .
PrivilegeDefinitionWriter |
Writes privilege definitions to an output stream.
PrivilegeEventChannel |
PrivilegeEventChannel ...
PrivilegeEventListener |
PrivilegeEventListener ...
PrivilegeHandler |
Interface used to define the (de)serialization mode of the privilege definitions.
PrivilegeImpl |
PrivilegeManagerImpl |
PrivilegeManager ...
PrivilegeRecord |
PrivilegeRecord ...
PrivilegeRegistry |
The PrivilegeRegistry defines the set of Privilege s
known to the repository.
PropContainer |
PropContainer ...
PropEntry |
Marker interface used to flag the different types of entries that form
part of a PROPPATCH request and define the possible entries for a
PropContainer .
PropertiesSynonymProvider |
Implements a synonym provider based on a properties file.
PropertyAddedTest |
PropertyChangedTest |
PropertyData |
Data object representing a property.
PropertyDefinitionImpl |
This class implements the PropertyDefinition interface.
PropertyDefinitionImpl |
PropertyDefinitionImpl ...
PropertyDefTest |
Tests if property definitions are properly defined.
PropertyEntry |
PropertyEntry ...
PropertyEntryImpl |
PropertyEntryImpl implements a reference to a property state.
PropertyExistenceConstraint |
PropertyExistenceConstraint implements a property existence
PropertyExistenceImpl |
PropertyExistenceImpl ...
PropertyExistenceTest |
PropertyExistenceTest performs a test with
PropertyExistence .
PropertyExportContext |
PropertyExportContext represents a marker interface to distinguish
the ExportContext (which is mainly used to export data and some fundamental
properties) from a context that is used to export properties only.
PropertyFunctionQueryNode |
PropertyFunctionQueryNode allows to place function calls on properties
in a query.
PropertyHandler |
PropertyHandler interface defines methods for importing and
exporting resource properties.
PropertyId |
Property identifier.
PropertyId |
PropertyId identifies a property on the SPI layer.
PropertyImpl |
PropertyImpl implements the Property interface.
PropertyImpl |
PropertyImpl ...
PropertyImportContext |
PropertyImportContext ...
PropertyInfo |
The PropertyInfo provides the basic information to build a
Property .
PropertyInfoImpl |
PropertyInfoImpl implements a serializable
PropertyInfo based on another property info.
PropertyInfoImpl |
PropertyInfoImpl ...
PropertyInfoImpl |
PropertyInfoImpl ...
PropertyItemIsModifiedTest |
PropertyItemIsNewTest |
PropertyIterable |
PropertyIteratorAdapter |
PropertyManager |
PropertyManager ...
PropertyManagerImpl |
PropertyManagerImpl ...
PropertyMetaData |
PropertyMetaData encapsulates the payload byte array and
provides methods to access the property meta data.
PropertyReadMethodsTest |
PropertyReadMethodsTest ...
PropertyRemovedTest |
PropertySequence |
Extension of Sequence<Property> which provides methods
for adding and removing properties by key.
PropertyState |
PropertyState represents the state of a Property .
PropertyState |
PropertyState represents the state of a Property .
PropertyTest |
PropertyTest contains all test cases for the
javax.jcr.Property that are related to writing, modifying or
deleting properties (level 2 of the specification).
PropertyTypeRegistry |
The PropertyTypeRegistry keeps track of registered node type
definitions and its property types.
PropertyTypeRegistry.TypeMapping |
PropertyTypeTest |
Tests if the type of a property is set according to the node type as well
as no property is of type UNDEFINED.
PropertyUtil |
This class provides various utility methods that are used by the property
test cases.
PropertyValueImpl |
PropertyValueImpl ...
PropertyValueOperand |
PropertyValueOperand implements a property value operand.
PropertyValueTest |
PropertyValueTest performs a test with property value
PropfindInfo |
PropInfo |
Information about a property being imported.
PropInfo.MultipleStatus |
Hint indicating whether the property is multi- or single-value
ProppatchInfo |
ProtectedItemImporter |
ProtectedItemImporter ...
ProtectedItemModifier |
ProtectedItemModifier : An abstract helper class to allow classes
residing outside of the core package to modify and remove protected items.
ProtectedItemRemoveHandler |
ProtectedNodeImporter |
ProtectedNodeImporter provides means to import protected
Node s and the subtree defined below such nodes.
ProtectedPropertyImporter |
ProtectedPropertyImporter is in charge of importing single
properties with a protected QPropertyDefinition .
ProviderRegistryImpl |
ProxyContentHandler |
A proxy content handler that passes all SAX events as-is to the
proxied handler.
ProxyRepository |
Repository that proxies all method calls to another repository.
QDefinitionBuilderFactory |
QItemDefinition |
QItemDefinitionBuilder |
QItemDefinitionImpl |
This abstract class implements the QItemDefinition
interface and additionally provides setter methods for the
various item definition attributes.
QNodeDefinition |
QNodeDefinitionBuilder |
QNodeDefinitionImpl |
QNodeDefinitionImpl implements a QNodeDefinition .
QNodeTypeDefinition |
QNodeTypeDefinition is the SPI representation of a
node type .
QNodeTypeDefinitionBuilder |
QNodeTypeDefinitionImpl |
QNodeTypeDefinitionImpl implements a serializable SPI node
type definition.
QOMFormatter |
QOMFormatter implements a formatter that translates a query
object model into a JCR_SQL2 string statement.
QOMQueryFactory |
QOMQueryFactory implements a query factory that creates QOM
based queries.
QOMTreeVisitor |
QOMTreeVisitor ...
QPropertyDefinition |
QPropertyDefinitionBuilder |
QPropertyDefinitionImpl |
QPropertyDefinitionImpl implements SPI property
definition interface.
QueryBuilder |
Implements the JCR SQL query tree builder.
QueryBuilder |
Implements the XPath query tree builder.
QueryConstants |
This interface defines constants for data types and operation types
used in queries.
QueryConstraint |
QueryConstraint implements a constraint that is based on a
lucene query.
QueryEngine |
QueryFactory |
QueryFactory defines a simple interface for turning a statement
in a given language into a JCR Query instance.
QueryGrammerSet |
QueryGrammerSet is a DavProperty that
encapsulates the 'supported-query-grammer-set' as defined by the
Webdav SEARCH internet draft.
QueryHandler |
Defines an interface for the actual node indexing and query execution.
QueryHandlerContext |
Acts as an argument for the QueryHandler to keep the interface
QueryHandlerFactory |
QueryHits |
QueryHitsAdapter |
QueryHitsQuery |
QueryHitsQuery exposes a QueryHits implementation again
as a Lucene Query.
QueryImpl |
QueryImpl |
Provides the default implementation for a JCR query.
QueryImpl |
Provides the default implementation for a JCR query.
QueryInfo |
QueryInfoImpl |
QueryInfoImpl ...
QueryManagerImpl |
QueryManagerImpl |
QueryNode |
Implements an abstract base class for nodes of a query tree that represents
a query.
QueryNodeFactory |
QueryNodeVisitor |
Defines the interface for a QueryNodeVisitor .
QueryObjectModelBuilder |
QueryObjectModelBuilder defines an interface for building a
query object model from a string based query statement and vice versa.
QueryObjectModelBuilderRegistry |
Implements a central access to QueryObjectModelBuilder instances.
QueryObjectModelFactoryImpl |
QueryObjectModelFactoryImpl implements the query object model
factory from JSR 283.
QueryObjectModelFactoryTest |
QueryObjectModelImpl |
QueryObjectModelImpl implements the query object model.
QueryObjectModelImpl |
QueryObjectModelImpl implements the jcr2spi query object model.
QueryObjectModelTree |
QueryObjectModelTree implements the root node of an object
query model tree.
QueryParser |
This class acts as the central entry point for parsing query statements from
different query syntaxes into a query tree.
QueryResultImpl |
Implements the QueryResult interface.
QueryResultNodeIteratorTest |
QueryResultRow |
QueryResultRow represents the SPI equivalent of a query result
QueryResultRowImpl |
QueryResultRowImpl implements a QueryResultRow that is
initialized from a multistatus response.
QueryRootNode |
Implements the root node of a query tree.
QueryStatCore |
Extends external facing QueryStat with some internal operations.
QueryStatDtoComparator |
QueryStatDto comparator by duration
QueryStatDtoImpl |
Object that holds statistical info about a query.
QueryStatDtoOccurrenceComparator |
QueryStatDto comparator by occurrence count
used by the popular queries queue
QueryStatImpl |
QueryStatManager |
The QueryStatManagerMBean default implementation
QueryTreeBuilder |
Specifies an interface for a query tree builder.
QueryTreeBuilderRegistry |
Implements a central access to QueryTreeBuilder instances.
QueryTreeDump |
Utility class to dump a QueryNode tree to a StringBuffer.
QueryUtil |
QueryUtil ...
QValue |
QValue is the SPI representation of a
jcr value .
QValueConstraint |
QValueConstraint is used to check the syntax of a value
constraint and to test if a specific value satisfies it.
QValueFactory |
QValueFactory defines methods to create QValue
QValueFactoryImpl |
QValueFactoryImpl ...
QValueFactoryLogger |
QValueValue |
A QValueValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing an SPI
QValue .
RAMDirectoryManager |
RAMDirectoryManager implements a directory manager for
RAMDirectory instances.
RandomAccessOutputStream |
RangeIteratorAdapter |
RangeIteratorDecorator |
RangeQuery |
Implements a variant of the lucene class .
Rank<T> |
This class does efficient ranking of values of type T wrt.
ReadRecord |
Record used for reading.
ReadValue |
Read the Value of the given Property and store
it under the given Context attribute.
RebindInfo |
Record |
Record interface.
RecordConsumer |
Listener interface on a journal that gets called back for records that should be consumed.
RecordIterator |
RecordIterator interface.
RecordProducer |
Produces new records that can be appended to the journal.
RedoLog |
Defines a redo log for changes that have not been committed to disk.
RedoLogFactory |
RedoLogFactory a factory for RedoLog s.
RefCountingBLOBFileValue |
RefCountingBLOBFileValue implements a reference counting BLOB
file value on top of an existing BLOBFileValue .
RefCountingIndexReader |
RefCountingIndexReader ...
ReferenceableRootNodesTest |
ReferenceableRootNodesTest contains tests with referenceable
nodes between different workspaces.
ReferenceChangeTracker |
Simple helper class that can be used to keep track of node id mappings
ReferenceChangeTracker |
Simple helper class that can be used to keep track of uuid mappings
ReferencePropertyTest |
Tests a reference property.
ReferencesTest |
ReferencesTest contains the test cases for the references.
ReferenceValue |
A ReferenceValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a REFERENCE value
(a UUID of an existing node).
Refresh |
Refresh the Item if specified or the Session to
reflect the current saved state.
RefreshLock |
Reset the Lock timer
RegisteredNamespacesReport |
RegisteredNamespacesReport let the client retrieve the namespaces
registered on the repository.
RegisterNamespace |
Register a namespace
RegisterNodeType |
Register node types via CND file
RegistryHelper |
JNDI helper functionality.
RegistryNamespaceResolver |
Namespace resolver based on the repository-wide namespace mappings
stored in a namespace registry.
RelationQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines property value relation.
ReleaseableIndexReader |
ReleaseableIndexReader ...
Remove |
Remove ...
RemoveActivity |
RemoveActivity ...
RemoveItem |
Remove the Item at the given path
RemoveItems |
Remove any Item under the given Node that match
the given name pattern.
RemoveLabel |
RemoveLabel ...
RemoveLockToken |
Remove the given Lock token to the current
RemoveMixin |
Remove a mixin from the given Node
RemoveVersion |
RemoveVersion ...
RemoveVersion |
Remove a Version from the VersionHistory
RemoveVersionByLabel |
Remove the Version from the VersionHistory that
match the given label
RemoveVersionLabel |
Remove a label from the VersionHistory
RemoveVersionTest |
Rename |
Rename a Node
The persistent flag indicates whether to use the session or the workspace
to perform the move command
ReorderNodes |
ReorderNodes ...
Report |
The Report interface defines METHODS needed in order to respond
to a REPORT request.
ReportInfo |
The ReportInfo class encapsulates the body of a REPORT request.
ReportItem |
ReportItem.Type |
ReportItemImpl |
ReportType |
ReportType ...
RepositoryAccessServlet |
This Class implements a servlet that is used as unified mechanism to retrieve
a jcr repository either through JNDI.
RepositoryCallback |
RepositoryConfig |
Repository configuration.
RepositoryConfig |
This class bundles the information required by JCR2SPI to
bootstrap an SPI implementation.
RepositoryConfigurationParser |
Configuration parser.
RepositoryContext |
Internal component context of a Jackrabbit content repository.
RepositoryCopier |
Tool for backing up or migrating the entire contents (workspaces,
version histories, namespaces, node types, etc.) of a repository to
a new repository.
RepositoryDescriptorsReport |
RepositoryDescriptorsReport allows to retrieve the repository
RepositoryDescriptorTest |
Tests if the required repository descriptors are available.
RepositoryFactory |
Factory interface for JCR content repositories.
RepositoryFactoryImpl |
This RepositoryFactory implementations is capable of creating any
repository which is covered by the Apache Jackrabbit project.
RepositoryFactoryImpl |
RepositoryFactoryTest |
RepositoryFactoryTest checks if there is a repository factory
implementation and that is works according to the spec.
RepositoryHelper |
Utility class to get access to Session instances.
RepositoryHelperPool |
RepositoryHelperPool defines a pool of repository helper instances.
RepositoryHelperPoolImpl |
RepositoryHelperPoolImpl implements a pool of repository helper
RepositoryImpl |
A RepositoryImpl ...
RepositoryImpl |
RepositoryImpl ...
RepositoryImpl.DescriptorValue |
Represents a Repository Descriptor Value (either Value or Value[])
RepositoryImpl.Factory |
RepositoryLock |
Exclusive lock on a repository home directory.
RepositoryLockMechanism |
Exclusive lock on a repository home directory.
RepositoryLockMechanismFactory |
RepositoryLoginTest |
RepositoryLoginTest tests the login methods of a repository.
RepositoryManagerImpl |
The repository manager implementation.
RepositoryService |
The RepositoryService interface defines methods used to
retrieve information from the persistent layer of the repository as well
as the methods that modify its persistent state.
RepositoryServiceFactory |
RepositoryServiceImpl |
RepositoryServiceImpl ...
RepositoryServiceImpl |
RepositoryServiceImpl ...
RepositoryServiceImpl |
RepositoryServiceImpl implements a repository service on top
of a JCR Repository.
RepositoryServiceLogger |
RepositoryStartupServlet |
The RepositoryStartupServlet starts a jackrabbit repository and registers it
to the JNDI environment.
RepositoryStatisticsImpl |
RepositoryStub |
The RepositoryStub is the entry point to the JCR Repository
for the TCK Test harness.
RepositoryStubException |
RequestData |
RequestData ...
ResettableTempFileInputStream |
TempFileInputStream that can be reset in order to allow the
ConnectionHelper to retry SQL execution in case of failure.
ResolveMergeConflict |
ResolveMergeConflict ...
ResourceBasedBLOBStore |
ResourceConfig |
ResourceConfig ...
ResourceFactoryImpl |
ResourceFactoryImpl implements a simple DavResourceFactory
ResourceType |
The ResourceType class represents the webdav resource
type property.
Restore |
Restore ...
Restore |
Restore a Node to the state of the given Version
RestoreByLabel |
Restore a Node to the state of the Version with
the specified label
RestoreTest |
RestoreTest |
ResultHelper |
ResultHelper is a utility to assert proper namespace handling
due to misbehavior of certain implementations with respect to xmlns attributes.
ResultSetWrapper |
This is a dynamic proxy in order to support both Java 5 and 6.
RetentionManagerImpl |
RetentionManagerImpl ...
RetentionPolicyEffectTest |
RetentionPolicyEffectTest ...
RetentionPolicyImpl |
Basic implementation of the RetentionPolicy interface.
RetentionPolicyTest |
RetentionPolicyTest ...
RetentionRegistry |
RetentionEvaluator ...
RetentionRegistryImpl |
RetentionEvaluatorImpl ...
RootCollection |
RootCollection represent the WebDAV root resource that does not
represent any repository item.
RootNodeTest |
Test cases for the root node.
RotatingLogFile |
Represents a log file that can be rotated.
RowComparator |
Row comparator.
RowIterable |
RowIteratorAdapter |
RowPathComparator |
Comparator for Row instances that looks only at the node paths.
RowPredicate |
Predicate for checking whether a given object is a Row and
optionally whether it contains a given selector.
RowTest |
RowIteratorTest contains test cases for Row .
RSessionAccessControlDiscoveryTest |
RSessionAccessControlDiscoveryTest : A read-only session must
be able to call 'hasPrivilege' and 'getPrivileges' and 'getSupportedPrivileges'
without access denied exception
RSessionAccessControlPolicyTest |
AccessControlPolicyTest ...
RSessionAccessControlTest |
RSessionAccessControlTest ...
S3Backend |
A data store backend that stores data on Amazon S3.
S3BackendResourceAbortableInputStream |
S3Constants |
Defined Amazon S3 constants.
S3DataStore |
An Amazon S3 data store.
S3RequestDecorator |
This class to sets encrption mode in S3 request.
SameNodeConstraint |
SameNodeConstraint implements a same node constraint.
SameNodeImpl |
SameNodeImpl ...
SameNodeJoin |
SameNodeJoin implements a same node join condition.
SameNodeJoinConditionImpl |
SameNodeJoinConditionImpl ...
SameNodeJoinConditionTest |
SameNodeJoinConditionTest contains test cases that cover
SameNodeJoinCondition .
SameNodeTest |
SameNodeTest ...
Save |
Save the current working Item if specified, or the current
working Session
SaveTest |
ScanEventListener |
The listener interface for receiving garbage collection scan events.
Scope |
The Scope class abstracts the lock scope as defined by RFC 2518.
ScoreNode |
ScoreNode implements a simple container which holds a mapping
of NodeId to a score value.
ScoreNodeIterator |
ScoreNodeIterator |
ScoreNodeIteratorImpl |
ScoreNodeMap |
ScoreNodeMap implements a simple mapping of an arbitrary key
to an array of ScoreNode[] .
ScorerHits |
SearchablePropertyReport |
SearchConfig |
Search index configuration.
SearchConstants |
SearchConstants interface provide constants for request
and response headers, Xml elements and property names used for WebDAV
SearchIndex |
SearchIndex.CombinedIndexReader |
SearchInfo |
SearchInfo parses the 'searchrequest' element of a SEARCH
request body and performs basic validation.
SearchManager |
Acts as a global entry point to execute queries and index nodes.
SearchResource |
SearchResource defines METHODS required in order to handle
a SEARCH request.
SearchResourceImpl |
SearchResourceImpl ...
SearchResultProperty |
SearchResultProperty ...
SecurityConfig |
Security configuration.
SecurityConstants |
This interface defines miscellaneous security related constants.
SecurityConstants |
This interface defines miscellaneous security related constants.
SecurityConstants |
SecurityConstants interface lists constants defined by
RFC 3744 (WebDAV Access
Control Protocol).
SecurityManagerConfig |
Security manager configuration.
SecurityUtils |
SelectorBasedConstraint |
SelectorBasedConstraint implements a constraint that is based
on a named selector.
SelectorImpl |
SelectorImpl ...
SelectorRow |
A row implementation for a query with just a single selector.
SelectorTest |
SelectorTest ...
Sequence<T extends Item> |
Interface for accessing JCR Item s sequentially through an
Iterator or looking them up through a key .
SerializableBatch |
SerializableBatch implements a serializable SPI Batch, which
simply records all calls and replays them when asked for.
SerializableBatch.Operation |
SerializationTest |
SerializationTest contains the test cases for the method
Workspace.exportSysView() and Session.importSysView() .
Serializer |
Serializer is a utility class that provides static methods
for serializing & deserializing ItemState and
NodeReferences objects using a simple binary serialization
SerializingContentHandler |
ServletExceptionWithCause |
Utility class that links ServletException with support for
the exception chaining mechanism in Throwable .
ServletRepository |
Proxy for a repository bound in servlet context.
ServletRepositoryFactory |
Factory that looks up a repository from the context of a given servlet.
SessionContext |
Component context of a session.
SessionExtensions |
Provides additional methods for Session access..
SessionFactory |
SessionImpl |
A SessionImpl ...
SessionImpl |
SessionImpl ...
SessionImporter |
SessionImporter ...
SessionImporter |
SessionImporter ...
SessionInfo |
SessionInfoImpl |
SessionInfoImpl is a serializable bean based implementation of
SessionInfo .
SessionInfoImpl |
SessionInfoImpl ...
SessionInfoLogger |
SessionItemOperation<T> |
Session operation for accessing an item at a given path.
SessionItemStateManager |
Item state manager that handles both transient and persistent items.
SessionItemStateManager |
SessionItemStateManager ...
SessionListener |
The SessionListener interface allows an implementing
object to be informed about changes on a Session .
SessionListener |
The SessionListener interface allows an implementing
object to be informed about changes on a Session .
SessionLockManager |
SessionMoveOperation |
SessionMoveVersionExceptionTest |
SessionNamespaceResolver |
helper class that exposes the NamespaceResolver
interface on a Session .
SessionOperation<T> |
Session operation.
SessionProvider |
This Interface defines a provider for repository sessions
SessionProviderImpl |
SessionReadMethodsTest |
SessionReadMethodsTest ...
SessionRefreshOperation |
Operation to refresh the state of a session.
SessionRemoveItemTest |
SessionRemoveItemTest ...
SessionSaveOperation |
Operation to persist transient changes in a session.
SessionScopedLockEntry |
SessionScopedLockEntry represents the 'session-scoped' write
lock as defined by JCR.
SessionScopedLockTest |
SessionScopedLockTest ...
SessionState |
Internal session state.
SessionTest |
SessionTest contains all test cases for the
javax.jcr.Session class that are level 2 (modifing repository
SessionUUIDTest |
SessionUUIDTest contains all tests for the Session
class that require a UUID (and therefore are optional).
SessionWriteOperation<T> |
Marker interface that marks a SessionOperation that modifies
the state of the session or the repository.
SetBinaryProperty |
Set a binary Property
SetLimitTest |
SetLimitTest contains test cases for the method Query.setLimit().
SetMixin |
SetMixin ...
SetMultivalueProperty |
Set a multivalue Property to the current working
Node .
The default regular expression is ",".
SetNamespacePrefix |
Sets a namespace prefix
SetOffsetTest |
SetOffsetTest contains test cases for the method Query.setOffset().
SetPrimaryType |
SetPrimaryNodeType ...
SetProperty |
Set a Property Value to the current working
SetPropertyAssumeTypeTest |
SetPropertyAssumeTypeTest tests if when setting a property
of type PropertyType.UNDEFINED the type is assumed correctly.
SetPropertyBooleanTest |
SetPropertyBooleanTest tests the Node.setProperty(String,
boolean) method
SetPropertyCalendarTest |
SetPropertyCalendarTest tests the Node.setProperty(String,
Calendar) method
SetPropertyConstraintViolationExceptionTest |
SetPropertyConstraintViolationExceptionTest tests if
setProperty() throws a ConstraintViolationException either immediately (by
setValue()) or on save, if the change would violate a value constraint.
SetPropertyDecimalTest |
SetPropertyDecmimalTest tests the Node.setProperty(String,
BigDecimal) method
SetPropertyDoubleTest |
SetPropertyDoubleTest tests the Node.setProperty(String,
double) method
SetPropertyInputStreamTest |
SetPropertyInputStreamTest tests the Node.setProperty(String,
InputStream) method
SetPropertyLongTest |
SetPropertyLongTest tests the Node.setProperty(String,
long) method
SetPropertyNodeTest |
SetPropertyNodeTest tests the Node.setProperty(String,
Node) method
SetPropertyStringTest |
SetPropertyStringTest tests the methods
Node.setProperty(String, String) , Node.setProperty(String,
String[]) and Node.setProperty(String, String[], int)
SetPropertyValue |
SetPropertyValue ...
SetPropertyValueTest |
SetPropertyValueTest tests the methods Node.setProperty(String,
Value) , Node.setProperty(String, Value[]) and
Node.setProperty(String, Value[], int)
SetTree |
SetValueBinaryTest |
SetValueBooleanTest |
SetValueConstraintViolationExceptionTest |
SetValueConstraintViolationExceptionTest tests if setValue()
throws a ConstraintViolationException either immediately (by setValue()) or
on save, if the change would violate a value constraint.
SetValueDateTest |
SetValueDecimalTest |
SetValueDoubleTest |
SetValueInputStreamTest |
SetValueLockExceptionTest |
SetValueLockExceptionTest Tests throwing of a LockException for the
Property.setValue() methods in case the parentNode of the given property is locked.
SetValueLongTest |
SetValueReferenceTest |
SetValueStringTest |
SetValueValueFormatExceptionTest |
SetValueValueFormatExceptionTest tests if Property.setValue() throws
a ValueFormatException if a best-effort conversion fails.
SetValueVersionExceptionTest |
SetValueVersionExceptionTest ...
ShareableNodeTest |
Tests features available with shareable nodes.
SharedFieldCache |
Implements a variant of the lucene class .
SharedFieldCache.ValueIndex |
Expert: Stores term text values and document ordering data.
SharedFieldComparatorSource |
Implements a FieldComparatorSource for FieldComparator s which
know how to sort on a lucene field that contains values for multiple properties.
SharedItemStateManager |
Shared ItemStateManager (SISM).
SimilarityQuery |
SimilarityQuery implements a query that returns similar nodes
for a given node UUID.
SimpleAccessManager |
SimpleAccessManager ...
SimpleBeanFactory |
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleDbPersistenceManager |
SimpleExcerptProvider |
SimpleExcerptProvider is a very simple excerpt provider.
SimpleLockManager |
Simple manager for webdav locks.
SimpleLoginModule |
SimpleLoginModule ...
SimpleNode |
SimpleNode |
Implements a JavaCC Node interface.
SimpleQueryResult |
Simple query result implementation.
SimpleReferenceBinary |
SimpleSecurityManager |
SimpleSecurityManager : simple implementation ignoring both
configuration entries for 'principalProvider' and for 'workspaceAccessManager'.
SimpleSelectionTest |
SimpleSelectionTest ...
SimpleValueFactory |
Simple value factory implementation for use mainly in testing.
SimpleWebdavServlet |
WebdavServlet provides webdav support (level 1 and 2 complient) for repository
SimpleWebdavServlet |
WebdavServlet provides WebDAV support (level
1 ,
2 ,
3 and
bind compliant) for
repository resources.
SimpleWorkspaceAccessManager |
SimpleWorkspaceAccessManager always allows any set of principals
to access any workspace.
SingleColumnQueryResult |
SingleColumnQueryResult implements a query result that returns
a single column.
SingletonRepositoryFactory |
Repository factory that always returns the same configured repository.
SingletonTokenStream |
SingletonTokenStream implements a token stream that wraps a
single value with a given property type.
SizedIterator<T> |
SizedIterator<T> |
SizedIterator extends Iterator with a
getSize method.
Slf4jLogWriter |
LogWriter implementation which uses SLF4J for persisting log messages.
Slf4jLogWriterProvider |
SortedLuceneQueryHits |
Wraps a lucene query result and adds a close method that allows to release
resources after a query has been executed and the results have been read
SortedMultiColumnQueryHits |
SortedMultiColumnQueryHits implements sorting of query hits
based on Ordering s.
SourceCommand |
Executes a script from the given file
SourceImpl |
SourceImpl ...
SpellChecker |
SpellChecker defines an interface to run a spellchecker over
a fulltext query statement.
Spi2davexRepositoryServiceFactory |
Spi2davRepositoryServiceFactory |
Spi2jcrRepositoryServiceFactory |
SpiLoggerFactory |
Static factory for creating instances of the various spi loggers derived from
AbstractLogger .
SQL2QOMBuilder |
SQLJcrPathTest |
Tests if the jcr:path property is returned in the query result.
SQLJoinTest |
Tests SQL statements with a join of a node type with a mixin type.
SQLOrderByTest |
SQLPathTest |
Tests path predicates in SQL queries.
SQLQuery |
SQL Query
SQLQueryLevel2Test |
Tests SQL queries on content written to the workspace by the test itself.
StaleItemStateException |
Signals that an item has been modified externally and that the item state
representing it has thus become stale.
StaleProperty |
StartJackrabbit |
Set a new Jackrabbit instance as the current working Repository
StartJackrabbitSingleton |
Get a Jackrabbit instance and put it in the Context .
This commands maintains a cache with already created instances.
if there's no Repository for the given config and home settings a new
instance will be created and cached.
StateChangeDispatcher |
Component that holds references to listeners interested in changes to item
states and dispatches notifications.
StateUtility |
StateUtility ...
StaticOperandImpl |
StaticOperandImpl ...
StatisticsServlet |
Servlet that makes Jackrabbit repository statistics available as
a JSON object.
StatManager |
StatManager represents a single entry point to the statistics objects
Status |
Status ...
Status |
Status encapsulating the 'status' present in multistatus
StopJackrabbit |
Stop Jackrabbit
StreamWrapper |
StringCache |
A few String utility functions.
StringIndex |
A persistent two-way mapping between strings and index integers.
StringPropertyTest |
StringPropertyTest tests a String property against the
conversions to other Properties (except Name and Path property).
StringValue |
A StringValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a string value.
Subscription |
Subscription defines a marker interface for an event
Subscription |
Subscription represents public representation of the event
listener created (or modified) by a successful SUBSCRIBE request.
Please note that this interface extends the XmlSerializable
SubscriptionDiscovery |
SubscriptionDiscovery encapsulates the 'subscriptiondiscovery'
property of a webdav resource.
SubscriptionImpl |
The Subscription class encapsulates a single subscription with
the following responsibilities:
Providing access to the subscription info,
Recording events this subscription is interested in,
Providing access to the events.
SubscriptionInfo |
SubscriptionInfo class encapsulates the subscription info
that forms the request body of a SUBSCRIBE request.
The following xml layout is defined for the subscription info:
SubscriptionManager |
SubscriptionManager interface.
SubscriptionManagerImpl |
SubscriptionManager collects all subscriptions requested, handles
the subscription timeout and provides METHODS to discover subscriptions
present on a given resource as well as events for an specific subscription.
SupportedLock |
The SupportedLock class encapsulates the lock capabilities
of a resource.
SupportedMethodSetProperty |
The SupportedMethodSetProperty
SupportedPrivilege |
SupportedPrivilege ...
SupportedPrivilegeSetProperty |
SupportedReportSetProperty |
SupportedReportSetProperty represents the DAV:supported-report-set
property defined by RFC 3253.
SynchronousEventListener |
Defines a marker interface for EventListener
implementations that wish a synchronous notification of changes to the
SynonymProvider |
SynonymProvider defines an interface for a component that
returns synonyms for a given term.
SystemPrincipal |
A SystemPrincipal ...
SystemViewExporter |
System view exporter.
TempFileInputStream |
An input stream from a temporary file.
TemplateBuilderFactory |
TermDocsCache |
TermDocsCache implements a cache for frequently read
TermDocs .
TermFactory |
TermFactory is a factory for Term instances with
frequently used field names.
TestAll |
Test suite that includes all testcases for the package
javax.jcr.lock .
TestAll |
Test suite that includes all testcases for the package
javax.jcr.nodetype .
TestAll |
Test suite that includes all testcases for the Observation module.
TestAll |
TestAll includes tests that are related to the
QueryObjectModel .
TestAll |
Test suite that includes all testcases for the package
javax.jcr.query .
TestAll |
Test suite that includes all testcases for package javax.jcr.retention.
TestAll |
Test suite
TestAll |
Test suite that includes all testcases for the package
javax.jcr .
TestAll |
Test suite that includes all testcases for the package
javax.jcr.util .
TestAll |
TestAll ...
TestAll |
Test suite that includes all testcases for the package
javax.jcr.version .
TestAll |
TestContentLoader |
Test Content Loader.
Text |
This Class provides some text related utilities
Text |
This Class provides some text related utilities
TextNodeTest |
Tests the text() node test in XPath.
TextsearchQueryNode |
Implements a query node that defines a textsearch clause.
TextValue |
TextValue represents a serialized property value read
from a System or Document View XML document.
TimeoutHeader |
TimeoutHeader ...
Timer |
Timer wraps the standard Java Timer class
and implements a guaranteed shutdown of the background thread running
in the Timer instance after a certain Timer.IDLE_TIME .
Timer.Task |
Extends the TimerTask with callback hooks to this
Timer implementation.
TimeSeriesAverage |
Time series of the average calculated by dividing a measured
value by the counter of events during the measurement period.
TimeSeriesMax |
Time series of the maximum value recorded in a period
TimeSeriesRecorder |
Recorder of a time series.
TimeSeriesStatsUtil |
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
TokenBasedAuthentication |
Authentication implementation that compares the tokens stored with a
given user node to the token present in the SimpleCredentials attributes.
TokenMgrError |
TokenMgrError |
TokenProvider |
Backport of the TokenProvider implementation present with OAK adjusted to
match some subtle differences in jackrabbit token login.
ToXmlContentHandler |
Simple XML serializer.
TransactionBoundXAResource |
TransactionConstants |
TransactionConstants interface provide constants for request
and response headers, Xml elements and property names used for handling
transactions over WebDAV.
TransactionContext |
Represents the transaction on behalf of the component that wants to
explicitly demarcate transaction boundaries.
TransactionDavServletRequest |
TransactionDavServletRequest provides extensions to the
DavServletRequest interface used for dealing with transaction lock
TransactionException |
TransactionException is thrown when some operation inside the transaction
TransactionInfo |
TransactionListener |
TransactionListener provides callbacks when a transaction
is committed.
TransactionResource |
TransactionResource extends the DavResource interface by
transaction relevant METHODS.
Transformable |
Transformable marks queries that can transform the value to
upper- or lower-case.
TransformConstants |
TransformConstants defines constants for query processing.
Transformer<A,R> |
Type safe counter part of org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer .
TransientFileFactory |
The TransientFileFactory utility class can be used to create
transient files, i.e.
TransientISFactory |
TransientISFactory ...
TransientItemStateFactory |
TransientItemStateFactory extends the item state factory and
adds new methods for creating node states and property states that are new.
TransientItemStateManager |
TransientItemStateManager adds support for transient changes on
ItemState s and also provides methods to create new item states.
TransientOperation |
TransientOperation ...
TransientOperationVisitor |
TransientOperationVisitor ...
TransientRepository |
A repository proxy that automatically initializes and shuts down the
underlying repository instance when the first session is opened
or the last one closed.
TransientRepository.RepositoryFactory |
TraversingQueryNodeVisitor |
TraversingQueryNodeVisitor implements a base class for a
traversing query node visitor.
Tree |
Interface for building a hierarchy of JCR items on
the SPI layer.
TreeManager |
TreeManager instances are responsible for the mapping between sequence views
of Node s and Property s and an hierarchical JCR
TreeTraverser |
Utility class for traversing the Item s of a JCR hierarchy rooted at a
specific Node .
TreeTraverser.ErrorHandler |
TreeTraverser.InclusionPolicy<T extends Item> |
Inclusion policy to determine which items to include when traversing.
TxActiveLock |
TxLockEntry |
TxLockEntry represents the lock entry objects allowed for
a transaction lock.
TxLockManager |
TxLockManagerImpl |
Type |
The Type class encapsulates the lock type as defined by RFC 2518.
UnbindInfo |
UndefinedPropertyTest |
UniqueIdResolver |
UniqueIdResolver allows to retrieve NodeEntry instances
that are identified by a uniqueID.
UnknownPrincipal |
Implements a principal that is used by the ACL importer for unknown
Unlock |
Unlock the current working Node
UnmodifiableAccessControlList |
An implementation of the AccessControlList interface that only
allows for reading.
UnregisterNamespace |
Unregister a namespace
UpdatableItemStateManager |
Identifies an ItemStateManager that allows updating
UpdatableItemStateManager |
An ItemStateManager that deals with state modifications.
Update |
Update operation passed in UpdateEventChannel .
Update |
Update ...
UpdateEventChannel |
Event channel used to transmit update operations.
UpdateEventListener |
Interface used to receive information about incoming, external update events.
UpdateInfo |
UpdateInfo encapsulates the request body of an UPDATE request.
UpperCaseImpl |
UpperCaseImpl ...
UpperCaseOperand |
UpperCaseOperand implements an upper case operand.
UpperCaseSortComparator |
UpperCaseSortComparator implements a FieldComparator which
compares the upper-cased string values of a base sort comparator.
UpperLowerCaseTest |
UpperLowerCaseTest performs tests with upper- and lower-case
URIValue |
A URIValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a URI value
(an absolute or relative workspace path).
UserAccessControlProvider |
Implementation of the AccessControlProvider interface that
is used to protected the 'security workspace' containing the user and
group data.
UserImpl |
UserImporter |
UserImporter implements a DefaultProtectedPropertyImporter
and DefaultProtectedNodeImporter that is able to deal with
user/group content as defined by the default user related node types present
with jackrabbit-core.
UserImporter.ImportBehavior |
Inner class defining the treatment of membership or impersonator
values pointing to non-existing authorizables.
UserManagerConfig |
User manager configuration.
UserManagerImpl |
Implementation Characteristics
UserPerWorkspaceSecurityManager |
Derived security manager implementation that expects that users information
is present in each workspace instead of having a single, dedicated
"security-workspace" that provides user information.
UserPerWorkspaceUserManager |
Derived UserManager implementation that allows to switch between autosaving
and transient change mode.
UserPrincipal |
A UserPrincipal ...
Util |
Util provides various static utility methods.
Utils |
Amazon S3 utilities.
ValueComparator |
Comparator for Value instances.
ValueConstraint |
ValueConstraint and its subclasses are used to check the
syntax of a value constraint and to test if a specific value satisfies
ValueFactoryImpl |
ValueFactoryImpl ...
ValueFactoryImpl |
Simple extension of the AbstractValueFactory that omits any
validation checks for path and name values.
ValueFactoryQImpl |
This class implements the ValueFactory interface,
wrapping an existing SPI QValueFactory and a
NamePathResolver .
ValueFactoryTest |
ValueFactoryTest tests the different ValueFactory.createValue methods.
ValueFormat |
ValueFormat ...
ValueHelper |
The ValueHelper class provides several Value
related utility methods.
ValuesProperty |
ValuesProperty implements DavProperty
providing utilities to handle the value(s) of a JCR property item resource.
ValueUtil |
ValuesUtil ...
VersionableResource |
VersionableResource represents an extension to the basic
DeltaVResource , that allows to adding version-control support.
VersionControlledItemCollection |
VersionControlledItemCollection represents a JCR node item and
covers all functionality related to versioning of Node s.
VersionControlledResource |
The VersionControlledResource represents in contrast to the
VersionableResource a resource, that has already been put
under version-control.
VersionControlledResourceImpl |
VersionControlledResourceImpl represents a JCR node item and
covers all functionality related to versioning of Node s.
VersionGraphTest |
VersionGraphTest contains test methods related to version graph
VersionHandler |
VersionHistoryHandler |
VersionHistoryHandler ...
VersionHistoryImpl |
VersionHistoryImpl |
VersionHistoryImpl ...
VersionHistoryInfo |
Simple data object that carries the identifiers of a version history node
and the related root version node.
VersionHistoryItemCollection |
VersionHistoryItemCollection represents a JCR version history.
VersionHistoryResource |
VersionHistoryResource represents a collection that has
all versions of a given version-controlled resource as members.
VersionHistoryResourceImpl |
VersionHistoryResourceImpl represents a JCR version history.
VersionHistoryTest |
VersionHistoryTest provides test methods related to version
history methods and general version history issues.
VersionImpl |
Base implementation of the Version interface.
VersionImpl |
VersionImpl ...
VersioningConfig |
Versioning configuration.
VersioningLock |
A reentrant read-write lock used by the internal version manager for
VersioningLock.ReadLock |
VersioningLock.WriteLock |
VersionItemCollection |
VersionItemCollection represents a JCR version.
VersionItemStateManager |
Specialized SharedItemStateManager that filters out NodeReferences to
non-versioning states.
VersionIteratorAdapter |
VersionLabelTest |
VersionManager |
VersionManager ...
VersionManagerImpl |
VersionManagerImpl |
VersionManagerImpl ...
VersionManagerImplBase |
The JCR Version Manager implementation is split in several classes in order to
group related methods together.
VersionManagerImplConfig |
The JCR Version Manager implementation is split in several classes in order to
group related methods together.
VersionManagerImplMerge |
The JCR Version Manager implementation is split in several classes in order to
group related methods together.
VersionManagerImplRestore |
The JCR Version Manager implementation is split in several classes in order to
group related methods together.
VersionResource |
VersionResource is a resource that contains a copy of a particular
state of a version-controlled resource.
VersionResourceImpl |
VersionResourceImpl represents a JCR version.
VersionSelector |
This Interface defines the version selector that needs to provide a version,
given some hints and a version history.
VersionSet |
This Class implements a version selector that is based on a set of versions.
VersionStorageTest |
VersionTest |
VersionTest covers tests related to the methods of the Version class.
VersionTreeReport |
VersionTreeReport encapsulates the DAV:version-tree report.
VFSBackend |
A data store backend that stores data on VFS file system.
VFSDataStore |
Commons VFS based data store.
VFSFileSystem |
VFS (Commons-VFS) based FileSystem implementation.
VirtualItemStateProvider |
This Interface defines a virtual item state provider.
VirtualNodeState |
This Class implements a virtual node state
VirtualNodeTypeStateManager |
This Class implements a workaround helper for populating observation
events for the virtual node states of the jcr:nodeTypes upon nodetype
registry changes.
VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider |
This Class implements a virtual item state provider that exposes the
registered nodetypes.
VirtualPropertyState |
This Class implements a virtual property state
VirtualValueProvider |
A VirtualValueProvider is used for virtual properties that
want to provide values dynamically.
WeakIdentityCollection |
WeakIdentityCollection implements a Collection with weak values.
WeakReferenceValue |
A WeakReferenceValue provides an implementation
of the Value interface representing a WEAKREFERENCE value
(a UUID of an existing node).
WebdavRequest |
The empty WebdavRequest interface collects the functionality
defined by DavServletRequest encapsulating
the core Webdav specification (RFC 2518) as well as the various extensions
used for observation and transaction support, ordering of collections, search
and versioning.
WebdavRequestContext |
Interface providing the minimum WebDAV request information associated with the current thread of execution.
WebdavRequestContextHolder |
WebdavRequestImpl |
WebdavRequestImpl ...
WebdavResponse |
The empty WebdavResponse interface collects the functionality
defined by DavServletResponse
encapsulating for the core WebDAV specification (RFC 2518) as well as the
various extensions used for observation and transaction support, ordering of
collections, search and versioning.
WebdavResponseImpl |
WebdavResponseImpl implements the WebdavResponse interface.
WeightedHighlighter |
WeightedHighlighter implements a highlighter that weights the
fragments based on the proximity of the highlighted terms to each other.
WeightedHTMLExcerpt |
WeightedHTMLExcerpt creates a HTML excerpt with the following
WeightedXMLExcerpt |
WeightedXMLExcerpt creates an XML excerpt of a matching node.
WildcardNameQuery |
Implements a wildcard query on the name field.
WildcardQuery |
Implements a wildcard query on a lucene field with an embedded property name
and a pattern.
WorkspaceAccessManager |
The WorkspaceAccessManager is responsible for workspace access.
WorkspaceCloneReferenceableTest |
WorkspaceCloneReferenceableTest contains tests for cloning
referenceable nodes between workspaces.
WorkspaceCloneSameNameSibsTest |
WorkspaceCloneSameNameSibsTest contains tests for cloning nodes
as same name siblings between workspace.
WorkspaceCloneTest |
WorkspaceCloneTest contains tests for cloning nodes between
WorkspaceCloneVersionableTest |
WorkspaceCloneVersionableTest contains tests for cloning
versionable nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceConfig |
Workspace configuration.
WorkspaceContentHandler |
WorkspaceContentHandler ...
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesReferenceableTest |
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesReferenceableTest contains tests
for copying referenceable nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesSameNameSibsTest |
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesSameNameSibsTest contains tests
for copying nodes as same name siblings between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesTest |
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesTest contains tests for copying
nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesVersionableTest |
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesVersionableTest contains tests for
copying versionable nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyReferenceableTest |
WorkspaceCopyReferenceableTest contains tests for copying
referenceable nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceCopySameNameSibsTest |
WorkspaceCopySameNameSibsTest contains tests for copying nodes
as same name siblings in one workspace.
WorkspaceCopyTest |
WorkspaceCopyTest contains tests for copying nodes in one
WorkspaceCopyVersionableTest |
WorkspaceCopyVersionableTest contains tests for copying
versionable nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceEventChannel |
Event channel for reporting workspace change events.
WorkspaceImpl |
A WorkspaceImpl ...
WorkspaceImpl |
WorkspaceImpl ...
WorkspaceImport |
WorkspaceImport ...
WorkspaceImporter |
WorkspaceImporter ...
WorkspaceItemStateFactory |
WorkspaceItemStateFactory ...
WorkspaceListener |
Listener for external workspace changes.
WorkspaceManagementTest |
WorkspaceManagementTest ...
WorkspaceManager |
WorkspaceManager |
WorkspaceManager ...
WorkspaceMoveReferenceableTest |
WorkspaceMoveReferenceableTest contains tests for moving
referenceable nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceMoveSameNameSibsTest |
WorkspaceMoveSameNameSibsTest contains tests for moving nodes
with same name siblings supported in one workspace.
WorkspaceMoveTest |
WorkspaceMoveTest contains tests for copying nodes in one
WorkspaceMoveVersionableTest |
WorkspaceMoveVersionableTest contains tests for moving
versionable nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceMoveVersionExceptionTest |
WorkspaceOperationTest |
Tests if workspace operations trigger the appropriate observation events.
WorkspaceReadMethodsTest |
WorkspaceReadMethodsTest ...
WorkspaceRecord |
Record for propagating workspace modifications across the cluster.
WorkspaceRecord.Action |
Base workspace action
WorkspaceResource |
A workspace resource is a collection whose members are related
version-controlled and non-version-controlled resources.
WorkspaceResourceImpl |
WorkspaceResourceImpl ...
WorkspaceRestoreTest |
WorkspaceSecurityConfig |
Representation of workspace specific security settings.
WorkspaceTest |
WorkspaceTest ...
WriterLogWriter |
WriterLogWriterProvider |
XAItemStateManager |
Extension to LocalItemStateManager that remembers changes on
multiple save() requests and commits them only when an associated transaction
is itself committed.
XALockManager |
Session-local lock manager that implements the semantical changes inside
XAReentrantLock |
A reentrant lock for synchronization.
XAReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock |
A reentrant read-write lock for synchronization.
XASession |
The XASession interface extends the capability of
Session by adding access to a JCR repository's support for
the Java Transaction API (JTA).
XASessionImpl |
Session extension that provides XA support.
XASessionImpl |
XASessionImpl extends the regular session implementation with
access to the XAResource .
XASessionInfo |
XASessionInfo extends the SessionInfo and provides
access to the XAResource of the session info.
XMLChar |
This class defines the basic XML character properties.
XMLChar |
This class defines the basic XML character properties.
XmlEntity |
XmlHandler |
XmlHandler imports xml files and exports nodes that have
the proper XmlHandler.XML_MIMETYPE defined with their content.
XmlnsContentHandler |
XMLPersistenceManager |
XmlSerializable |
XmlSerializable ...
XMLUtil |
XMLUtil ...
XPath |
XPathConstants |
XPathDocOrderTest |
Tests if the repository supports document order in XPath.
XPathJcrPathTest |
Tests if the jcr:path property is returned in the query result.
XPathOrderByTest |
XPathPosIndexTest |
Tests if the repository supports position index in XPath.
XPathQuery |
XPath Query
XPathQueryBuilder |
XPathQueryBuilder |
Query builder that translates a XPath statement into a query tree structure.
XPathQueryEvaluator |
This evaluator for Query s use XPath
and some minimal client side filtering.
XPathQueryLevel2Test |
Tests XPath queries on content written to the workspace by the test itself.
XPathTokenManager |
XPathTreeConstants |
XPathVisitor |
ZipHandler |
ZipHandler imports and extracts Zip files and exported nodes
(an their subnodes) to a Zip file.
ZombieHierarchyManager |
HierarchyManager implementation that is also able to
build/resolve paths of those items that have been moved or removed