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Jackrabbit Status December 2007

From the minutes of the Apache board meeting on December 19th, 2007:

Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170).

The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level issues at this time.


Apache Jackrabbit 1.3.3 was released in October.

We are currently working on the 1.4 release. Jackrabbit 2.0, with JCR 2.0 support, will likely be released next year.


Martijn Hendriks and Ard Schrijvers were added as a committers and PMC members.

The recent decision by the Apache Jakarta PMC to close the Slide project has brought a number of people interested in WebDAV to the Jackrabbit mailing lists. Most notably there is interest in extending and further developing the WebDAV client library in Jackrabbit. We may well end up working together with the new Apache HttpComponents project on this front.


The main development focus at the moment it on the 1.4 release, but there's already some work towards implementing the new JCR 2.0 features being specified by Jsr 283.

Once the 1.4 release is out we will need to decide when and how to split Jackrabbit into separate JCR 2.0 development and JCR 1.0 maintenance branches.

A sandbox project was started for prototyping the Jackrabbit Next Generation Persistence proposal that tries to address some long term architectural issues in Jackrabbit.


We have acquired a Confluence wiki space for managing our project web site but we have yet to migrate the web site contents.