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Usage Vault Console Tool (VLT)

NOTE: Parts of the following documentation are outdated and need review

The console tool is called vlt and has the following usage:

$vlt --help

Jackrabbit FileVault [version 3.5.7-SNAPSHOT] copyright 2013-2021 by Apache Software Foundation. See LICENSE.txt for more information.
  vlt [options] <command> [arg1 [arg2 [arg3] ..]]

Global options:
  -Xjcrlog <arg>                   Extended JcrLog options (omit argument for help)
  -Xdavex <arg>                    Extended JCR remoting options (omit argument for help)
  --credentials <arg>              The default credentials to use
  --update-credentials             if present the credentials-to-host list is updated in the ~/.vault/auth.xml
  --config <arg>                   The JcrFs config to use
  --useSystemProperties            Evaluating the default Java system properties for connection settings.
  --allowSelfSignedCertificates    Allows to connect to HTTPS repository urls whose certificate is self-signed.
  --disableHostnameValidator       Disables hostname validation for HTTPS repository urls.
  --connectionTimeoutMs <arg>      The connection timeout in milliseconds.
  --requestTimeoutMs <arg>         The request timeout in milliseconds.
  --socketTimeoutMs <arg>          The socket timeout in milliseconds.
  --proxyHost <arg>                The host of the proxy to use.
  --proxyPort <arg>                The port where the proxy is running (requires proxyHost as well).
  --proxyProtocol <arg>            The protocol for which to use the proxy (requires proxyHost as well). If not set proxy is used for both HTTP and HTTPS.
  --proxyUsername <arg>            The username to use for authentication at the proxy (requires proxyHost as well).
  --proxyPassword <arg>            The password to use for authentication at the proxy (requires proxyUsername as well)
  -v (--verbose)                   verbose output
  -q (--quiet)                     print as little as possible
  --version                        print the version information and exit
  --log-level <level>              the logback log level
  -h (--help) <command>            print this help
  export                           Export the Vault filesystem
  import                           Import a Vault filesystem
  checkout (co)                    Checkout a Vault file system
  status (st)                      Print the status of working copy files and directories.
  update (up)                      Bring changes from the repository into the working copy.
  info                             Displays information about a local file.
  commit (ci)                      Send changes from your working copy to the repository.
  revert (rev)                     Restore pristine working copy file (undo most local edits).
  resolved (res)                   Remove 'conflicted' state on working copy files or directories.
  propget (pg)                     Print the value of a property on files or directories.
  proplist (pl)                    Print the properties on files or directories.
  propset (ps)                     Set the value of a property on files or directories.
  add                              Put files and directories under version control.
  delete (del,rm)                  Remove files and directories from version control.
  diff (di)                        Display the differences between two paths.
  rcp                              Remote copy of repository content.
  sync                             Control vault sync service
  format                           Formats vault docview files.
  console                          Run an interactive console





Adding / Removing Files



vlt uses logback for logging. To adjust the logging configuration you can either use the cli option --log-level <level> or edit the logback xml configuration at etc/logback.xml for more granular settings.

Vault Sync

The vault sync service is used to synchronize repository content with a local filesystem representation and vice versa. This is achieved by installing an OSGi service that will listen for repository changes and scans the filesystem contents periodically. It uses the same serialization format as vault for mapping the repository contents to disk. For accessing the repository it uses an Apache Sling service (therefore can only be started when Sling JCR API and an according implementation bundle are available).

The vault sync service is a development tool and it is highly discouraged to use it on a productive system. Also note that the service can only sync with the local filesystem and cannot be used for remote development.

Currently it only supports simple files (nt:file) and folders (nt:hierachyNode) but detects special vault serialized files (.content.xml, dialog.xml, etc) and ignores them silently (JCRVLT-125). Thus it is possible to use vault sync on a default vlt checkout.

Installation and Configuration

The vault sync service is provided as bundle which needs to be installed in Oak (or any other sling runtime). Once the service is running it can be configured with the following parameters:

One or many local filesystem paths that define the sync roots.
Frequency (in seconds) of which the filesystem should be scanned for changes. default is 5 seconds.
General flag that enables/disables the service

Note: It is advisable to configure the service via a sling:OsgiConfig node with the name org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.sync.impl.VaultSyncServiceImpl. Once the service has configured sync roots it will initialize the sync root with the following files:
Per sync-root config
log file that contains information about the operations performed during syncing
filter that is needed to configure what portions of the repository are synced.

The vault sync service can also be installed using the vlt command line tool. See Vlt Integration below.


The sync filter has the format of a normal vault workspace filter. If the sync root lies on a vlt checkout, specifically points to a jcr_root directory of a such, then no .vlt-sync-filter.xml is initialized in the sync root, but the one defined by the respective vlt checkout is used. This is usually META-INF/vault/filter.xml.

This config has the following default content:

# Vault Sync Config File
# Note: Changes to this file are detected automatically if the Vault Sync Service is
# running and this directory is configured as sync root.
# Supported Properties:
# ---------------------
# disabled = ( "true" | "false" )
#     Defines if syncing of this directory is generally disabled. It can be useful
#     to disabled syncing temporarily if structural changes need to be done that required
#     several modifications.
#     defaults to: false

# sync-once= ( "" | "JCR2FS" | "FS2JCR" )
#     If non empty the next scan will trigger a full sync in the direction indicated.
#     JCR2FS: 'export' all content in the JCR repository and write to the local disk.
#     FS2JCR: 'import' all content from the disk into the JCR repository.
#     defaults to: ""

# sync-log = <filename>
#     Defines the filename of the sync log.
#     defaults to: .vlt-sync.log

A note to sync-one: This property is used to trigger a directional full sync between the repository and the file system (usinig JCR2FS) or vice versa (using FS2JCR). This is especially useful when installing vault sync for the first time or adding a new sync root. Allow a maximum of 5 seconds (or whatever you configured the sync interval to be) for a configuration change to be detected. Check the .vlt-sync.log or the error.log of your instance for progress or errors.

For example you started of a project directly in the repository using CRXDE Lite and now decide to use your local IDE for further development. After configuring the sync root and the filter, you would set the sync-once property to JCR2FS to get all your files created in the local sync root.

For example you start with a fresh repository and want to import local files that you retrieved from a SCM. After configuring the sync root and the filter (which should be under SCM, too), you would set the sync-once property to FS2JCR.


Once properly configured and running you should do an initial full sync to get system in a synchronized state. to do so, follow the notes above regarding the sync-once configuration property. After that each repository modification within the specified filter will trigger a repository-to-filesystem synchronization of the modified nodes (see initial note on supported serializations). The repository changes are applied almost immediately since JCR observation events are pushed to it's listeners.

On each sync interval, the service scans the filesystem for changes and eventually synchronizes the changes back with the repository. So allow a maximum of 5 seconds (or whatever you configured the sync interval to be) after you made changes to the local files.

Note: Be very careful on structural changes on the local filesystem as they might result in removing potentially large trees in the repository.

vlt integration

The vault sync service can be used standalone or together with a vlt checkout. using the later, using the later initialization is easy as executing: vlt sync on the command line. the following sync related commands are available by vlt (as of version 2.3.22):

$ vlt sync --help
 sync -v|--force|-u <uri> <command> <localPath>

  Allows to control the vault sync service. Without any arguments this command tries to put the current CWD under sync control. If executed within a vlt checkout, it uses the respective filter and host to configure the syncing. If executed outside of a vlt checkout, it registers synchronization only if the directory is empty.

    install      Installs the Vault Sync service on the remote server
    status (st)  Display status information.
    register     Register a new sync directory
    unregister   Unregisters a sync directory

  Most of the commands take an optional local path as argument which then specifies the sync directory. If the --uri is omitted it is auto-detected from the current vault checkout.

  Note: the vault sync service creates a in the sync directory. See the inline comments for further options.


  Listing sync roots of a server:
    vlt --credentials admin:admin sync --uri http://localhost:8080/crx status

  Add the current CWD as sync directory:
    vlt sync register

  -v (--verbose)      verbose output
  --force             force certain commands to execute.
  -u (--uri) <uri>    Specifies the URI of the sync host.
  <command>           Sync Command
  <localPath>         local path (optional)

installing the service using vlt

The vlt sync install command can be used to install the vault sync service bundle and configuration automatically. the bundle is installed below /libs/system/vault/install and the config node is created at /libs/system/vault/org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.sync.impl.VaultSyncServiceImpl. Initially the service is enabled but no sync roots are configured.


$ vlt --credentials admin:admin sync --uri http://localhost:8080/crx install

displaying the service status

The status command can be used to display information about the running sync service. Note that the status command does not fetch any live data from the service but rather reads the configuration at /libs/system/vault/org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.sync.impl.VaultSyncServiceImpl


$ vlt sync status --uri http://localhost:4502/crx
Connecting via JCR remoting to http://localhost:4502/crx/server
Listing sync status for http://localhost:4502/crx/server/-/jcr:root
- Sync service is enabled.
- No sync directories configured.

adding/removing sync roots

The register and unregister commands are used to add and remove sync roots from the configuration.

Example (executed in a vlt checkout):

$ vlt sync register
Connecting via JCR remoting to http://localhost:4502/crx/server
Added new sync directory: /tmp/workspace/vltsync/jcr_root
$ vlt sync status
Connecting via JCR remoting to http://localhost:4502/crx/server
Listing sync status for http://localhost:4502/crx/server/-/jcr:root
- Sync service is enabled.
- syncing directory: /tmp/workspace/vltsync/jcr_root

Quick setup

The most common task is probably installing the service and register the current vlt checkout as sync root. this can be done using the sync command without arguments.

Example (executed in a vlt checkout):

$ vlt sync
Connecting via JCR remoting to http://localhost:4502/crx/server
Starting initialization of sync service in existing vlt checkout /tmp/workspace/vltsync/jcr_root for http://localhost:4502/crx/server/-/jcr:root
Preparing to install vault-sync-2.3.22.jar...
Updated bundle: vault-sync-2.3.22.jar
Created new config at /libs/crx/vault/config/org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.sync.impl.VaultSyncServiceImpl
Added new sync directory: /tmp/workspace/vltsync/jcr_root

The directory /tmp/workspace/vltsync/jcr_root is now enabled for syncing. You might perform a ‘sync-once’ by setting the appropriate flag in the /tmp/workspace/vltsync/jcr_root/ file.