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LDAP Integration

Oak comes with a default implementation of an LDAP identity provider that allows perform external authentication against an existing LDAP in combination with user synchronization.

See section External Login Module and User Synchronization for a general overview of the ExternalLoginModule and how it can be used in combination with custom identity providers and synchronization handlers.

Default Setup

Out of the box Oak comes with the following LDAP integration setup:

  • LdapIdentityProvider: LDAP specific implementation of the ExternalIdentityProvider interface.
  • DefaultSyncHandler: Default implementation of the SyncHandler interface.
  • ExternalLoginModule: Login module implementation that allows for third party authentication as specified by the configured identity provider(s).

Characteristics of the Default Implementation

LDAP Identity Provider

The LdapIdentityProvider is a service implementing the ExternalIdentityProvider interface. Since Oak 1.6.1 it also implements the PrincipalNameResolver interface to allow for fast resolution from a given ExternalIdentityRef to a principal name as an optimization for the dynamic membership feature.

In an OSGi-base setup the configuration options required in order to establish connections to the LDAP are obtained form the properties associated with the service.

Otherwise the identity provider must be instantiated with the corresponding LdapProviderConfig object revealing the mandatory config options. The details of the LDAP configuration are listed below in section Configuration.

Combining Multiple LDAP Sources

Currently the only way to combine multiple LDAP sources is to have multiple entries of the ExternalLoginModule configured in the JAAS setup each coming with it's own identity provider implementation and sync handler.

See OAK-1839 for an improvement request that allows to have multiple identity provider implementations configured with the ExternalLoginModule.


Configure LDAP Integration

The following steps are required in order to configure LDAP integration with the Oak repository:

  • ensure ExternalLoginModule forms part of the systems JAAS Configuration
  • enable the LDAP IdentityProvider and make sure it's properly configured (see section LDAP Configuration below)

LDAP Configuration

The LDAP IPDs are configured through the which is populated either via OSGi or during manual Repository Construction.

Name Property Description
LDAP Provider Name Name of this LDAP provider configuration. This is used to reference this provider by the login modules.
Bind DN bind.dn DN of the user for authentication. Leave empty for anonymous bind.
Bind Password bind.password Password of the user for authentication.
LDAP Server Hostname Hostname of the LDAP server
Disable certificate checking host.noCertCheck Indicates if server certificate validation should be disabled.
LDAP Server Port host.port Port of the LDAP server
Use SSL host.ssl Indicates if an SSL (LDAPs) connection should be used.
Use TLS host.tls Indicates if TLS should be started on connections.
Enabled Protocols host.enabledProtocols Allows to explicitly set the enabled protocols on the LdapConnectionConfig.
Search Timeout searchTimeout Time in until a search times out (eg: ‘1s’ or ‘1m 30s’).
Admin pool max active adminPool.maxActive The max active size of the admin connection pool. When non-positive, there is no limit to the number of objects that can be managed by the pool at one time. A value of 0 disables this pool.
Admin pool lookup on validate adminPool.lookupOnValidate Indicates an ROOT DSE lookup is performed to test if the connection is still valid when taking it out of the admin pool.
Admin pool min evictable idle time adminPool.minEvictableIdleTime The minimum amount of time a connection from the admin pool must be idle before becoming eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor, if running (eg: ‘1m 30s’). When non-positive, no connections will be evicted from the pool due to idle time alone.
Admin pool eviction run interval adminPool.timeBetweenEvictionRuns Time interval to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread for the admin pool (eg: ‘1m 30s’). When non-positive, no idle object evictor thread will be run.
Admin pool tests per eviction run adminPool.numTestsPerEvictionRun The maximum number of objects to be examined during a single eviction run of the admin pool.
User pool max active userPool.maxActive The max active size of the user connection pool. When non-positive, there is no limit to the number of objects that can be managed by the pool at one time. A value of 0 disables this pool.
User pool lookup on validate userPool.lookupOnValidate Indicates an ROOT DSE lookup is performed to test if the connection is still valid when taking it out of the user pool.
User pool min evictable idle time userPool.minEvictableIdleTime The minimum amount of time a connection from the user pool must be idle before becoming eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor, if running (eg: ‘1m 30s’). When non-positive, no connections will be evicted from the pool due to idle time alone.
User pool eviction run interval userPool.timeBetweenEvictionRuns Time interval to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread for the user pool (eg: ‘1m 30s’). When non-positive, no idle object evictor thread will be run.
User pool tests per eviction run userPool.numTestsPerEvictionRun The maximum number of objects to be examined during a single eviction run of the user pool.
User base DN user.baseDN The base DN for user searches.
User extra filter user.extraFilter Extra LDAP filter to use when searching for users. The final filter is formatted like: (&(<idAttr>=<userId>)(objectclass=<objectclass>)<extraFilter>)
User id attribute user.idAttribute Name of the attribute that contains the user id.
User DN paths user.makeDnPath Controls if the DN should be used for calculating a portion of the intermediate path.
User object classes user.objectclass The list of object classes an user entry must contain.
Group base DN group.baseDN The base DN for group searches.
Group extra filter group.extraFilter Extra LDAP filter to use when searching for groups. The final filter is formatted like: (&(<nameAttr>=<groupName>)(objectclass=<objectclass>)<extraFilter>)
Group DN paths group.makeDnPath Controls if the DN should be used for calculating a portion of the intermediate path.
Group member attribute group.memberAttribute Group attribute that contains the member(s) of a group.
Group name attribute group.nameAttribute Name of the attribute that contains the group name.
Group object classes group.objectclass The list of object classes a group entry must contain.
Use user id for external ids useUidForExtId If enabled, the value of the user id (resp. group name) attribute will be used to create external identifiers. Leave disabled to use the DN instead.
Custom Attributes customattributes Attributes retrieved when looking up LDAP entries. Leave empty to retrieve all attributes.

SyncHandler and External Login Module

See External Login Module and User Synchronization for details about the external login module and configuration options for the DefaultSyncHandler.