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User Management : Differences to Jackrabbit 2.x

The default user management implementation present has the following characteristics that differ from the default behavior in Jackrabbit 2.x


  • changes made to the user management API are always transient and require Session#save() to be persisted.
  • In case of a failure Session#refresh is no longer called in order to prevent reverting other changes unrelated to the user management operation. Consequently it's the responsibility of the API consumer to specifically revert pending or invalid transient modifications.

Differences by Interface

  • stores user/group information in the workspace associated with the editing Session
  • the autosave feature is no longer supported by default; configuration option PARAM_SUPPORT_AUTOSAVE can be used to obtain backwards compatible behavior
  • calling getAuthorizable with empty id or null id/principal will not throw a runtime exception but silently returns null
  • Equality and HashCode : the implementation of Object#equals() and Object#hashCode() for authorizables differs from Jackrabbit 2.x. It no longer relies on the sameness of the underlaying JCR node but only compares IDs and the user manager instance.
  • Authorizable ID: the ID of authorizables is stored separately in a rep:authorizableId property. This value is returned upon Authorizable#getID. For backwards compatibility it falls back on the node name in case the ID property is missing.
  • Node Name: The name of the authorizable node is generated based on a configurable implementation of the AuthorizableNodeName interface. Default: ID as name hint. See section Authorizable Node Name Generation for details.
  • Creation: The password is no longer mandatory upon user creation.
  • Creation: createGroup(Principal) will no longer generate a groupID in case the principal name collides with an existing user or group ID. This has been considered redundant as the Jackrabbit API in the mean time added UserManager#createGroup(String groupID).
  • Group Members: The way many group members are stored with a given Group has been redesigned in Oak 1.0. See section Group Membership for a detailed description.


The user query is expected to work as in Jackrabbit 2.x with the following notable bug fixes:

  • QueryBuilder#setScope(String groupID, boolean declaredOnly) now also works properly for the everyone group (see OAK-949)
  • QueryBuilder#impersonates(String principalName) works properly for the admin principal which are specially treated in the implementation of the Impersonation interface (see OAK-1183).
  • QueryBuilder#impersonates(String principalName) respects the PARAM_IMPERSONATOR_PRINCIPAL_NAMES configuration option (see OAK-10173)

Additional Functionality

XML Import
  • Importing an authorizable to another tree than the configured user/group node will only failed upon save (-> see UserValidator during the Root#commit). With Jackrabbit 2.x core it used to fail immediately.
  • The BestEffort behavior is now also implemented for the import of impersonators (was missing in Jackrabbit /2.x).
  • Oak also supports workspace import for authorizables
Built-in Users
  • admin user can be initialized without password (PARAM_OMIT_ADMIN_PW config option)
  • anonymous user is optional (missing PARAM_ANONYMOUS_ID config option)
  • anonymous user is always initialized without password.
Group representing the Everyone Principal
  • the implementation of the optional special group representing the everyone principal is consistent throughout all group membership related methods.
Authorizable Actions

The former internal interface AuthorizableAction has been slightly adjusted to match OAK requirements and is now part of the public OAK SPI interfaces.

See the corresponding section for details.

Node Type Definitions

The built-in node types related to user management tasks have been modified as follows.

  • rep:Authorizable
    • new protected property rep:authorizableId
  • rep:Group
    • extends from rep:MemberReferences which provides the multivalued property rep:members
    • the child node definition rep:members has been deprecated and is no longer used
    • new child node definition rep:membersList

The following node type definitions have been added:

  • rep:MemberReferences : provides the multivalued rep:members property.
  • rep:MemberReferencesList

The following node type definition has been deprecated and will no longer be used:

  • rep:Members


The following configuration parameters present with the default implementation in Jackrabbit 2.x are no longer supported and will be ignored:

  • “compatibleJR16”
  • “autoExpandTree”
  • “autoExpandSize”
  • “groupMembershipSplitSize”